Bermuda Bay Condominium Newsletter
November 2022
It's Time To Get Ready To Vote - Here Is What You Will Be Voting On In The Near Future
Explanations of the Amendments That Will Come To A Vote
The proposed amendments are listed on the PDF below these pages. This is the explanation in layman’s terms as to what each amendment means. You will be voting on each amendment change one by one. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the explanations and know what you are voting for. 75% is needed so YOUR VOTE COUNTS AND IS VERY IMPORTANT. Amendment V. (Five) is very important to pass if we want to extend balconies and lanais.
I. Amendment to Section 9, Paragraph 1: This Amendment updates the Declaration so that common expenses will cover any alterations or improvements to limited common elements or common elements that the Association may undertake.
II. Amendment to Section 12.02: This Amendment clarifies that each Owner is responsible for any limited common element balconies, patios, or enclosures, except for mechanical or structural elements originally installed by the developer, and each Owner is responsible for any other additions or improvements or other features added by the Owner, and eliminates ambiguity with respect to responsibility for maintenance of air conditioning units and other fixtures that may be located outside the unit but that service only that unit.
III. Amendment to Section 13.03, Paragraph 4: This Amendment allows the Board to adopt or amend fees or charges for the use of the common elements, including fees for the storage of oversized vehicles, boats, kayaks, and other storage uses. This would not apply to the ordinary parking of passenger cars.
IV. Amendment to Section 14.02: This Amendment allows the Board to approve an owner’s modification of the exterior of his or her unit.
V. Amendment to Section 14.03. There are two sections to this Amendment. The first section changes the required vote for material modifications to common elements from 75% of all Owners to 75% of those Owners who are actually voting. The second section allows for extensions of balconies or terraces for up to 9 feet from the rear wall of the unit, and allows for up to six feet of pavers. Note that approval is required for any alteration or extension on your unit. This Amendment must be adopted in order for the balconies under repair to be extended. If you currently have an extended balcony or lanai, it is not in compliance with the Declaration unless this Amendment is adopted! Under this Amendment, extended balconies or lanais (or pavers) that existed on or before Sept. 1, 2022 must receive an after-the-fact approval through an ARC application – further information on that process will be provided after this Amendment is adopted.
This Amendment also includes requirements for ARC approvals, requirements to have necessary permits for construction, and limits construction of lanais and balcony extensions to licensed contractors. As with the current Declaration, the Amendment includes the requirement that the Owner is responsible for the maintenance and repair of any extended balcony or lanai, and also specifies that no extension can block pathways or interfere with any other Owner’s entrances or access.
VI. Amendment to Section 14.04. There are three sections to this Amendment. The first section allows the Board to authorize alterations or improvements to common areas or limited common areas so long as the alteration or improvement does not cost more than $25,000. The second section allows the Board to authorize repair, replacement, or maintenance of any common area or limited common area, even if it involves a material modification, if the repair, replacement or maintenance is necessary! The cost cannot exceed $100,000 unless it is required by law or Milestone Inspection or Structural Integrity Reserve Study (in other words, to keep our property from falling apart). The third section states that in any other case of a necessary repair, replacement or modification (costing in excess of $100,000), a majority vote of Owners voting is required.
VII. Amendment to Section 17.07. When a mortgage holder takes ownership of a unit in foreclosure, this Amendment specifies that the mortgage holder continues to be responsible for all maintenance fees and assessments (including overdue maintenance fees) unless their responsibility is limited by law.
VIII. Amendment to Article 19. This Amendment updates the language to reflect current business practices, and eliminates the “right of first refusal” for leases. Subsection 19.01.12 limits any one person (or business entity or family) to ownership of three units at any one time. This will not affect current owners of more than three units. Section 19.02 allows the Association to impose a fee of up to $100 for approval of leases, and allows the Association to require a background check of tenants prior to approval, and prohibits leasing to a registered sex offender. Subsection 19.02.04 limits leasing to two of any owner’s permitted three units (in other words, any owner of multiple units must reside in (or use as a vacation home) one of them. Again, this will not affect current owners who may be leasing more than two units.
IX. Amendment to Section 26.01. This Amendment changes the voting requirement for future amendments from 75% of all Owners to 75% of those Owners voting.
So If You Have Registered To Vote On-Line- The Voting Process Will Be Easy
Owner Information, Documents, Work Orders, Meeting Minutes, Forms, etc.
Bermuda Bay Office Hours and Contact Information
Hours for the office : MWF - 7:00am - 3:30pm Tuesdays 7:00-2:30pm Th - 8:00am - 4:00pm
Admin will be in the office: M-F 9:00am - 1:00pm
There are no Saturday hours during the off-season
Current Contact information for the Board:
President - Tori Elvir - bermudabaypresident@gmail.com
Vice- President - Vivi Iglesias - bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer - Adriana Lein - bermudabaytreasurer@gmail.com
Secretary - Chris Boyd - bermudabaysecretary@gmail.com
Director-at-Large - Susan Hoffman - bermudabaydirectoratlarge@gmail.com
Property Manager: Josh McCollum, LCAM - bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Administrative Assistant: Christine Dickey - bbboffice@condominiumassociates.com
Committees at Bermuda Bay
Environmental Committee - Tom Shaw - fltshaw@yahoo.com
Review Committee- Patti Brazil brazil.patty@gmail.com
Social Committee: Marcia Montgomery, Gail Oliviera (Summer chair: Mary French)
skeets11@gmail.com gailoliveira61@gmail.com MaryLLLFrench@gmail.com
Beach Restoration Committee - Kerry Morrison Imzchef@comcast.net
Stair Committee - Tom Shaw fltshaw@yahoo.com
Courts and Sports Committee - Robin Ward - Rifkasema@gmail.com
Kayak/Trailer and Boat Committee - Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
Security Committee: Gy Lein gyora@me.com
Landscaping Committee- Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
The REVIEW OF DOCUMENTS COMMITTEE - Susan Hoffman susankatzhoffman@gmail.com
ARC COMMITTEE - Roger Daisley hrdaisley@gmail.com
PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE - Meredith Bordman mrkbdn@yahoo.com
The Budget Committee for the 2023 Budget: Christina Stokes, Karen Nash, Laurel Poletti, Payne Blair, Tori Elvir, Vivi Iglesias
Clout Tentative Schedule Information (Balconies)
Thank you to everyone who submitted their agreement and checks so far! With that being said due to the large number of agreements being mailed to the office the board would like to give everyone the opportunity to submit their documents by Tuesday Nov. 1, 2022. After that date the association will move forward with the agreements we have.
Drawings for Balconies
Attached are two pictures of the community that are color coded to match the SK Drawings document attached. These SK drawings are portraying all balconies being extended. New drawings will be done for buildings where one owner is extending and the other is not and will be available once completed.
The SK drawing attachment match up with the following colors and building numbers:
- SK-35 = Blue = Buildings # 45, 50, 51, 52, 54, 66, 67
- SK-36 = Purple = Buildings # 53, 65, 68, 72
- SK-37 = Yellow = Buildings # 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 70, 73
- SK-38 = Green = Buildings # 49 and 76
- SK-39 = Orange = Buildings # 75
- SK-40 = Red/Pink = Buildings #47, 48 and 58
Keep in mind some buildings are color coded on the site plan but do not get any work since they have "new" wood rear stairs.
The Budget Meeting will be held December 1 at 5:30pm.
New Annual Meeting date will be the Dec 21, at 5:30pm
The First Week of October Began With CleanUp from Ian
Hurricane Ian was one of the most powerful storms to hit the United States.
Hurricane Ian made landfall in southwest Florida just short of a Category 5 storm—the strongest classification on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. By wind speed, Hurricane Ian was the fifth most powerful storm to ever hit the country.
Evidence of the historic storm was clear in Hillsborough and Pinellas, but not catastrophic.
They found fallen trees blocking streets, branches dropped on cars and large signs for supermarkets and tourist attractions toppled — but, thankfully, not the widespread destruction they’d feared from one of the most powerful storms to ever hit the U.S.
“Lucky,” “fortunate,” “thankful” and “minimal” were the words repeated by local government officials as they updated residents on Hurricane Ian’s aftermath.
The Category 4 storm hewed to the experts’ final forecasts, decimating Florida’s Gulf Coast 100 miles south, but once again sparing Tampa Bay from a dreaded direct hit. Instead, Tampa Bay residents grappled with images of storm-surge-flooded homes in Charlotte, Lee and Collier counties and breathed an uneasy sigh of relief under startlingly sunny skies.
“I think our prayers in this area certainly were answered,” Tampa Electric Co. CEO Archie Collins said at a news conference alongside Tampa’s mayor. “Unfortunately, when you’re wishing a hurricane away from your own area, you may be inadvertently wishing it on somebody else.”
There were no known fatalities in Tampa Bay, but there was danger. Hillsborough County deputies braved 48 mph winds while cutting through a tree with chainsaws to free a person trapped underneath it, Hillsborough Sheriff Chad Chronister said at a separate news conference. Deputies rushed the man to the hospital, and he was expected to survive.
Officials urged caution during cleanup when danger from falls and downed power lines greatly increases.
The area wasn’t completely out of the woods. Residents along the flood plains of the Little Manatee and Alafia rivers in Hillsborough County were warned late Thursday to watch out for flooding that night and into Friday. A gauge near Wimauma showed the Little Manatee had reached “major flood” status by 4 p.m.
Northwest Hillsborough County received 1 inch of rain from the storm, said Emergency Management Director Tim Dudley, while the southeastern corner of the county got 12 inches.
The worst effect for most in Tampa Bay, though, was the lack of electricity to run refrigerators, air conditioners and devices.
The peak number of outages in the region reached above 500,000, or roughly one-third of all Tampa Electric Co. and Duke Energy customers in Pasco, Pinellas and Hillsborough.
Thousands of line workers brought in from across the U.S. were surveying the damage before sunrise. By evening, they’d made some headway. Duke customers without power numbered about 101,000 in Pinellas, and 5,000 in Pasco. Tampa Electric was down to 220,000 outages.
(Excerpts from Tampa Bay Times : Times staff writers Eduardo Encina, Natalie Weber, Dan Sullivan, Emily L. Mahoney, Sam Ogozalek, Gabrielle Calise, C.T. Bowen, Lauren Peace, Ian Hodgson, Kirby Wilson, Langston Taylor, Bernadette Berdychowski, Sharon Kennedy Wynne, Kelly A. Stefani, Olivia George, Jeffrey S. Solochek, Tracey McManus, Marlene Sokol, Helen Freund, Tony Marrero and Colleen Wright contributed to this story. 9/29/2022)
Here is the schedule of planned events as of this newsletter. Flyers are put on mailboxes to remind the community of upcoming events. This list is subject to change, so watch for email blasts, and reminders. The Social Committee is also looking for volunteers (renters and owners) that are interested in party planning, decorating, and clean up. Watch for meeting notices and come join us in the clubhouse to share ideas.
Chris Boyd – Board Liaison
Gail Oliveira – President
Marcia Montgomery – Treasurer
Michelle Lubotina – Secretary
1. Wine and Cheese Party 2nd Sunday 4-6PM
· November 13th
2. Bingo will be every other Thursday at 7:00pm
· 5 games for $5.00 the 6th game will be $1.00 (All money will be prize money)
· First game November 17th
3. Alternate Thursdays could be a trivia night
· Will reach out to John when he returns to BB – more to come on this
1. Bingo
· December 1st, 15th & 29th
2. Christmas Party
· December 10th 6-10PM
· Community needs to bring a NEW toy ($10.00) for Toys for Tots Pinellas County
· Donations will be accepted
· BYOD and dish to share
· Michelle to create flyer and email to BB front office to print out by 11/10
· Gail will hang flyers
· Anyone wishing to dive specifically into this party with more ideas, etc. contact Gail
3. Wine and Cheese 2nd Sunday 4-6PM
· December 11th
4. New Year’s Eve Party
· December 31st
· Social Committee to provide hot dogs for community
· Social Committee will look for music to be played during tree burning
1. Craft Day will be every Monday 10-12PM
· January 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23, 30th
· Contact Marcia 860-798-0899 for more information
2. Wine and Cheese Party 2nd Sunday 4-6PM
· January 8th
3. Bingo
· January 12th & 26th
4. 80’s Party
· January 28th 5:30-9:30PM
· JK Crum Entertainment will provide music and emcee 80’s trivia game
· Prizes will be provided by social committee
· BYOD and dish to share
1. Craft Day will be every Monday 10-12PM
· February 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
2. Wine and Cheese Party 2nd Sunday 4-6PM
· February 12th
3. Bingo
· February 9th & 23rd
MARCH 2023
1. Craft Day will be every Monday 10-12PM
· March 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
2. Wine and Cheese Party 2nd Sunday 4-6PM
· March 12th
3. Bingo
· March 9th & 23rd
4. Can-Am Games & St Patrick’s Day Party
· March 18th
· Will have another Social Committee meeting to talk about food, prep and games
5. Tag Sale
· Date and time TBD – Michelle will check to see when Broadwater is going to have theirs
Sea Critters was bought out
New owners Charles and Helen Collom recently bought the restaurant and rebranded it to "Red, White & Booze," while maintaining the bar-and-grill concept. The restaurant will be open daily from 11 a.m.-10 p.m.
The restaurant, located at 2007 Pass-a-Grille Way, is serving traditional seafood dishes such as fish & chips, crab cakes, calamari, and fresh fish. It also offers "Catch and Cook" for fishermen to being in their own fish and have it cooked.
The restaurant offers a full liquor bar, as well as live music every Friday from 5 p.m.-9 p.m. and every Sunday from 4 p.m.-8 p.m.
A press release touts new dock renovations, more improvements, and the retention of most of the Sea Critters' staff. "So they're all back together," said Helen. "We want to make this place even better."
(excerpt from Creative Loafing Tampa - Min Craig 10/12/2022)
No it's not the new owners, but Barbi and Russ decorating for Halloween
Meet Your Neighbors - James and Jaime Koutsos- 76 I
James and I met in 2015 at a Memorial Day pool party that was held at his house. I was not interested in going but was told by one of my girlfriends that it was absolutely necessary that I go because we were headed to a really nice pool at “a single old guys” house. Although the idea of going to a pool sounded great, I really wasn’t interested in dating or meeting any new men. I’m forever grateful that my friend dragged me kicking and screaming to James’ house, as it was “the old guy” that would later become my husband on February 14, 2019.
I received my Bachelor of Science degree in 2005 from Hood College in Frederick, MD. After graduating, I worked as a life skills facilitator and a case manager at Way Station, Inc., which is a Psychiatric Rehabilitation Day Program located in Frederick, MD. I enjoyed the challenge of working to improve the quality of life of individuals and families that struggle with mental health concerns.
After leaving Way Station, I transitioned to long term care and was employed as a Certified Activity Director at Northwest Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Baltimore, MD. I planned, organized, and implemented a variety of recreational activities for residents with mental and physical health concerns. After arriving in FL in 2018, I worked for Arcadia Resorts and was employed a Reservations Specialist, managing all aspects of guest accommodations. I got tired of working every single weekend and decided that I was going to follow my lifelong passion for dogs and became a full-time dog walker and animal caretaker. It has been 3 years since I began this adventure, and I haven’t been happier!
James majored in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management and obtained his Bachelor of Science degree from East Carolina University in 1989. He has worked in sales for over 30 years. He worked for Lucent Technologies in Baltimore, MD for 5 years selling business telephone systems, voicemail and computer networks. He saved enough money from this job to invest in multiple properties that he bought and sold over a 17-year period. In 2017, he sold everything and decided to rent a townhome here in Bermuda Bay. Since being in Florida, he has worked for several organizations including: Arcadia Resorts, Easy Rest Adjustable Sleep Systems, American Power and Gas, and for the last year has driven for Lyft.
James and I visited a friend who lived in N. Redington Beach, and it was after that trip, we decided that we wanted Florida to be our home! We knew it would be too expensive to live on the water/beach, so I suggested we check out some places in St. Petersburg. My grandparents had lived in St. Petersburg for over 30 years, and I knew it would be a nice town to look for housing. I hadn’t visited St. Pete in over 10 years, so I was shocked to learn how much it had grown since I last visited.
We moved to Bermuda Bay permanently in 2018 after renting a townhome in building 74 for a few months. We have always been beach and ocean lovers, so we thought it would be wonderful to have our own beach in our own backyard. Bermuda Bay is also convenient to other beaches and to downtown, so we couldn’t have gotten a more prime location. I loved Bermuda Bay so much that I encouraged my mother to purchase a condo here in June of 2021.
Some of our concerns include: pesticide application and the dangers to animals and humans and constant unexpected assessment costs.
In our free time, we enjoy spending time with our dog Mia and other dogs that live in Bermuda Bay (caring for and spending time with dogs takes up the majority of our time), trying new restaurants, listening to live music, biking, gardening, water skiing, photography, taking helicopter tours, shopping, taking beach horseback rides, and parasailing.
Tenting is complete for Building 59
They picked milkweed to help World War II flyers. Now they grow it to help monarch butterflies.
With a couple of burlap sacks slung over his shoulder, and with his pet German shepherd Fritz leading the way, third grader Clyde Seigler scoured the countryside of Brooke County in the West Virginia Panhandle searching for milkweed seed pods.
He laughed at the antics of Fritz as he bounded ahead of him through the open areas where, at that time of the 1940s, milkweed seemed to grow everywhere — along the roads, in ditches, and especially in the hayfields, where farmers would curse the weed.
'just a good thing to do'
Sometimes his younger brother, Ralph, would tag along with Clyde and Fritz, but it was hard for little Ralph to keep up.
Clyde easily could fill one or two burlap bags each trip with milkweed pods that looked like pickles — pale green with bumps on the skin — but what was inside those pods is what he was after.
In September and October each year, the pods would crack open to reveal brown, oval seeds attached to white silky fibers called floss.
Once the pods opened, when stirred by a little wind, the seeds attached to the fluff would float on the breeze like tiny parachutes. If the seeds landed in the right spot, a new milkweed plant would pop up in the spring. Judging by the amount of milkweed, the seed parachutes were an effective way to disperse the seeds.
When the call went out from the War Department in early 1942 to find a substitute for kapok, Berkman was ready. He believed milkweed floss would work better than kapok as a filler for life preservers. He presented his case for milkweed floss before a congressional agricultural committee in March 1942. Based on the tests conducted by Berkman and the Navy, the government declared milkweed a “wartime strategic material.”
Now with government funding and encouragement, Berkman set up a processing plant in Petoskey, Mich., and the call went out across the United States to gather wild milkweed. Boy Scouts, school children and even the Roman Catholic nuns at Holy Cross School answered the call.
During World War II, Pittsburgh children helped collect milkweed floss to use in soldiers' and sailors' life vests.(Courtesy of the Senator John Heinz History Center )
Soon sacks of milkweed were pouring into the Petoskey processing plant. The Navy initially requested 200,00 pounds of milkweed floss in 1942, then ordered another 100,000 pounds. Twenty pounds of milkweed floss was required, or roughly two bags full of pods, to make one life jacket.
The government came up with the slogan, “Two Bags Save One Life.”
Rear Adm. E.L. Cochrane, chief of the Navy’s Bureau of Ships, urged citizens “who want to contribute directly to victory and save the lives of American fighting men” to collect milkweed.
Although 85 species of milkweed grow in North America, the best fluff for life jackets came from the species Asclepias syriaca, or common milkweed, which grew profusely the Midwestern and Eastern states including Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania.
Incubator space for butterflies on Clyde Seigler’s farm.(Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
During World War II, Pittsburgh children helped collect milkweed floss to use in soldiers' and sailors' life vests.(Courtesy of the Senator John Heinz History Center )
After Clyde collected about 10 to 12 sacks filled with pods, his dad would toss them into a truck and haul them to Scott Run Elementary School, outside Follansbee, W.Va., where the Seigler boys went to school, and where the sacks would be turned over to the military.
All Clyde knew at the time was that the milkweed fluff had something to do with World War II — that it went into life jackets.
What he didn’t know was that an army of like-minded children was searching the countryside in 25 U.S. states, as well as in Canada’s Ontario and Quebec, to gather milkweed pods in 1942, ’43 and ’44.
Gathering milkweed was not just a public relations, feel-good project to involve children in the war effort. It was an essential part of winning the war.
The country urgently needed the silky floss as fill for life preservers and flight vests. Tests by the U.S Navy had found 1 pound of floss was as warm as wool, but six times as light, and it was six times as buoyant as cork. A pound of floss could keep a 150-pound man afloat for more than 40 hours. During the war, children such as Clyde Seigler collected enough floss to fill more than 1.2 million life vests for America’s fighting men and women, saving thousands of lives.
Prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, the fill for most life preservers and flight vests came from the island of Java in the Dutch East Indies, harvested from the pods of the ceiba tree. A cotton-like fiber called kapok also was water resistant and buoyant, but the Japanese captured Java soon after Pearl Harbor, cutting off the supply.
At the same time, the huge influx of men and women into the service required an abundant new source of fill for life preservers and flight vests, which were especially vital because much of the war was being fought over and in the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
An enterprising physician and inventor in Chicago named Boris Berkman came up with the solution.
Long an advocate of the many benefits of milkweed, ranging from making pressed board and insulation to surgical dressing, he had filed a patent application in 1939 for a milkweed gin to process the plant.
Demand for floss would increase exponentially. In 1943, the Navy alone ordered 1.5 million pounds of floss. By 1944, the war effort required 3 million pounds of floss, meaning the children and volunteers faced the daunting task of collecting 30 million pounds of milkweed pods.
Western Pennsylvania school children and volunteers went to work. The Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph newspaper launched a “milkweed drive,” offering $500 in prizes. An ad in the paper asked young people to become members of the Sun-Telegraph Junior Victory Army, who when they signed the pledge, would promise “that all of the precious milkweed in my neighborhood is not destroyed and that it is harvested at the proper time. I do this as my help in keeping the production life jackets for our fighting men at top peak.”
Hundreds of children signed the pledge.
Western Pennsylvania proved a good region for harvesting milkweed. Not only was the City of Pittsburgh surrounded by farm fields and sunny hillsides where milkweed thrived, but also the hardy plant also grew in vacant lots and along roadsides in the industrial heart of the city and the Mon Valley.
The Sun-Telegraph published photos of children from Duquesne Heights carefully constructing protective enclosures around wild milkweed growing in a vacant lot.
In another photo from the Sun-Telegraph, Medal of Honor recipient Marine Lt. Mitchell Paige shows children from West Mifflin how to care for and harvest milkweed.
As the demand for milkweed continued to grow, the government would often pay a bounty for the pods. The going rate became 20 cents a bag.
Reflecting on his days collecting milkweed in the West Virginia countryside, 84-year-old Clyde Seigler said he didn’t take any money.
“It was just a good thing to do. Everyone wanted to help the war effort. It was a serious time,” he said.
He remembers farmers contributing to scrap metal drives by pulling old rusty tractors out of fields — the same fields where milkweed flourished.
Not many people now remember the milkweed drives. Ralph Siegler, 81, didn’t find out the significance of World War II milkweed collection until this June when he stopped at the Carnegie Borough Building to pick up some free milkweed plants the borough was giving away as part of the Mayors Monarch Pledge, an effort by mayors in the United States, Canada and Mexico to restore habit for the monarch butterfly.
As people chatted about the benefits of milkweed, a Carnegie Shade Tree Commission member mentioned how milkweed helped saved the lives of American servicemen during World War II, triggering his boyhood memory of collecting milkweed with Clyde.
“I never knew what it was for,” he said, happy to find out that as a young child he had helped his country and played a role in saving lives.
He knows something about the importance of doing good and helping others.
For 33 years, he was the cameraman for the “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” show filmed at the WQED Studios in Oakland. “I did a little bit of everything, lighting, editing and camera work,” he said. “I was there from the first day until the last day of the show.
His brother Clyde, meanwhile, had a 40-year career at US Airways, where he worked as an airplane maintenance inspector.
Both men, now in their 80s, love to spend time outdoors, harkening back to their days growing up on 3 West Virginia acres, where their mother and father raised chicken, pigs and cattle to help feed the family.
Today Clyde, who lives in Clinton, and Ralph, who lives in Oakdale, still have a strong connection to the land.
Every year both men plant large vegetable and flower gardens on their property, and they also grow milkweed to help save monarch butterflies. Monarchs were recently placed on the endangered list by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
Milkweed, it turns out, is vital to monarchs. They lay their eggs on the plant, and its leaves are the caterpillars only source of nourishment before they build a chrysalis and emerge as new butterflies. Milkweed flowers also provide nectar to fuel the mature monarchs on their yearly migration from Mexico through the United States into Canada.
“When I found out the butterflies were endangered, I wanted to help out any way I could,” said Clyde, who grows milkweed on the 12 acres he owns in Clinton, where he also maintains several flower beds of nectar plants. One bed is 8 feet wide and 25 feet long and is filled with zinnias. “The butterflies are attracted to the nectar in the zinnia, then they lay their eggs on the milkweed plants,” he said.
Milkweed and Zinnia’s bloom on the farm.(Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)
Once abundant, milkweed is now relatively scarce in Western Pennsylvania and other parts of the country. Suburban sprawl has converted farm fields into housing developments and commercial districts. Indiscriminate spraying of herbicides kill milkweed along roadsides and railroad right of ways.
Monarch populations have fallen by almost 90 percent in recent years. Clyde Seigler said he noticed a drop in monarch numbers this year, but he and his brother are working with milkweed to help reverse this trend in hopes of saving some flyers of a different kind than they and thousands of other children helped more than 70 years ago.
(Robert Podurgiel - October 14, 2022 )
Our own monarch station at Building 76
A Word From Our Property Manager
Hello everyone! I’m coming up on my one year anniversary of being with Bermuda Bay and while there have been some difficult times, I have also had the opportunity and privilege of getting to know many owners and renters. I truly care about the people and property here. While I know this past year has been difficult on many owners, I would like for everyone to know that I am a neutral party and will make myself available to anyone to discuss their concerns about either their unit, the property, or anything thing else that comes up. I have decided that I will be returning for at least another year to see these big projects come to completion. It's important that Bermuda Bay sees me as a stable presence in the office that understands (to the best of my ability) what’s going on in the community. Below are some areas of attention I would like to put more time into in the next few months.
- Irrigation/Landscaping
- Violations- unregistered cars, dogs, and other miscellaneous things
- Security
- Researching solutions for plumbing and water issues
As always I appreciate the opportunity to be your Property manager/ Project manager and look forward to helping bring Bermuda Bay back to its full potential.
Joshua McCollum, LCAM
Community Association Manager
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Email: bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Website: https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/cinc/home/
Location: Bermuda Bay Beach and Racquet Club, 4201 38th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711, USA
Phone: 727-864-0735
Twitter: @BermudaBayStP