LASD Board Highlights
June 6 and 13 Board Meeting Summary
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Violence Prevention in LASD
In the wake of the tragic and senseless violence in Uvalde, Texas, the Board heard a presentation from Sandra McGonagle regarding LASD's existing violence prevention strategies and suggestions to redouble our efforts in the upcoming school year.
Three key components comprise LASD's strategy:
- Emotionally safe, socially inclusive and intellectually engaging schools
- Violence prevention
- School preparedness
By providing strong learning settings in our classrooms and schools, as well as social-emotional and academic learning experiences, research shows students are successful, prepared and engaged with a strong sense of physical and emotional well-being. LASD achieves these goal through wellness programs, anti bias initiatives, engaging academic curriculum, and social-emotional curriculum.
Our violence prevention includes school psychologists, family engagement, county psychology partners at CHAC, and social/therapy groups.
School preparedness includes an anti bullying reporting system, violence prevention for staff, active shooter trainings and drills, and a threat and risk assessment system.
In the fall of the upcoming 2022-23 school year, the district will coordinate another district wide staff training on school violence prevention. In coordination with local law enforcement, our schools will hold active shooter drills in the fall. Finally, by partnering with our neighboring school districts, local law enforcement and families for a Town Hall meeting to engage our entire community around violence prevention.
For more information, please view item H.1. on our June 6th agenda online.
Board Adopts New Science Curriculum
LASD's Curriculum Council, comprised of parents--administrators, teachers and staff--recommended a new science curriculum last year. After piloting the new curriculum at all grade levels with great success, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the new science curriculum. To learn more about this engaging curriculum, click here to view example lessons from every grade level. For more information, check out item H.4. on our June 6th agenda online.
Expanded Learning Opportunities Update
Per California requirements, LASD will begin implementing the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) in the upcoming school year. The program expands after school and summer programs for school districts across the state. Next year, the program will be offered to all TK and Kindergarten students at their school sites, expanding each year until all grades TK-6 are included. A 9-hour day of engaging learning will be available on a free to sliding scale fee to serve all students who wish to participate.
LASD will implement ELOP with its partners at Champions, Children's House, and the YMCA to offer engaging opportunities for our students.
For more information, check out item H.5. on the June 13th agenda online.
Technology Purchase Planning
LASD's technology plan would be to phase out current computer labs and move to a universal system of devices available on a per-student basis. In TK, Kindergarten and 1st grade, iPads would be available on a 1:2 student basis, with chrome books available for each student in grades 2-8.
Additional technology would be available in iMac labs and MacBook carts for electives in the junior high schools. Elementary school and junior high school libraries would be equipped with new iMacs for student searching, research and checkouts. All district staff would also receive updated iMacs and MacBooks as needed.
For more information, please check out item H.9. on our June 13th agenda online.
Next Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Los Altos School District Board of Trustees meetings are open to the public at 201 Covington Road, Los Altos in our Board Room. To attend meetings remotely, please visit our Board web page and use the provided zoom link. Please note: public comment can only be provided in person at the Board meeting or via email at trustees@lasdschoos.org, but cannot be made online.
If you would like to stay updated regarding upcoming Board meetings, please email mbirnie@lasdschools.org, providing your name, email address and a request to be added to the email list for Brown Act updates, including upcoming meetings and agendas.
Los Altos School District
Website: www.lasdschools.org
Location: 201 Covington Road
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LASDK8/