Lanakila Baptist High School
January 2020
Happy New Year!
Report Cards
For those few students who were unable to make a passing grade in one or more classes, summer school will be available for them to make up the credit. Please note, however, that no student can make up multiple credits in the short time of summer, so please encourage your child to put in the extra effort this semester!
Students Return to School - Tuesday, January 7
Staff Changes
Awards Chapel - January 8
Open House - January 17
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No School - January 20
New Cell Phone Policy - 7th & 8th Graders
You should have received the New Cell Phone Policy in the mail along with your child's report card. Please check the appropriate box, sign it and have your child turn it into their homeroom class by Friday, January 10th. A form must be returned for all students whether they have a phone or not.
High School students, 9th-12th graders, will still have the privilege of carrying their phones during the day but must abide by the cell phone policy in order to maintain that privilege.
*A copy of the Cell Phone Policy is also attached to this newsletter.
Attendance & Tardies
*A copy of the Attendance Policy is also attached to this newsletter.
Contact Us
Email: michelle.hecker@lbswarriors.org
Website: www.lbswarriors.com
Location: 91-1219 Renton Road, Ewa Beach, HI, USA
Phone: (808)681-3146