Hometown School Newsletter
October 18, 2022
Bencik's Buzz
Hometown Families:
Thank you to all of the families that attended parent teacher conferences. There were many great conversations and we hope all of the families were able to see all of the great work our students are doing.
Please remember to dress your child in warm clothes. We will be going outside for recess until it is 32 degrees out.
If your child is sick, please keep them home and call the office with the absence by 9am. We do not want to spread any germs to others.
Picture Retakes
Our picture retakes will be tomorrow. If you are wanting your child's photo retaken you must bring back the original pictures.
Unity Week
We will celebrate Unity Week this week. Please see the flyer for information on dress up days.
Drug Free Week
Our student council will host a drug free week starting next week, October 24th. The flyer attached will have the different days listed for dress.
Students will be able to come in costumes for our half day on Halloween. We will have a parade for students and parents to view outside weather permitting. If we have bad weather, we will have the parade in the gym. After the parade, teachers will have Halloween activities for their classrooms. If you child would like to bring non-eatable items to pass to the class they may do so. We will not have parents running activities this year.
Leaf Raking
Our district will host the Leaf Raking event on Saturday, November 12th from 9-12. If you are interested in volunteering to rake or know of families that need their homes raked, please see the flyer or email the district has sent with details.
End of the day reminders
Please remind your older children if they are picking up a younger sibling they should walk straight to get them and not stop off anywhere. We do not want our younger grades waiting for their older siblings. Students should not be stopping at the park after school without an adult. At the end of the day, students need to go home to check in with family and then may return to play in the park.
Family Bingo
We are looking forward to hosting Family Bingo at the end of the month. Please RSVP to reserve your spot to play. The flyer is attached.
Cheesecake Pick-up
Just a reminder that cheesecake pick-up will be next week Wednesday, October 26th from 2:30-3:45pm in the MPR room.
Arrival Procedures
Please make sure students are not walking through the parking lot when arriving at school. Students should be using the pathway as to stay safe. Vehicles are pulling into the lot and we want everyone safe. Also, as you are standing with your child please remember we have little ears listening. Profanity is frowned upon.
Pre-K Parents
When picking up and dropping off students for the day, please park on Kolin Ave. and not in the parking lot. The parking lot is for our staff or anyone with a pass.
Hometown Grade Spotlight: Pre-Kindergarten
“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.” – Fred Rogers
The laughter fills the room where the littlest Hornets come each day. This year, our blended Early Childhood program has 15 little friends in the AM and a different group of 15 in the PM classes. The students are working together to build friendships, they are learning to share, and they are learning through exploration. Each day, students enter the preschool room, and they get opportunities to play at the water table, the kitchen, build puzzles, and even work on gross motor skills in gym and down the hallway. It is amazing to see these children learning responsibility through classroom jobs. The month of September was spent learning routines and classroom rules. Moving into October, these kiddos will focus on community helpers and pumpkins. We look forward to watching these Hornets grow.
Arab American Family Services
Hometown Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hometown
Location: 8870 S Duffy Ave, Hometown, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @d123hometown
Principal Hometown School
Email: abencik@d123.org
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @AmandaBencik