Principal Update
Mills Elementary | October 31, 2022- November 4, 2022
Please support our Schoolwide Fundraiser- Thursday is the Fun Run!
Donate directly to Mills here: https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fmyapexevent.com%2f99pbc3%3ftab%3dgetpledges&c=E
We look forward to implementing the instructional extras that the district does not provide, through teaching staff, enrichment and instructional programs and materials with our fundraising efforts.
Join your child Thursday, Nov 3 during their PE time for the APEX Fun Run!
**Please complete this Google Form for each individual who plans on attending the Fun Run Event: https://forms.gle/mD3tC5X4WJLW2uBe7
November is Kindness & Compassion Month
Our Mountain Lions are learning about and learning to use empathy and compassion. We are discovering that all day, every day, we encounter situations that invoke empathy. That in turn gives us an opportunity to respond to those around us in helpful ways.
We are learning that we can be encouraging, or supportive, show interest in others, share how we feel or just acknowledge the person and their needs. Empathy is the emotion associated with taking another person's perspective and Compassion is the action that naturally follows the empathy.
We will spend the month of November becoming experts in Compassion, with each Mountain Lion making one specific, intentional goal for personally showing compassion every day. Our classrooms will be filled with rich opportunities to learn, practice, and reflect on our compassionate choices.
November 13th is World Kindness Day!
These links are great for our home-school connection:
Human Sexuality & Responsibility (HSR) Info Session for Families
This was shared in last week's principal update:
This December, all Austin ISD elementary schools will be teaching the updated Human Sexuality and Responsibility content.
This year, parents must opt in for their children to participate in the Kinder-5th Grade health lessons. Please take time to familiarize yourself with the content and lessons which can be viewed at the link below.
Once the district provides the Parent Permission Forms you will have the option to opt in/out of each individual lesson. Students who opt out will be provided with alternative district-created lessons which will cover Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills.
We will be holding a Mills Parent/Caregiver Information Session on November 2nd from 5:30pm-6:30pm via Zoom to share information and answer any questions you may have regarding the district's requirement that schools teach HSR.
RSVP for the parent/caregiver info session here: https://forms.gle/VT9nNXGSfD51Whw99
Zoom link will be shared with parents/caregivers after RSVP
View the HSR lessons here:
Last day to RSVP to Mills-Giving!
RSVPs are required so that we have enough food and space. The last day to RSVP is Monday, 10/31. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Deric in the front office. https://forms.gle/AFHdijg19gYtZZLTA
Book Fair Volunteers Needed
Please consider volunteering some of your time: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0B4FAAAA2DA0F58-book3
Math Family Night is Coming Nov 9th!
What: Play Math Games enjoy time with other Mills Families
When: Wed, Nov 9 from 5:30pm-7:00pm
Where: Cafeteria/Gym
Extras: We will be raffling prize baskets! Taco Food Truck will have dinner for purchase beginning at 5pm! Snow Cone Food Truck will be here for snow cone dessert purchases!
Interested in volunteering for Math Night? Contact our PTA President, Christy Schneider at christy.millspta@gmail.com
Honor a Veteran at our Mills Veteran's Day Program, November 11th
This Week and Looking Ahead
October 31- Happy Halloween, Mountain Lions!
November 1- Dia De Los Muertos
November is Kindness & Compassion Month
November is Native American Heritage Month
November 2- Principal Coffee (Human Sexuality and Responsibility Caregiver Info Session), 5:30pm-6:30pm via Zoom (RSVP above)
November 3- APEX Fun Run (parents/caregivers invited)
November 4- Report Cards available in Parent Portal
November 7-November 11 Book Fair
November 8- ELECTION DAY-Student Holiday- Staff Professional Development Day (Book Fair Open)
November 9- Mills Family Math Night & Book Fair
November 11- Veteran's Day Assembly
November 13- World Kindness Day
November 14- November CAC Meeting
November 16- Educational Support Professionals Day
November 16- Pre-K Thanksgiving Performance 8am
November 16- UIL Campus Meet, 3:30pm-4:30pm (3rd-5th)
November 17- Thanksgiving Lunch
November 21- November 25- Fall (Thanksgiving) Break