Newsletter 1/25/24

Our mission is to be a welcoming and inclusive organization dedicated to the well-being and education of every student and a relevant resource for our North Creek families and community.
January 25, 2024
Upcoming Events
January 25-PTSA General Meeting, 7pm Zoom-Dr. McDowell will be there to answer YOUR questions.
January 26-JBC Winter Jag Rally, check out the Jaguar Booster Club FB page for details. 4pm, NCHS
January 29-NO School-Non-Student Day/Grading Day
January 31-PTSA Food Pantry Delivery, click here if you need food.
February 1-Pathways Choir Concert, 7pm
February 8-Virtual Career & College Night 6:30pm-8:30pm, details click here.
Washington State PTA Focus Day-Recap
On January 15, over 150 advocates from PTA went to Olympia to speak with legislators about many education topics such as school funding. NCHS student, Emily McKenzie testified on behalf of Washington State PTA on House Bill 1915 in Olympia, which would bring financial education to all students of Washington State K-12 and potentially require one semester of financial education for high school graduation requirements starting in 2029. Thanks Emily for your student leadership. If your student wants to learn more about advocacy they can reach out to our President, president@northcreekptsa.com
NSD Virtual College and Career Night
Northshore School District will host the 2nd annual Virtual College and Career Night on Thursday, Feb. 8 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
This event will be filled with valuable information to help families plan and navigate post high school options and is open to all NSD high school families. More than 15 virtual sessions will be offered. Topics include:
College Application Process
Paying for College, Transfer, Tech, and 2-Year Programs
Apprenticeships and Career Colleges
...and so much more!
All sessions will be recorded and available on YouTube in late February with language interpretation.
Thank you to all North Creek students who submitted art to the reflections program.
Congratulations to the following NCHS students for qualifying for state or earning a judges choice award.
State Qualifiers:
Malu Jagadeesh, 9th grade
Bryan Nie, 11th grade
Visual Arts:
Noah Lee, 10th grade
Aishwarya Kumaran, 10th grade
Jahnavi Shukla, 9th grade
Bhavyahshree Navaneetha Krishnan, 10th grade
Judge's Choice award:
Visual Arts
Divyata Bhattarai, 9th
PTSA Food Pantry for 2024
If your family is in need of food, please click the link below to see our delivery dates and to sign-up. The sign-up is an easy Google Form that takes only moments.
Intercultural Festival
Please save the date and join us for the annual NCHS Intercultural Festival on Friday, March 22, 2024, 5:30pm-8:30pm in the North Creek High School Commons. This event is being hosted by NCHS, NCHS PTSA, and NCHS Natural Leaders. The goal of this event is to bring the Jag community together in celebrating all aspects of the rich cultural diversity of North Creek High School.
Event details and registration form to participate can be found here: https://bit.ly/3NTNG3k
In partnership,
NCHS Intercultural Festival Committee: Tamorah Redshaw, Mayela Martinez, and Hanisha Bakshani
Class of 2024 Section
This section is where we will share important class of 2024 information each newsletter.
- Join the NCHS Senior Boosters on FB to learn more about fundraising events, the Grad party (Jag Night) and more! Jag Night Tickets on SALE now, click here.
- Don't forget to purchase a Yearbook through the ASB office at school, they are on sale now!
- Cap & Gown ordering, click here.
- Our school has a Graduating Class of 2024 website page, click here.
We all are working together to make their last year the best it can be.
Question? Email NCHS PTSA President, Barby Taheri, president@northcreekptsa.com
We serve the students of North Creek High School in the Northshore School District.
Like and Follow us on Facebook, click here.
This is a great resource to stay informed about upcoming events for North Creek High School. You do NOT need to be a PTSA member to be a part of this mailing list.