BJHS News & Notes
Branson Junior High School
Email: bronnb@branson.k12.mo.us
Website: https://www.branson.k12.mo.us/jh
Location: 263 Buccaneer Boulevard, Branson, MO, USA
Phone: 417-334-3087
Twitter: @BransonJH
BJHS Families,
June 2019
There is still plenty of time to get involved in school activities camps as well as strength & conditioning opportunities this summer. See the Summer Calendar for 8th grade strength and conditioning times, 7/8 grade open field and gym opportunities, and 7/8 summer sports camp dates, which are for both incoming 7th graders and returning 8th graders. Please call 417-334-0387 if you have any questions about how to get involved.
Online enrollment opens July 8 for all student learners returning for the 2019-2020 school year. This process streamlines district procedures and provides our families with a more convenient way to share enrollment information with the district. Enrollment forms will be accessed through the Parent Portal. Please call 417-334-3087 if you need assistance.
Also on July 8, a special Accessibility Plan BJHS News & Notes will be sent explaining the Branson Schools expansion of school-to-home Chromebook use for 7/8 grade student learners. Online Amazon and Walmart links for the preferred Case-it binder w/Chromebook pocket will be included in the announcement. The Branson Walmart Supercenter will also be ordering a large quantity of the preferred binder for in store purchasing. The checking out of Chromebooks as well as School Picture Day photos will take place on the second day of school, Thursday, August 15, during your child's PE class. Lifetouch Picture ordering information will also be made available later this summer.
Thursday, August 1, is class schedule pick-up day at BJHS. 7th graders may pick-up schedules from 7:30-11:00 a.m., while 8th graders may pick-up schedules from Noon-3:00 p.m. Online enrollment for all student learners returning to the district must be completed in order to pickup a class schedule. Also, for 8th graders, your state of Missouri required school immunizations must be completed, with an updated shot record turned in to the school nurse in order to pick up a class schedule. See the following link for help with receiving immunizations or requesting an exemption https://tinyurl.com/y4k84dxo.
Tuesday, August 13, 6:00 p.m., is 7th grade Parent & Student Learner Orientation in the main gym. Tuesday, August 20, 6:00 p.m., is 8th grade Parent & Student Learner Orientation in the main gym.
Wednesday, August 14, is the first day of school. The front doors open at 7:00 a.m. for car riders, while buses begin arriving and dropping off student learners at 7:05 a.m. The school day at BJHS is 7:40-2:40 p.m., Monday-Thursday, 7:40-1:40 p.m. on Friday.
Thank you and enjoy your summer,
Bryan Bronn, Ed.D.
Branson Junior High School