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Pony Express
In this Edition
NEW featureed items will be in BOLD
- School Calendar
- Safe Safe Mustangs
- Counselor Corner- '23-'24 Choice Sheets in ELA this week, For 8th Gr--Akins Academy Showcase, How to Contact Your Counselor
- Art In Action- Each week we will feature student Art
- Athletics-8th grade Girls Soccer, Girls Lacrosse
- PTA News
- From AISD--Events and News
School Calendar for Week of January 9-15
Monday,1/9/23 No School
Faculty and Staff Planning and Preparation
Tuesday, 1/10 B Day---5,6,7, ACES, 8
First Day of Semester 2
All students report to ACES for 10 minutes to pick up a copy of their schedule
4:00 Girls Soccer Tryouts
Wednesday, 1/11 --A Day1,2,3,ACES, 4
4:00 Girls Soccer Tryouts
5:00 Girls Lacrosse Meeting in Library
5:30-6:30 Parent and student meeting - Wednesday Jan. 11th 5:30-6:30 in the cafe
Join Remind - Text @campoh23 to 81010
Follow on Instagram - @camp_ohenry
Thursday, 1/12 B Day---5,6,7, ACES, 8
4:00 Girls Soccer Tryouts
Friday, 1/12 A Day1,2,3,ACES, 4
6:00 Orchestra Smash Tournament
Next week:
No school on Monday, 1/16--Camp O. Henry Leaves at 10:00 am
Schedule will be a BABA week
Stay Safe Mustangs
Thank you to those who also remember not to park in staff parking lots as buses and delivery vehicles are also coming and going. Mustangs are often crossing these lots on their bikes and by foot to meet families parked on the streets during pick up. Thank you for keeping us all safe.
Save the Date - Choice Sheet Presentations
January 10th & 11th - current sixth graders will fill out their choice sheet in ELA. These are the first two days back from break!
January 12th & 13th - current seventh graders will fill out their choice sheets in TX History.
Need to Reach Your Counselor
You can email at ohenry.counselors@austinisd.org
Girls Soccer Tryouts
We will have tryouts on January 10th, 11th and 12th after school from 4:00pm to 5:00pm. We will be taking 18 girls on the A - Team and about 20 on the B - Team.
If you are interested in playing for the O. Henry Girls Soccer Team this year, please fill out the following survey. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScdEKM5ZjbxUUVH07Kse2KWS69WWdZmSVYIM8sAgGMc8LgLhg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Please fill out the form below prior to O. Henry Girls Soccer Tryouts. We will be having tryouts on January 10th, 11th and 12th. We will be taking 18 players on the A-Team and 20 players on the B-Team this year. Our first game will be the morning of Saturday, January 21st. Thank you!
Our schedule is also attached.
Come to tryouts with athletic clothing (it may be cold), cleats, shin guards and water.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Coach Gray - scott.gray@austinisd.org
Girls Lacross
Welcome to a new season of AY Girls Lacrosse! All Coaches and the supporting board members of our club are excited to start the spring season. There will be no app, email will be the main form of communication this season.
AY Girls Lacrosse Parent/Player Information Night
- When? Wednesday, January 11th at 5pm
- Where? O.Henry Middle School Cafeteria
- Who? Plan to have a parent and player attend the meeting
Season Schedule
- Practices - Mondays & Wednesdays 5-6:30pm
- Start Date - January 18th
- Location - Austin High School
- Games - Full schedule to come soon
General Information
- Expectations of those student athletes participating in Lacrosse are no different than what is expected of any other sport.
- Players, Coaches, Officials and anyone else involved in the program or game are expected to be treated with respect.
- Players are expected to attend every practice and game unless excused by the Head Coach.
- Players failing to attend practices or games and/or acting in a way that is not appropriate for the program will be released from the team.
- Lacrosse (Girls and Boys) is currently a Texas Non-UIL Sport (No state school governance or support).
- The club receives no financial support from AISD or any other school/athletic body.
- The club is only able to operate through player dues and fundraisers (To be discussed at the Parent/Player Meeting).
- The club needs volunteer support to operate (To be discussed at the Parent/Player Meeting).
- To participate, each player must have a current physical completed on AISD forms.
- Physical Form Link: https://www.austinisd.org/sites/default/files/dept/pe-health/docs/2022-23-Physical-Form-English.pdf
- To participate in games, each player will need to have an active USA Lacrosse Membership (If currently expired, please renew.).
- Membership Page Link: https://www.usalacrosse.com/membership
- Need advice on equipment?
- Check out our Lax 101 Highlight on our Instagram and give us a follow! https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/18006234619469591/
I know that is a lot of information. If you have questions, please email any of those listed below, and we will coordinate to ensure you receive a response from the appropriate person.
Allison Thierry
AY Girls Lacrosse Head Coach
Todd Tidmore
AY Girls Lacrosse Coach & League VP
Marth Small
AY Girls Lacrosse Liaison
Budget Community Conversations
Wednesday, January 11, 2023.
Spanish from 12:00pm-1:00pm
English from 6:00pm-7:00pm
We will host several in-person meetings throughout January, February and March to further talk about the 2023-2024 budget. Stay tuned for more information.
Únase y comparta con su comunidad sobre la próxima discusión del presupuesto 2023-2024 de Austin ISD. Consulte a continuación las sesiones programadas:
Miércoles, 11 de enero de 2023.
Español de 12:00pm-1:00pm
Inglés de 6:00pm a 7:00pm
Organizaremos varias reuniones en persona durante enero, febrero y marzo para hablar más sobre el presupuesto 2023-2024. Estén atentos para más información.
Captial 10K Mustang Team
Hey Everyone,
Please join the O. Henry team and run the Cap10K with us! Click the link below to register. You can find our team under "O. Henry Middle School." School teams are comprised of staff members and students. I know some of our cross country runners plan to run with us. Please extend the invite to any students you think may be interested in joining the team. The price is currently $35 and it will increase on 12/5. Let me know if you have any questions!