BES Wildcats ROAR
Week of Monday, August 21 through Friday, August 25
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Information will go out next week regarding joining the BES PTO and our first school fundraiser. Our PTO has done some wonderful things for our students and staff, and wants to continue that work this year. Our fundraisers will be for student field trips and we would like to add to our existing playground equipment. As these trips are planned and budgets are created, information will be sent home. Joining the PTO is a wonderful way to support your child and our school community! GROW Together: One Steam at a Time!!
3rd grade is learning....
Review Addition and Subtraction
Mathematicians will review Addition and Subtraction of numbers up to 999. Foundational skills include understanding Place Value (Ones, Tens, Hundreds), counting numbers, and read/write/represent numbers.
What is Science?
Map Skills
Here are some free websites that you can access at home for read aloud support!
3rd Grade Schedule Overview
8:05 Tardy Bell Rings
Morning: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Lunches (Recess is before lunch for all classes)
10:45 Miss Cantrell
10:50 Mrs. Whelchel
10:55 Mrs. Will
11:00 Mrs. Phenicie
11:10 Mrs. Blackwell
Special Areas: Art, Music, Library, PE, Guidance, iReady Lab
Afternoon: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Dismissal @ 2:25
4th Grade is Learning...
Place Value and Comparing Numbers
Scientists and Engineers
Identifying Oceans and Continents
ELA: Story Elements
4th Grade Schedule Overview
8:05 Tardy Bell Rings
Morning: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Lunches (Recess is before lunch for all classes)
12:15 Mrs. Hamright
12:10 Mrs. Ham
12:05 Mrs. Comer
11:45 Mrs. Norman
11:50 Ms. Seay
12:00 Mrs. Harr
Special Areas: Art, Music, Library, PE, Guidance, iReady Lab
Afternoon: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Dismissal @ 2:25
5th Grade is Learning...
Place Value and Decimals to the Thousandths
What are the properties of different materials?
Western Expansion
ELA: Story Elements
5th Grade Schedule Overview
8:05 Tardy Bell Rings
Morning: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Lunches (Recess is before lunch for all classes)
11:15 Mrs. Yeargin
11:20 Mrs. Brown
11:25 Mrs. McRobie
11:35 Mrs. Phillips
11:40 Mrs. Porter
Special Areas: Art, Music, Library, PE, Guidance, iReady Lab
Afternoon: Whole Group Instruction, Small Groups, Interventions and Resource Supports
Dismissal @ 2:25
Weekly Reminders :)
- Please support your child by ensuring that their laptops ae charged every day for school!
- Please turn in a note if your child is out of school for any reason.
- Please send a note if there is a change in transportation. This note should include the child's first and last name, the change requested, length of the change, and a parent/guardian signature.
- Pick-up for the Kids Club is in the back loop. Car riders are picked up in the back loop until 2:45. Please do not pick-up up from Kids Club before 2:45. Parents are required to sign their child out from Kids Club.
Blacksburg Elementary School
Email: shelton.clinton@cherokee1.org
Website: https://bes.cherokee1.org/o/be
Location: 402 Hardin Street, Blacksburg, SC, USA
Phone: 864-206-6518
Facebook: facebook.com/BESWildcatsROAR