Tiger News September 8, 2023
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School year!

Welcome to the CMIT North Elementary Newsletter
Administrative Announcements
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School year at CMITNES!
Please see important information below.
Drop off procedures-https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IbVYT-ishYD0xKnakHluourcMXQJGpJj/view?usp=sharing
Parent Handbook-
We are excited to begin the 2023-2024 school year!
Principal Tiger Den Updates
Front Office
Please note, we have implemented a Google form for submission of absences/late arrivals and notes. This form is the only acceptable method of communication and must be utilized for reporting absences/late arrivals and uploading doctor/medical notes ONLY for your student(s). With the exception of COVID reporting in which an email in addition to the absence form must be sent to Nurse Ann (sally.warf@pgcps.org), Dr. Fryson (tfryson@cmitelementary.org) and Mrs. Virgil (evirgil@cmitelementary.org). Please click here to access the CMIT North Elementary School Absence Form: https://forms.gle/zoLQx9kZThEH8Gge6 to submit doctor notes, results and any absence notes. ABSENT NOTE SUBMISSION: Please complete this form within three (3) days once your child returns to instruction. Excused absences cannot be placed into SchoolMax until after the child returns to instruction. Family vacations and trips are not considered excused absences. Refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for further clarification regarding excused and unexcused absences. For quick reference, you may access the handbook at: https://offices.pgcps.org/student_rights_responsibilities.htm
Mrs. Virgil, Principal's Secretary
Nurse Updates
Immunizations must be up to date and received by the school nurse to prevent exclusion from school.
Medication Forms attached. Please hand carry newly prescribed medicines in pharmacy packaging, any adult may deliver to the nurse (appointments must be made)
Upcoming School Events
Summer Make-up Saturday Academy begins next Saturday, September 16th. This program is by INVITATION ONLY. Students must arrive by 9:00 a.m. and must be picked up by 11:00 a.m. Students may wear regular clothes on Saturdays. No materials are needed aside from a water bottle.
1st PTO meeting
We will be having our 1st PTO meeting of the school year on Wednesday, September 27th at 6pm. The meeting will be in person and via Zoom, pizza will be served!
We need you!
We will have another Used Uniform Sale during Back to School Night on September 12th. We are in need of FINGER PRINTED/APPROVED volunteers. Please click the link to signup to volunteer https://forms.gle/rk1zepqFTi46iunE9. You can also contact the PTO if you have any donations (in need of size medium and smaller shirts).
Important PTO information!
We have updated our website! Stop by and take a look, while you're there be sure to become a member of the PTO! https://www.cmitelementarypto.com/home
Stay in touch:
PTO Website Link: www.cmitelementarypto.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/CMITElementaryParentTeacherOrganization?fref=ts
when you like the page, be sure to hover over "liked" - you'll get a drop down box - click "get notifications" otherwise, we will not show up on your feed.
Text Updates via Reminder.com: Text @cmitespto to 81010
PTO Executive board
President - Adrienne Settles
Vice President - Angel Brown
Treasurer - Natasha Persaud
Corresponding Secretary - April Broadnax
Recording Secretary - Dominique Barnes
Teacher Representative - Celisa Glasper
Admin Representative - Michelle Crosby
We can be reached via email at cmitespto@gmail.com
Kind Kindergarten News!
Hello Kindergarten Families:
Our scholars are continuing to practice our routines and procedures, and our classroom and school wide expectations.
We are gearing up for our upcoming assessments. We will begin our MAP Reading next Monday and Tuesday, and our MAP Math on Wednesday and Thursday. We will have all makeups completed by Friday, September 15, 2023. Please make sure your scholar is well rested, eats a balanced breakfast daily, and comes to school on time.
Please make sure that you are connected to your scholar's ClassDojo along with your scholar's teacher’s email. Those are the best forms of communication between ourselves and your families. Please make sure that you are reading any messages via ClassDojo, class story, or emails pertaining to your scholar’s class.
Specials have begun; please be mindful of dropping your scholars off on time. There are two kindergarten classes that have specials that begin at 8:00 a.m. and the other two kindergarten classes have specials at the end of the day. It is important that your scholar attends school daily and on time, unless they are not feeling well.
We will have Back to School night on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 from 6p.m.-8p.m.
We are in the process of planning a fall field-trip, and we are looking forward to families volunteering as chaperones. If you are interested, please click on the link below and follow the procedures.
ELA: We will Introduce the letter/s/ Letter S sounds/ .Show the students the Ss letter card, and identify items that begin with the letter “Ss” Our sight words for the week are: “like, to, a.” They will use the words in a sentence and practice writing the words.
Social Studies: Learning and Working Together: We will Identify ways children act in school. We will discuss and recognize why people share and make good choices.
Math: We will also introduce sequence counting up to the number 5, and we will identify the number symbols. We will read, make and write 4 and 5 and say the numbers in standard order.
Science: We will discuss the different ways objects move. We will ask the question: Who knows what it means to push or pull an object? We will recognize through observations that we can move objects towards us and away.
Health: We will discuss the importance of covering your cough and sneeze, and how germs can spread.
Teacher emails:
First Grade
Fascinating First Grade News!
Hello Firstie Families!
Our second week of school has come to an end, and what an awesome week it was. Our first graders have done an amazing job! Next week MAP testing will be administered to all grades. It is important your scholar has a good night sleep, as well as breakfast.
Please remember to label all jackets and to bring a reusable water bottle daily.
Next week, we first grade will focus on:
Short vowels, Realistic Fiction, and verbs
Math: Adding and Subtracting within 10 , and Double
Science: Describing and Making Sound
Social Studies: Responsibilities of Citizens
Please note that Back to School Night is Tuesday, September 12 from 6p.m.-8p.m.
We hope to see you there!
First Grade Team
Second Grade
Spectacular Second Grade News!
We had a fantastic second week of school. Our scholars are adjusting to the daily routines, classroom procedures, and our schoolwide motto.. Next week, we will continue Unit 1 in reading titled, “You Are Here.” The big question for the unit is “How do different places affect us?" Throughout the week, we will focus on realistic fiction. The weekly question is, "How can people improve their neighborhoods?” The spelling pattern will be cvce. In Math, we will continue Topic 1: Fluently add and subtract within 20. In Science, we will explore Solids, Liquids, and Gases. In social studies. We will continue Chapter 1: Families Today and in the Past. We will also start MAP assessments next week.
Important Reminders:
Homework starts next week.
MAP Assessment
9/11 - 9/15
DRA Assessment
9/18 - 9/29
As we prepare for testing next week, we kindly ask that you ensure your scholar gets a good night's rest and eats a healthy breakfast. These simple steps can significantly contribute to their testing success.
We are thrilled to announce that we are scheduling our first field trip to the Pumpkin Patch. To become a chaperone, please ensure you've completed the volunteer checklist sent out by the school.
Back to School Night
9/12 (6pm-8pm)
Please join us for our Back to School Night. Together, we can ensure that your scholar's journey will be successful.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child's education. We are excited to continue this journey together.
Second Grade Team
Third Grade
Welcome to Third Grade!
In Reading, students will begin Unit 1: Lesson 2 Folktales. They will begin reading "Why the Sky is Far Away," A Nigerian Folktale.
In Social Studies, students will begin Lesson 2: Weather, Climate, and Forces of Nature.
This week in Math, scholars are finishing up our first topic where we have been using multiplication and division as equal groups and equally sharing. Expect our first test by the end of the week!
In Science, we are continuing our investigation into describing position and motion of objects.
Fourth Grade
Fantastic Fourth Grade News
The fourth grade team is looking forward to seeing everyone on September 12, 2023 at 6 pm for Back to School Night. During this time we will share the exciting things going on within our classrooms and discuss our grade level expectations.
Students will be taking their MAP assessment in Reading on Monday September 11 and Math on Thursday September 14. Please ensure that your scholar arrives at school on time as testing will begin directly after homeroom.
Next week in Reading, we will be analyzing details and generating questions in a biography. In Social Studies, we will be learning that weather and climate varies across regions in the United States. In Math, students will be studying place value relationships including comparing and rounding whole numbers. In Science, students will learn about energy speed and moving objects.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to your scholar’s teachers.
Have a great weekend!!
Enjoy your weekend!!
Fourth Grade Team
Fifth Grade
Fabulous Fifth Grade News!
5th Grade Team: Ms. T. McCants, Ms. D. McCants, Ms. Tellis, Mrs. Linton-Philp
Good day scholars! We had an adventurous week! Thank you for your hard work and dedication as we progress through the new school year! We are moving full steam ahead in excellence!
Next week, we will have our Back to School Night and we look forward to meeting with you and connecting with you personally. Our BTS Night will be on campus and begins at 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
MAP Testing and NWEA will begin for RELA on September 11th and 12th. NWEA Math will take place on the 14th and 15th. Please ensure your scholar is present, well rested, eats a healthy breakfast, and is ready for testing next week! Let's go tigers!
Subject Focus:
Students have been working on patterns with exponents and powers of ten, understanding whole-number place value, decimals to thousandths, and understanding decimal place value. They are excited to review the skills that they have learned in fourth grade. This week, we will compare decimals, round decimals, and use problem solving skills for looking for and using structure.
Students have been working on properties of matter. They enjoyed trying to figure out what was in the mystery bags last week and using their observations to discuss the properties of matter. We will continue using our science vocabulary to discuss and model matter this week.
Social Studies:
Great day Parents/Guardians!
This week, we have been continuing our get-to-know-you activities as well as discussing basic map features and our local communities. Next week in Social Studies, students will continue to work on Ancient American Indians civilizations. During these first few weeks, we will be understanding what food resources they used. We will also begin looking at the people who arrived in the Americas to meet the native people.
Tigers! Great job with learning an informational text, genres, and themes as we introduced Savvas Reader for 5th Grade. We are now working on "The Path to Paper Son" and analyzing details with the support of textual evidence. We are also learning the importance of context clues to help identify a word and its meaning. Great job scholars as you continue learning the skills of in depth comprehension. We will complete our progress check on Monday.
Great job Tigers!
5th Grade Team
Creative Arts
Superior Specials News!
We have been reviewing classroom norms and procedures last week. This weeks projects are focused on Safe and Brave Spaces and ways to express them visually on with their sketchbooks covers. Necessary materials include: Sketchbooks/Paper, pencils, and colored pencils or crayons.
Thank you,
Mr. Dorsey
Hello! K-2nd are having fun learning how music plays a huge part in the games we love! While 3rd-5th graders are having fun showing off their talents or playing instruments for the first time in my Music based Talent Show!
K-1: Scholars have been practicing Mouse skills.
2-5: Scholars have been practicing Home Row keys.
Good week to all! I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend. Our scholars will be playing a game called “Space Ball” in order to work on different physical abilities. Please remember to send scholars in comfortable clothes & sneakers to maximize safety. Thank you!
Scholars continue to be creative and doing their very best!!! We are learning foundational STEM skills. Students will be introduced to Virtual reality in the upcoming weeks.
Greetings! This week, scholars in Kinder will explore how pushing and pulling moves objects. In 1st grade, scholars are discovering how sounds are made. Second grade scholars are exploring various types of bridges and their purpose. Third grade scholars are using patterns to predict future motion of a ball that is in motion. Fourth grade scholars are exploring how speed, motion and energy are related. 5th grade scholars are exploring how matter changes states.
Creative Arts Team
Follow us on Social Media
Get connected! Follow CMIT North Elementary on social media. Follow us on Twitter @CMIT_Elementary Follow us on Facebook @CMITNorthElementary Follow us on Instagram cmit_north_elementary
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT Elementary School will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for elementary school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
The vision of CMIT Elementary School is to provide multiple opportunities for Prince George’s County elementary school students by developing an early interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). CMIT Elementary School will create expansive learning opportunities, hands-on activities, and course designs focused on STEM curricula that will connect real world experiences to Prince George’s County students.