Mills Elementary School
October 30, 2023 - November 3, 2023
October 31: Come to School Comfy & Cozy!
November: Kindness Month
Kindness Makes the World Go Round
Greetings Mountain Lion Parents,
On November 13th, Mills will celebrate World Kindness Day with the rest of the world. In fact, Mills Elementary will celebrate kindness for the entire month of November!
Here's what the experts are saying about kindness:
It’s never too early to start teaching children to be kind! Not only does kindness contribute to a happier and more connected society, it also has many other benefits, including:
Increased happiness
Serotonin boosts
Less stress
Improved focus
Deeper interpersonal relationships
Kindness is often thought of as an inherent personality trait, but experts say that it’s a skill that can and should be taught just like any other.
During this past Friday’s SEL assembly, some of our 4th grade students helped kick off this special time of year by presenting skits that they wrote themselves to demonstrate various ways that kindness can be experienced and felt each day. Throughout November, classes will enjoy videos, books and other activities that provide opportunities to show kindness to those around us.
We hope your family will choose to celebrate with us by practicing kindness at home and around the neighborhood. Please check out the link below for ways to spread kindness to those around you. The link has a list of “kindness challenge” activities for kids to do. When we spread kindness, it inspires others to do the same. You might even create a family calendar of events to keep track of your acts of kindness! Additional activities can be found at the bottom of the link.
Mills Mountain Lions Celebrate Kindness
Please don’t forget…Mills families are also practicing kindness as a family by contributing to the canned food drive at school. That is a very thoughtful act of kindness that we are doing for people we do not even know.
TX Department of Public Safety (DPS) Reminder
Use of a wireless communication device is prohibited in a school zone unless the driver is using a hands-free device or the vehicle is stopped, according to Texas Transportation Code. Statewide, drivers face $200 tickets if caught using cell phones in school zones while the car is in motion.
The Constable's office makes am and pm visits to our campus and have shared that they will be monitoring safe driving in school zones.
While in your car, please be mindful of walkers, students serving as safety patrol, school staff helping with arrival/dismissal safety, and those on bikes. Thank you for your support to help keep Mills safe.
Did Somebody Say Book Fair?
Dear Parents,
Book Fair is coming soon! We are thrilled to host a "Wild About Books" themed Book Fair during the week of November 4th-10th.
1) In an effort to make this fair as secure and easy as possible for all our students, staff members, and parents, this will be a NO CASH book fair. We're asking parents to please set up a Scholastic eWallet account for their children HERE. It's easy to create an eWallet for your student. Simply add funds or invite family and friends to contribute. It provides a safe, cashless way for students to shop for their own books in person and provides a secure contactless check-out. Scholastic recommends using Chrome as your browser and creating the eWallet using a computer instead of your phone.
2) This year we're kicking off our Book Fair on Saturday, Nov. 4th from 10am to 2pm during the Fall Festival. We'll be open Monday (11/6), Tuesday (11/7) and Thursday (11/9), from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Parents may purchase books using credit cards, debit cards, or eWallet accounts. Also, on Wednesday, November 8th we'll close at 3:00pm, but then re-open from 5:30-7:00pm for our family night event. Local vendors Rosemary's Baked Treats and Kona Ice will be at Mills that evening as well. It should be a fun night for our Mills community!
3) All students will be coming to the Book Fair with their classes at a scheduled time during the week of November 6th-10th. We ask that if your child plans to purchase books at school, their eWallet account is set up by Monday, November 6th. To make shopping easier for your child, you can determine which items you'd like to purchase ahead of time by browsing the interactive book flyer HERE or looking at this LIST of books that will be included at the Book Fair.
Please reach out to our librarian, Sarah Rasmussen, with questions. All Book Fair proceeds will benefit the library. Thank you for your help in making this a fun, safe, and successful event!
Celebrate Mills' 25th Birthday at the Fall Festival on Nov 4!
Fall Festival tickets are on sale online until tomorrow October 31st- purchase yours now ( In person tickets will be available purchase at the Fall Festival ticket booth).
We still have a handful of volunteer positions available and we need your help, so please consider signing up!
🗓 Dates to Remember
10/31- Have a Safe & Happy Halloween- Pajama/Cozy Clothes Day at School
11/4- Mills Fall Festival 10am- 2pm
11/6-11/10- Book Fair Week
11/7 & 11/8 3rd Grade Field Trip Texas State Cemetery
11/8 & 11/9- 5th Grade Field Trip iFly
11/10- PreK Field Trip to Austin Zoo
11/13- Student Holiday (No School)
11/15- 4th Grade Choir Concert
11/16- Fall Picture Retakes
11/16- PreK Thanksgiving Program
11/16- Thanksgiving Luncheon "Mills-Giving"
11/20-11/24- Thanksgiving Break