Whaling News
Message from Principal Hernandez
Dear Lido Family,
This is my FAVORITE month of the year because we celebrate KINDNESS with our students and staff. This month we kick off with World Read Aloud Day on February 1st and on February 3rd we are asking our students and staff to wear red in recognition of American Heart Month.
February is American Heart Month many of you may have heard of Damar Hamlin, he is a football player for the Buffalo Bills. On January 2, 2023, during a Week 17 Monday Night Football game against the Cincinnati Bengals, Hamlin collapsed on the field and required immediate emergency medical treatment. First responders initiated CPR, automated external defibrillation (AED), and other treatments to Hamlin on the field for ten minutes. Hamlin has since begun his journey to recovery and this month he introduced the Damar Hamlin #3 CPR Heart Challenge. I have taken the 3 Heart Challenge and have challenged my staff and family to do the same. My third challenge request is for our Lido Family. I hope you join us in participating in the heart.org/3 challenge. Knowing CPR can save a life.
This month we are also kicking off PARP week (Pick A Reading Partner Program). Please join Mr. Webel and I for a virtual read-aloud on Monday, February 27th at 6 PM. We will send a notification of the virtual link before the event.
We will also celebrate Global Play Day, P.S. I Love You Day, the 100th Day of School, Kindness Week, President's Day, and Winter Break this month. Please continue to read the newsletter below for information on all of these events.
Thank you for your continued support. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher and/or Mr. Webel or myself (Dr. Hernandez) if you have any questions and/or concerns.
Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.
- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
We are Lido Strong and Lido Proud!!
World Read Aloud Day - Wednesday, February 1st
Click here to also access some of our families read aloud.
Thank you to our Lido family for your read aloud contribution!
Lido Spirit Day - Friday, February 3rd
Take the Damar Hamlin's #3forHeart CPR Challenge: heart.org/3
Global Play Day - Monday, February 6th
Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain development. It is through play that children at a very early age engage and interact in the world around them.
Learning Waves
Dr. Hernandez Favorite Books
Use the links below to listen to a read-aloud of some of Dr. Hernandez's favorite books.
Grumpy Monkey Valentine Gross-Out
When Jim Panzee hears Oxpecker cooing over her doting boyfriend on Valentine’s Day, he has just one thought: Gross. But Jim finds out that not everything about Valentine’s Day is hearts and kisses. Jim learns there are different types of valentines and many kinds of love, such as love for a parent or for friends. Click here to access the read aloud.
Say Something
The world needs your voice. If you have a brilliant idea... say something! If you see an injustice... Say Something! Click here to access the read aloud.
Hidden Figures: The True Story of Four Black Women and the Space Race
Lido Stem Newsletter
P.S. I Love You Day - Friday, February 10th
100th Day of School - Monday, February 13th
Kindness Spirit Week - Monday, February 13th - Friday, February 17th
Lido Safe Zone
Drop Off Lane:
When you come to the drop off lane, be sure to let your child/children exit your car on the curb side (right side). You cannot park and leave your car in the drop off lane. Please do not double park or create two drop lanes, near the drop off lane for the safety of students and staff. If you would like to walk your child/children to school please park your car in the parking lot.
As a friendly reminder, please be sure to stand in the walker zone during dismissal. Students will not be allowed to walk to the parking lot area without an adult. We also ask that students are not taken off their line without notifying their teacher first for the safety of all students.
Visiting Lido:
Whether you are visiting our school, heading to the nurses office, or need to do an early pick-up, please be sure to go to our security in our main entrances and bring photo ID.
Winter Recess - School Closed - February 20th - February 24th
Lido Loves
On the first Friday of each month, we celebrate Spirit Day by wearing our Lido gear or Lido color (blue) to show our school pride. Please visit https://lidospiritwear.com/ to purchase your Lido gear!
Our students participate in our Social Emotional program Choose Love each week. This month we will focus on courage. Please visit https://chooselovemovement.org/ for additional information
Pre-Kindergarten month at a glance:
Unit: How Structures Are Built
Letters: Lowercase/writing n, m, i, u, c, o
Math: Counting and Cardinality
Numbers 11-15
Measurement and data
Science: Structures
Nursery Rhyme: Little Miss Muffet
Choose Love: Gratitude
Save the Dates:
February 1st - Pre-K PTA Sweetheart Dance 5:00-7:00
February 2nd - Groundhog Day
February 14th - Valentine’s Day
February 14th - Board of Education Meeting at 7 pm
February 17th - Random Acts of Kindness Day
Prekindergarten PTA News
PreK Information Night
Thursday, Feb 9, 2023, 06:00 PM
Principal of the Day
Lido Habitat Enrichment Class
Principal of the Day
Lido PTA News
Kindergarten Information Night
Thursday, Feb 9, 2023, 07:00 PM
Contact Us
Email: ihernandez@lbeach.org
Website: www.lbeach.org
Location: Lido Elementary School, 237 Lido Boulevard, Lido Beach, NY, USA
Phone: (516) 897-2141
Twitter: @LbnyLido