Crusader Times
February 10, 2020
Bonita Vista Middle School
Welcome to Bonita Vista Middle School - Home of the Crusaders! Thank you for visiting our newsletter. In this edition we bring to you our school highlights and a glance at events coming up. Additionally, we are now accepting newsletter submissions. If you have any content you'd like to be featured, please submit by clicking here. Enjoy this edition of the Crusader Times. Go Crusaders!
Words from our Principal
The second semester is off to a great start! There is so much talent to celebrate at BVM. Congratulations to our Winter Sports teams for representing BVM with pride this season. Boys' Basketball will be playing in the final game on Friday the 14th at 11am at Montgomery High School. Best of luck to our boys!
In this newsletter we celebrate our scientists, musicians, and athletes.I would like to thank all of the coaches and advisors for their tireless efforts in teaching our young Crusaders how to be champions!
Next week we will celebrate our Straight A students, students with Perfect Attendance, and our Rising Stars. Every student has the potential to stand out at BVM. I am so proud of our students and they continue to impress me daily.
Parents/guardians, this is a very important reminder that we do not have supervision on campus before 7:30 am, even though the gates are open. The library opens for quiet study and tutoring at 7:00 am and some teachers may be available, but our campus assistant arrives at 7:30 for supervision. You should be aware that students often leave campus after you drop them off to visit the shopping center, canyon, and other local places. Please have conversations with your students about your expectations if you drop them off at school early. We want all students to have a safe place in the mornings, so our gates will continue to be open, but we also need to set clear expectations. Thank you for your support.
This weekend is Presidents' Day Weekend and we will have a 4 day weekend. Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you all have a little extra time to spend time with the people you love.
Teresa Kramer
Bonita Vista Middle School
School Highlights
District Honor Concert Band
Front row left to right: Amira Alramadan (flute), Andrew Najjar (trumpet), Caitlyn Dwyer (trombone)
Back row left to right: Aidan Omelina (tuba), Sean Almonares (tenor sax), Mateo Millan (trombone), Jesse Terrado (alto sax), Ruby Deckman (clarinet)
Here is a complete list of the awards our Crusaders took home:
4th Place:
Olivia Degodoy
3rd Place:
Juliana Thornton
Stefania Garcia
Adam Armas
Darian Orozco
Emilio Cisneros
Stephanie Liang
2nd Place:
Hayden Marquez
Isabella Matias
Kaito DeRosales
Ethan Copon
Jayce Tortona
Richie Rojas
1st Place:
Cameron Brooks
Isabella Garcia
Evelyn Sugapong
Lucas Fouch
And a special congratulations to Lucas Fouch for winning the District Sweepstakes award!
We are so proud of all of our Crusader scientists. Watch for the next round of science fair results as some of our students move on to the county competition!
Salk Institute at BVM
On February 4th-6th the Salk Institute brought scientists to do a hands on lab that focused on cells and genes with some of our 8th grade students. Thank you to the 8th grade science team for making this happen!
BVM Teacher of the Year
Together for Education
It's an honor to begin our partnership with CVESD principals as we work together to transition our students to middle school. What a great addition to our team!
round table winners
The winning team of the Round Table Review in Ms. Bauer's class celebrates their victory.
Crusader basketball
BVM girls' basketball took on the Tritons in the semi-final game. Unfortunately they got edged out by just one point! What a great season for these ladies. Go Crusaders!
Crusader Soccer
Fun Fridays at BVM- Winter Sports Assembly
Future Crusaders
Our counseling team is making visits to our nearby elementary schools to invite students to become part of the Crusader family next year.
Twin day
Our very spirited Crusaders dressed up in pairs for our twin day! What a fun way to show school spirit!
Wifi Troubles? Try this:
Home Wi-Fi connection tips:
Clear Safari history daily!
Go to Settings -> Safari -> Clear History and Website Data -> clear
Student iPad home Wi-Fi instructions:
1. You must connect to your own home Wi-Fi first
2. Tap on the iBoss SUHSD Login app
3. Login with-
Username: student ID
Password: 8-digit birthdate
Username: iboss
Password: suhsd1
4. Successful login will take you to sweetwaterschools.org (keep this page open)
5. Safari and apps will now work from home
Print here.
School Information
Parent/Community Information
Now Accepting Newsletter Submissions!
Bonita Vista Middle School
The mission of Bonita Vista Middle School, a dynamic learning community with a tradition of academic excellence, is to empower students to succeed in middle school and beyond through a system of learning distinguished by:
- A rigorous and relevant curriculum.
- A broad range of opportunities that support student success.
- A climate that promotes strong parent, community, staff and student collaboration.
- A safe and nurturing environment that embraces diversity.
- A school culture that promotes personal integrity.
Email: teresa.kramer@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: bvm.sweetwaterschools.org
Location: 650 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: 619-397-2200
Facebook: facebook.com/Facebook
Twitter: @WeAreBVM