Google Drive Workflow Solution
Simplify Distribution of Class Resources & Submission of Student Work
Using Google Drive, teachers and students can exchange digital work seamlessly. Teachers create and share (view only) a folder or class resources, students make their own copy & edit it, then submit to the teacher via a Google Form linking their work. This also works for cloud-hosted work products where students have a link of their final work that can be shared via Google Form with the teacher. Click HERE for a YouTube video link showing this process.
Initial Set Up - Teacher
Folder & Form Creation
- Create & share "Class Resources" Folder in Google Drive with "View Only" sharing permissions for students to share class notes, worksheets, rubrics, etc.
- Create Google Form for "Student Work Submission" with a text field for assignment name and link to assignment that can be used all year!
Initial Set Up - Student
Folder Creation & Sharing
- Create a class folder
- Make a sub-folder called "Assignments" & share it with your teacher (edit permissions)
- Move "Class Resources" folder shared by teacher into newly created class folder
Digital Assignment Turn-In
Student Copies & Edits Assignment
- Student retrieves assignment from shared "Class Resources" folder
- Creates a copy & moves it into "Assignments" folder to edit
- Student edits file in Notability (iPad), Skitch/Evernote, or Google Drive
Student Submits via Link to Assignment through Google Form
- Student grabs link to completed assignment & copies to clipboard
- Via Google Form, submits work to teacher indicating assignment name & pasting link
Teacher View of Student Submissions
- Students appear as single row in spreadsheet
- Hyperlink to assignment - Google Drive or any linked work project (i.e. student-created videos, podcasts, Prezi, Glogster, etc.)
- Eliminated emailed assignments & organizes student work
Created by Jenn Judkins
Click HERE for YouTube video showing this workflow process w/ teacher desktop view + student iPad view.
Website: www.teachingforward.net
Twitter: @jennjudkins
Digital Work Submission using Google Forms