OLHMS Weekly 1/23/24
D123 Day!
Tuesday's Top of the Mind Topics:
Did you know today is 1-23 Day in District 123? A series of engaging activities to celebrate the togetherness we share around learning and our amazing community in District 123 was celebrated across our District! It was a day that brought staff and students together, reinforcing the district's commitment to unity, excellence, and collective growth. We encouraged staff to show their pride by wearing District 123 t-shirts and for scholars to wear school spirit wear. We plan to archive images of 1-23 Day by posting pictures on social media. We loved the 123 second dance party here at OLHMS!
Did you know that Insufficient sleep among children and adolescents is associated with an increased risk for obesity, diabetes, injuries, poor mental health, attention and behavior problems, and poor academic performance?
We are so excited to welcome our scholars back to school this week and have the life back in our beautiful building! We did notice in some of our scholars the need to get back to their normal routine after the long Winter break! Please make sure our Mustangs are getting enough rest each night! Here is a LINK from the CDC with some additional research on the importance of sleep for middle and high school students. Also, some tips from the CDC to support us as well!
- Sticking to a consistent sleep schedule during the school week and weekends. This means going to bed at the same time each night and getting up at the same time each morning. Adolescents whose parents set bedtimes are more likely to get enough sleep. To help decide on a good bedtime for your child, go to the Bedtime Calculator.external iconexternal icon
- Limiting light exposure and technology use in the evenings.
- Parents can limit when their children may use electronic devices (sometimes referred to as a “media curfew”).
- Parents can limit where their children may use electronic devices (for example, not in their child’s bedroom).
- Other tips for better sleep are available at CDC’s Tips for Better Sleep.
Mustang Families,
Hopefully, our Mustang community has kept themselves safe and warm during the cold and very wet/ slippery conditions! This is D123 Day and a perfect opportunity on 1-23 to acknowledge our incredible school district! We had a fun 123 seconds at 1:23 pm today hosting a district-wide dance party for, you guessed it, 123 seconds! Many classes and scholars across the district took part in some additional 123 activities!
D123 School Resource Officer: We are very excited to welcome our new School Resource Officer! Office Craig Zelhart, a member of the Oak Lawn Police has joined our D123 community! We are looking forward to using this valuable resource to enhance the safety and security practices throughout our school district though a triad approached focused in three key areas: Law Enforcement/Active Supervision, Education/Mentoring and Community Liaison/Relationship Building. Officer Craig has spent his first couple of days at the middle school getting acclimated and meeting our Mustangs! Families can look forward to meeting Officer Craig at our next PTSA meeting on February 5th!
SAEBRS: Teachers are completing this assessment throughout the week. This is the second or three screeners completed each year. The Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBRS), focuses on the academic engagement behaviors of students. The SAEBRS is completed by teachers and the results will be used to provide identified students with social skills interventions and support to help them engage positively in learning. As with our academic screenings, you will be notified if your student is selected for participation in an intervention program. Here is the parent letter LINK with additional information. The link has an Arabic, English and Spanish version.
Winter Weather: Thank you for having our scholars prepared for the weather with coats, hats and gloves! The weather can be unpredictable at times along with bussing so being prepared in very important! We will do our best to communicate late bus routes as soon as we are informed on any challenges or delays!
Arbor- New January Digital Menu Platform- My School Menus/Health- e Pro: Arbor has launched a new interactive menu platform called My School Menus. Below is what has been shared in Skyward Family Access. The process is very simple, translates to 180 languages and gives the parent and nurse the opportunity to count carbs and review allergen needs.
This is in place of the monthly PDFs.
Circle Drive and 99th Street: During drop off and dismissal, please do not pass cars in the circle drive without staff support. Also, please do not have your students run across 99th street to be picked up without adult supervision. We want to make sure all of our students and families are kept safe. We have had a couple close calls! Please be patient and courteous!
Early Dismissals: In the event that a student needs to be picked up early from school, please communicate with the main office as advisory teachers may not see our scholar based on their daily schedule.
Our Community: Please be respectful of our neighbors around our school during arrival and dismissal. It is also important to remind our scholars about staying off community members property while waiting for a bus or walking home.
Working Lunch: We have implemented a plan for scholars to finish work during lunch. Working lunch will be used to support work completion and behavioral reflection. Students assigned to working lunch will be given a bagged lunch if they did not bring one.
Class of 2024
Graduation Expectations
Our 8th grade scholars and parents have been given the information in this updated Parent Letter. These expectations have been discussed with scholars and families throughout the beginning of the year and sent home on multiple occasions. The end of year events for the Class of 2024 are detailed in this letter. Class of 2024 families make sure to send back the permission forms! Graduation this year is scheduled for June 4th at 7:00pm.
SELECT 123: In partnership with our D123 Ed Foundation, SELECT 123 is a prestigious group of scholars who embody aspects of our D123 mission and vision. This is our second year to acknowledge twenty three scholars who have not only demonstrated academic excellence, service and contributed to our community- they have each modeled expressions of perseverance, drive and integrity. These 23 leaders will be featured on our “Wall of Fame” for the entire 2024/ 2025 school year! More than being featured on a wall, we will expect this prestigious and unique group of alumni to remain connected to D123 and provide valuable insight for years to come! Our Class of 2024 began brainstorming their opportunity to apply as applications will go live next week and be due May 1st!
Graduation Picture Retakes: Class of 2024 graduation retakes will take place on February 8th!
Graduation picture proofs will be going home tomorrow with 8th grade scholars!
Membership is $6.00 per student and $10.00 per adult
PTSA Meeting- February 5, 2024 at 6:00pm
All parents/ guardians/ staff & students are highly encouraged to join the PTSA and attend meetings. This is an incredible opportunity, partnership and fun way to support our scholar’s experience at the middle school!
Our PTSA is looking for a new President?
If you are interested in supporting our school in a different capacity please reach out to our PTSA! Maybe you do not have the time to donate, but your contributions can still be made through your membership!
Looking Ahead
2/1/24: D123 Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
2/2/24: OLHMS Musical
2/3/24: OLHMS Musical
2/8/24: Graduation Picture Retakes
2023-24 School District Calendar
February Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee Meeting Flyers
February 1st at Kolmar School from 6:00-7:30pm
High School Happenings
Oak Lawn Community High School
8th graders to our PTSA sponsored Activity Night.
Commit to be fit! Open Gym!
Shadows and Tours held on Mondays from October 2023-May 2024. Registration is required.
2023 Viewbook: Learn what IMSA is all about! Our Application for the Academy is open!
IMSA Profile: Information about matriculation, courses, and colleges that our students attend
Shadow Days, Fridays at Marist! Registration Required.
Providence Catholic High School