Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ August 23, 2021
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
Welcome Back Oak Grove families!
It was wonderful seeing all of our families and children back this week. If you were a family that had a remote learner last school year, we would ask that you take some time to look for and return any curricular materials that you may still have at home.
Just a reminder that we will be taking the iReady assessment, beginning this week. We use this information to guide our instruction and support student learning. Students will be completing the testing in both math and reading during the school day. Please make sure that your child has a good breakfast and that their devices are fully charged. Family iReady reports will be emailed to parents the week of September 20th.
We are off to a wonderful start to the school year, thank you for your continued support.
Special Education Services
Required related service letter for students receiving related services through special education
In accordance with Illinois State law, the District is providing notice to parents/guardians regarding their rights in relation to the provision of related services to students who are eligible for special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Please be advised that if your student receives related services (such as speech, OT, PT or social work) as part of his/her IEP, the district will maintain related service logs documenting the minutes of each related service that your student receives. These logs will be available to you at your student's annual review meeting. You may also request a copy of the logs at any time. Please direct your request for them and/or any questions about this notice to Julie Waehner.
Parent PowerSchool Accounts - Update
Last week we sent home information on how to create parent accounts for PowerSchool. Almost immediately we discovered that the email host that our PowerSchool server uses stops accepting outgoing messages after a certain number per hour, which prevented parents from getting the "verify your email" message.
While we are still dealing with this limitation, as long as parents do not all try creating accounts at the same time, there's a very good chance that it will work just fine. We've already heard from many parents that they were able to create PowerSchool accounts with no issues the next day. You should feel free to follow the instructions sent last week on how to create a parent PowerSchool account, or you can continue to use the workaround solution we sent (where you use the student's short username and short password to get in). We appreciate your patience and apologize for the inconvenience.
From the Desk of Mrs. B
What have my first three days taught me about Oak Grove School? I am the luckiest principal in the whole wide world! Day One started with reading the heartfelt messages decorating the sidewalks. The parents who participated in Chalk the Walk truly outdid themselves. After working with an amazing team of parents on Days Two and Three, putting up and taking down 18 tables in the junior high gym for lunch, while exhausted, I am humbled. And, Holy Cowabunga - How about Sunday's Family Fun Fest?! Oak Grove is a community that embodies the saying, "It takes a village to raise a child."
Thank you, everyone, for helping to successfully get the 2021-2022 school year off the ground!
Bus Situation
Until the bus company is able to hire and train more drivers, we will have three or four buses that will run late each day. The late buses at dismissal are 2, 5, 10, and 11. The drivers of these buses are scheduled to do two runs, one with the rest of the buses as the first run, and then returning to OGS for their second run, which includes buses 2, 5, 10, and 11. We have Oak Grove staff supervising the students of these late buses. We will continue to provide updates as they are shared with us by the bus company. Unfortunately, the severe bus driver shortage is being experienced throughout the state and most districts are forced to make double-runs, create longer routes, or increase student numbers on buses.
Synchronous Learning During Quarantines
Students who need to quarantine are able to receive synchronous instruction. Synchronous instruction begins 24-hours after all of the teachers are notified. This 24-hour grace period allows for teams to organize the technology that will be needed. Synchronous instruction will be provided in all content areas: English, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, SEL, and World Languages. Neither synchronous, nor asynchronous instruction is provided in rotations classes, like music, art, library, and PE.
Band News
Hello Oak Grove Band Parents (new and veterans),
We are so excited to return to school and resume in-person music ensembles this fall! Your child’s safety is our primary concern, so we will be following the IDPH guidelines to ensure safe rehearsals and performance practices. All students will be spaced 6 feet apart during rehearsal. Additionally, they will receive masks for musicians to wear while playing and bell covers with MERV-13 filters (per IDPH recommendation) for their instruments. Students will need a paper mask to start the year (that we can cut a slit into) until our musician masks arrive. Please be advised if you are pre-cutting masks, the slit should be no larger than 2 inches and please pack it into your instrument case.
Performing group sizes will be limited to 30 students in the band room and 50 in the gymnasium. Therefore we will be flipping our traditional rehearsal spaces to accommodate the Symphonic Band.
Here are some of the changes in store for this year-
Jazz Band is open to 6th-8th-grade students and will meet on Mondays & Fridays in the band room. We are excited to start and end each week this way!
Symphonic Band is open to 7th & 8th-grade students (4th & 5th-year playing equivalent) and will meet on Tues, Wed, & Thurs mornings in the small gym
Concert Band is open to 6th-grade students (2nd & 3rd-year equivalent) and will meet on Tues, Wed, & Thurs mornings in the Band room.
Marching Wildcats Festival will be open to both 7th & 8th-grade band students and will be held on Thursday, Sept. 30th @ 6:30 p.m. This will be the night before the Homecoming game.
The following schedule will begin Monday, August 30th.
Jazz Band is open to all Symphonic Band and Concert Band members, and any other rhythm section students who play guitar, bass, or piano with three years experience or more. In the case there are too many rhythm section players, we will have auditions in the 2nd week to determine placement for the year.
Jazz Band rehearsals begin at 7:30 a.m. Students are expected to arrive in the band room no later than 7:20 a.m. to warm up and prepare for rehearsal. If the Jazz band is larger than the band room allows, we will move the rehearsal location to the small gym for spacing and safety.
The following band schedules will begin Tuesday, August 31st.
CONCERT BAND (Grade 6, or second/third-year band student) • Concert Band rehearsals take place Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings beginning at 7:30 a.m. Students are expected to arrive no later than 7:20 a.m. to set up and prepare for rehearsal. Please order the method book Essential Elements 2000, Book 2 (red stripe on the cover) now if you have not already done so. Make sure you purchase the book for the correct instrument.- Flute, clarinet, etc..
The Concert Band will rehearse in the Band Room this year.
SYMPHONIC BAND (Grades 7 & 8, or fourth/fifth-year band student) • Symphonic Band rehearsals will take place Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings beginning at 7:30 a.m. Students are expected to arrive no later than 7:20 a.m. to warm up and prepare for rehearsal. This year, we will use Tradition of Excellence, Book 3. This book has a “Green” cover. Make sure you purchase the book for the correct instrument.- Flute, clarinet, etc..
The Symphonic Band will rehearse in the Small Gym this year- due to spacing guidance.
Just like years past, all morning band students will be dropped off at the District Office, Door 16, and will enter through those doors. This is the old Junior High Office entrance in the upper parking lot. Doors will be opened no earlier than 7:15 a.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 22nd, at 6:30 p.m. in the Pat Patt Gym. Beginning Band Parent Night
BEGINNING BAND • Beginning Band is open to all 5th-grade students. At least one parent or guardian (no children, please) must attend this meeting. If you cannot attend for any reason, please email Mr. Jones (jones@ogschool.org) or Mr. Frankowski (frankowski@ogschool.org) as soon as possible to receive our main talking points from the meeting and get your questions answered. Full rehearsals will take place during the school day from 12:50-1:30 p.m. Each student will be included in two full rehearsals and one 40 minute group lesson a week. We will begin lessons and full rehearsals the week of September 27th.
We are thrilled to start making music next Monday!
Questions? Please contact the following director based on your musician’s grade level:
8th- Mr. Jones (jones@ogschool.org)
7th- Mr. Frankowski (frankowski@ogschool.org)
6th- Mr. Farris (farris@ogschool.org)
5th- Mr. Jones or Mr. Frankowski
PTO News
First PTO Meeting - 8/25
The first PTO meeting of the year is this Wednesday, August 25th at 6:30pm in the Elementary Cafeteria. Masks will be required for all in attendance, and we will have a Zoom option for anyone who prefers to attend virtually. The Zoom link will be shared by e-mail.
● May 26, 2021 Minutes (For review & approval)
The Spirit Wear Store is Open!
Start the school year off in style with some new OGS spirit wear! The PTO teamed up with Sports11 again this year and we’re offering a variety of items for the entire family. The deadline to place orders online is September 14th. Not only will your family look amazing in their Oak Grove gear, but your purchases help support the PTO. The PTO would also like to thank Courtney Johnston for organizing this fundraiser!
Chairpersons Needed
The PTO is looking for volunteers to lead the following: Son + One Night; the Junior High Book Fair; and a few photographers to capture PTO events. If you’re interested, please email Kate and Beth at PTO@ogschool.org.
Be a Junior High Lunch Volunteer
The PTO needs Junior High Lunch Volunteers, especially with the changes necessary this year to follow safety protocols. Volunteers distribute Marla’s Lunch Catering meals and assist staff with whatever else they may need. https://signup.com/go/zfYZEqW
Chalk the Walk - Thank You!
The night before school started for students the sidewalks into the building were transformed into inspirational works of chalk art! To all the parents who came to Chalk the Walk and shared their creativity - THANK YOU! A special thank you goes out to Aayshah Mirza who organized the event!
Family Fest was a Huge Success!
The PTO was thrilled to welcome all families back on campus yesterday with Family Fest! It was amazing to see so many families together playing games, making crafts and spending time with their OGS community friends. This event would not have been possible without all the parents and students who helped set up, run stations and clean up. We want to give a huge shoutout to co-chairs Jen Davis and Jennifer Stone for their hard work and dedication to make this event happen. We also want to thank the brave OGS staff and parents who volunteered for the dunk tank Mr. Murray (x2!), Mr. Picchiotti, Mr. Oesch, Mrs. Oesch, Mr. Rakestraw, Mr. Narayan, Mrs. Thurman & Mr. Davis. Check out an awesome video of the day here!
OGS PTO is on Facebook
Please like & follow the PTO on Facebook to get regular updates on activities!
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Help for Registration Fees and Lunch
Virtual Backpack
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120