Bobcat ROAR
Bale Faculty/Staff Weekly Newsletter August 23, 2020
Happy First Day of School Eve!
Teachers, there are several items to claim your attention. Please go through each section carefully. Some of the information is for your knowledge while other items will need to be tended to as soon as possible.
Use the attached Bale Homeroom Teacher Welcome Letter below to send to your class list today. If you plan to be in the building today, you can access your list through eSchool. This letter lends well for grade level teams to work together to get the letter out. COLLABORATE! :-)
Now, take a deep breath...we will BLAZE through this together!
#BaleandBeyond - Principal Browning
Bale's Best
Mrs. Richardson - Persevering through multiple parent phone calls and class list changes.
Mr. Davis - Helping EVERYWHERE! Hanging bulletin board paper, supporting colleagues with room prep, AWESOME Attitude!
Mrs. Holley - Motivating several teachers as she supported the PD and classroom preparation work.
Tech Team: Mrs. Pouncy-Tech Coordinator, Mrs. Beverly, & Mrs. Green - Their courageous and honorable acts to process all of our tech needs the past two weeks has been like a well oiled machine.
Bale's Best Continued
Mrs. Pouncy & Paraprofessionals - Persevered through a grueling schedule to get devices out to our parents/students. A special shout to Mrs. Pouncy for honoring the process (she developed) to maintain the integrity of device output when there were challenges.
Custodial Team - Mr. James and Ms. Ruby worked this weekend to ensure our building is ready for our Bobcats.
Mrs. Breedlove, Mrs. Richard, Miss. Jetton (intern) - Fantastic team spirit, attitude, & honor as they created our "Day In The Life Of A Bobcat" video (you'll see today during Bobcat Blitz) and setting the standard for our physical distancing paw prints in the hallway and cafeteria.
Blazing Bale Champions
Use the "Shout Out" Bulletin Board in the Lounge Hallway if you notice Bale staff members engaging in our CHAMP characteristics.
See you at Bale’s Virtual Bobcat Blitz Zoom
3:00 - 3:07 Welcome and Zoom Norms (allow wait time for late arrivals of parents to enter Zoom)
3:07 - 3:10 Meet & Greet Slide Presentation
3:10 - 3:25 A Day in the Life of a Bale Bobcat
3:25 - 3:55 Parent/Student Q&A (in the chat feature) M. Holley & T. Pouncy will support
3:55 - 4:00 Closing remarks from principal
Sunday, August 23, 2020
3:00 – 4:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 809 606 7551
Passcode: Bobcats
LRSD Teacher Access: Literacy Curriculum & Literacy Essential Standards
This message is for English teachers throughout all grade levels. The literacy curriculum and essential standards are ready for you. They have been uploaded into Schoology. Here are the steps to accessing the resources:
1- Log in to Schoology
2- Select 'Groups' in the top blue bar
3- Select 'My Groups' at the top right
4- Under 'Manage Groups' click on the 'Join Group' button
5- Enter the access code
Elementary Literacy Group Code - 4W3Q-K2KF-RP34K
If you have any questions, please contact Sherry.Chambers@lrsd.org or Jamie.Trost@lrsd.org
Virtual Student Lessons 1st Week of School
The LRSD Curriculum and Instruction (C&I) team built lessons for virtual students for this week. If you would like to access any of the materials that will be used with virtual students you may do so by following the steps below.
PLEASE NOTE: If you do NOT see the uploaded materials, please let the C&I team know ASAP here. They will work to get everyone straightened out as quickly as possible, please excercise patience. You may use these materials with your in-person students if you choose. I encourage you to do so.
Specialty teachers will not see students at this time - the C&I team is working on a fix for specialty teachers.
The C&I team will host video conferences with virtual students on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. During these sessions they will be making sure students can access and navigate Schoology as well as submit assignments. As principal, I will receive a record of attendance in these zoom sessions.
If you have any issues with accessing the materials please contact our building Schoology Ambassador for support. *T. Beverly, L. Green, and T. Pouncy*
Steps for Accessing Virtual Lessons in Schoology
1. Start by Joining the group titled LRSD Virtual Lessons
o Groups>My Groups>Join Group
o Access code is 9T33-D83X-HPD9B
2. Add Resources into Your Course
o Go to the course you want to add the lessons to
1. Click on Materials
2. Click on Drop Down Arrow – Add Materials
3. Click on Import from Resources
4. On the left hand dashboard, click on Group
5. Find the LRSD Virtual Classes and click on the course
6. Find your grade level folder in the open box.
7. Click on name of your course.
8. Choose the lessons and click on the lessons or folders.
9. Click on Import
Additional Virtual Student Information
Attached you will find the parent letter that went out to parents of students who were in eSchool as of Friday morning, 8/21/20. Of course we had parents to switch to virtual after that time and that information did not process until Saturday morning. Therefore, those parents may not have received the information in the attached documents.
Mrs. Richardson and I will work to make sure ALL parents that switched late through our office receive the information. In case we miss someone, please feel free to share the information in the attachments with parents as they call stating they called the school to switch OR if they desire to switch their child to virtual.
Also attached is the list of students who are virtual according to the report from eSchool. If we have students switch to virtual next week we may still be able to get them plugged in. Please generate a list of names in one Google Document by grade level and share with Mrs. Richardson and I.
Finally, for those who are wondering about meals for our virtual students, a survey went out for students to indicate their need for meals during the school day. We will feed our virtual students as a grab and go from the cafeteria door.
LRSD Update to FAQs
The following information was originally developed 08/17/20
Student and Parent Access To Schoology
The direct link between eSchool and Schoology is being established this week. Once it is fully functional then all teachers will see their students and courses in Schoology. Any lessons or resources that are currently being built will be maintained and can be moved over once the link is established.
Students and parents will access Schoology through Classlink. A how to guide is here.
Each student (virtual and in person) must be provided with an access code so their parent can access their students information. Each student only needs ONE access code. To print access codes see directions here. Elementary should send home codes through the homeroom teacher, middle and high should send home through the English teacher.
Schoology Parent Info
Tuesday Aug. 18th (English) and Wednesday Aug 19th (Spanish) we are hosting a FBLive event for parents to get more information about Schoology. We have an Ambassador from elementary, middle and high helping with the event. There are informational videos for parents found in the how to guide here. SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH YOUR PARENTS.
Materials to send home
● WRS AND JUST WORDS Guidance - here
● Guidance around manipulative kits for math is coming.
● CONSUMABLES - send home what the student will need in order to participate in instruction.
● ELEMENTARY ART KITS: The elementary art kits for virtual learners will not be ready until all materials can be included. We are awaiting materials on backorder for the original estimated number of 2,750 students. The current number of virtual students exceeds that number requiring more materials to be ordered. I understand principals would like to distribute art materials to parents this week as they deliver student devices, but that is an outside chance. I will keep you appraised of a delivery time. Please pass this information along to the anxious principals. Thank you for your support of the arts in public education. I.J. Routen, Ed.D.
Virtual Lesson Expectation
● A team of LRSD teachers planned and record digital lessons that were pushed out by grade level inside of Schoology for the first two weeks of school. These lessons are provided to help teachers ease the transition into the school year. Teachers will have the option to use these resources or create their own for virtual students.
● Classroom teachers are expected to take the content and load it into their course inside of Schoology for their virtual students.
● Classroom teachers are expected to video conference with their virtual students at least 30 minutes per day. Each building must set a schedule that is communicated to students for these virtual sessions.
● Teachers are not expected to livestream their class for virtual students. Rather than livestream - grade level teams should work together to provide video lessons for virtual students to watch for their direct instruction with activities to complete to demonstrate their learning.
● It is expected that all teachers take time during the first week of classes to help students access, navigate and become comfortable with the Schoology platform. As well as set classroom expectations, rituals, routines, and procedures for how we will engage in the learning evironment.
● Please be reminded that any video conference can be viewed by anyone - professionalism and following the code of ethics are of utmost importance.
Change of Status form
Located on page 19 of the District Ready for Learning Plan.
Student Devices
K-2 students will receive iPads, and 3rd-12th students will receive Chromebooks. (We currently do not have enought iPads for 1st and 2nd grade at Bale, so this does not apply to us at this time.)
Library/ Computer Lab Usage
Computer labs can be used by students. Social distancing of students should be enforced to the extent possible. After each class the computers should be disinfected before the next group arrives. The goal is to be a one-to-one. Students should be encouraged to use those devices whenever possible.
PPE Distribution
Initial delivery- last week (Week ending August 14th)
Mass Delivery- this week(Week ending August 21st)
Mask Directives
Mandatory at all times in the school buildings and on buses.
Training for Audio Systems
The selected unit is the Frontrow Juno. It comes with both a teacher and student mic. The systems are being installed by Piraino Consulting Company. Once the systems have been installed into your building, the company will schedule a virtual training for staff.
Teacher Laptop Distribution
Initial delivery occurred two weeks ago. Each building was assigned devices based on the number of individuals on teacher contracts within the building.
Sub Expectations
Jordan Eason is working on a District-wide plan that will be shared soon with principals.
Remote Learning - Paras
In a completely virtual environment, all staff will be expected to report to their respective campus. Paraprofessionals will perform assigned duties such as providing support to virtual students.
Bus riders
Students will be required to wear a mask on the bus and while at the bus stop. Bus drivers will be required to have assigned seating. We will do two students per seat while siblings can sit together.
Teacher Schoology Account: Message from Hope Worsham
We are working diligently on merging accounts and making sure that all teachers and students can see their courses. If you have any issues with your Schoology account please click on the link below to request help. No need to submit more than once, we are working through all requests as quickly as possible. You will receive and email once the issue is resolved or with next steps.
K2 Teachers: we had to update the K-2 Virtual Lesson Resources. The name of the new course is LRSD Overview of Virtual learning for Face-to Face Students. You may access this course in the LRSDE Virtual Lessons Group.
We are the Bobcats...Hear Us ROAR!
Reminder: We are intentional about building and maintaining RELATIONSHIPS, engaging in lessons of RIGOR and RELEVANCE, and we REFLECT on our practices daily.
Email: roxie.browning@lrsd.org
Location: 6501 West 32nd Street, Little Rock, AR, USA
Phone: 5014473602
Twitter: @RHBrowning