Bermuda Bay Condominium Newsletter
December 2022
Budget Meeting TONIGHT (December 1) at 5:30pm - Check for the Zoom Link in your email
Town Hall Meeting on the Amendments and Meet the Candidates - December 6 at 5:30pm
Our Association attorney, Michelle Reiss, Esq. will be in attendance to answer any questions that you might have about the Amendments, along with the Chair of the Review of Documents Committee, Susan Hoffman. Board Members will be present as well.
Candidate Bios and Amendment information is in the PDF below.
New Annual Meeting date will be the Dec 21, at 5:30pm
Owner Information, Documents, Work Orders, Meeting Minutes, Forms, etc.
Bermuda Bay Office Hours and Contact Information
Hours for the office : MWF - 7:00am - 3:30pm Tuesdays 7:00-2:30pm Th - 8:00am - 4:00pm
Admin will be in the office: M-F 9:00am - 1:00pm
There are no Saturday hours
Current Contact information for the Board:
President - Tori Elvir - bermudabaypresident@gmail.com
Vice- President - Vivi Iglesias - bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer - Adriana Lein - bermudabaytreasurer@gmail.com
Secretary - Chris Boyd - bermudabaysecretary@gmail.com
Director-at-Large - Susan Hoffman - bermudabaydirectoratlarge@gmail.com
Property Manager: Josh McCollum, LCAM - bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Administrative Assistant: Christine Dickey - bbboffice@condominiumassociates.com
In January all committees will update their chairs and membership for 2023
Committees at Bermuda Bay
Environmental Committee - Tom Shaw - fltshaw@yahoo.com
Review Committee- Patti Brazil brazil.patty@gmail.com
Social Committee: Marcia Montgomery, Gail Oliviera, Michelle Lubotina
skeets11@gmail.com gailoliveira61@gmail.com michelle.lubotina@hhglobal.com
Beach Restoration Committee - Kerry Morrison Imzchef@comcast.net
Stair Committee - Tom Shaw fltshaw@yahoo.com
Courts and Sports Committee - Robin Ward - Rifkasema@gmail.com
Kayak/Trailer and Boat Committee - Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
Security Committee: Gy Lein gyora@me.com
Landscaping Committee- Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
The REVIEW OF DOCUMENTS COMMITTEE - Susan Hoffman susankatzhoffman@gmail.com
ARC COMMITTEE - Roger Daisley hrdaisley@gmail.com
PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE - Meredith Bordman mrkbdn@yahoo.com
The Budget Committee for the 2023 Budget: Christina Stokes, Karen Nash, Laurel Poletti, Payne Blair, Tori Elvir, Vivi Iglesias
From Your Landscaping Committee
Hi owners,
We have a small group of volunteers that would be willing to help clean up landscaping problems at your building. We don't have big equipment, so please don't think that we can tackle those kinds of jobs. However, cutting back bushes, removing dead flowers and small bushes, planting small bushes and flowers (on the accepted list and provided by the owner) can be done. If you have projects you'd like to see done at your building, please send in your building number, what you would like done, and we would expect help from people in the building or a person that they send in their stead.
Below is a list of accepted plants and since we don't have a budget, owners would need to provide the plants or the money to purchase plants. This is purely a volunteer project, so please don't feel obligated to provide labor or plants. The first buildings chosen to work on will be those submitted by owners who are willing to help and provide plants or cash. Please let us know as we will be selecting the first building soon. We will not be able to work on the back side of most buildings because of the ongoing construction and we will need to get the irrigation lines marked by Jimmy.
Some of the approved plants are as follows:
- Ixora-flowers red or orange (like by the pool)
- Croton-multi colors leaves, one variety suggestion that is small "Mammy"
- Arboricola-green and white leaves (again everywhere in here}
- Indian Hawthorne-green leaves with purple berries
- Plumbago-blue flowers (again you can see them in here)
- LIrope-green grass like bush (by wall by the gate)
- Burfordii Holly-green bush
- Coontie, looks like a ground palm, only good for a wide corner area
If you have something in particular that you'd like to plant, let us know and we will see if the Landscape Committee will approve it.
You can reach out to Cindy or Barb if you are interested at cindyhansen.travel@gmail.com and bbann625@gmail.com.
Bermuda Bay Holiday Party & Toy’s for Tots
December 10th
6:30PM – 9:30PM
Bermuda Bay Clubhouse
Please bring an unwrapped gift for a boy or girl
Prizes for most festive outfit
Sponsored by the Social Committee
1. Bingo
· December 1st, 15th & 29th
2. Christmas Party
· December 10th 6-10PM
· Community needs to bring a NEW toy ($10.00) for Toys for Tots Pinellas County
· Donations will be accepted
· Michelle to create flyer and email to BB front office to print out by 11/10
· Gail will hang flyers
· Anyone wishing to dive specifically into this party with more ideas, etc. contact Gail
3. Wine and Cheese 2nd Sunday 4-6PM
· December 11th
4. New Year’s Eve Party
· December 31st
· Social Committee to provide hot dogs for community
· Social Committee will look for music to be played during tree burning
1. Craft Day will be every Monday 10-12PM
· January 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23, 30th
· Contact Marcia 860-798-0899 for more information
2. Wine and Cheese Party 2nd Sunday 4-6PM
· January 8th
3. Bingo
· January 12th & 26th
4. 80’s Party
· January 28th 5:30-9:30PM
· JK Crum Entertainment will provide music and emcee 80’s trivia game
· Prizes will be provided by social committee
· BYOD and dish to share
1. Craft Day will be every Monday 10-12PM
· February 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
2. Wine and Cheese Party 2nd Sunday 4-6PM
· February 12th
3. Bingo
· February 9th & 23rd
MARCH 2023
1. Craft Day will be every Monday 10-12PM
· March 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
2. Wine and Cheese Party 2nd Sunday 4-6PM
· March 12th
3. Bingo
· March 9th & 23rd
4. Can-Am Games & St Patrick’s Day Party
· March 18th
· Will have another Social Committee meeting to talk about food, prep and games
5. Tag Sale
· Date and time TBD – Michelle will check to see when Broadwater is going to have theirs
Wine and Cheese Once a Month
Insurance and Inflation Causing Huge Increases in Florida Community Association Dues
According to Florida Association News, published by Campbell Property Management, all homeowners in Florida, whether condominium or homeowners’ associations or individual homeowners, have faced significant increases in insurance premiums.
Many associations are being impacted by significant premium increases For many associations, this has meant a 100% increase in insurance costs over two years! The biggest factors so far that have been driving rates up—and causing insurance companies to fold or flee the state— are Hurricane Irma, the Surfside collapse, increases in liability claims, inflation driving up the cost of labor and materials, and now the aftermath of Hurricane Ian.
In October, Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law new property insurance legislation that creates a $2 billion reinsurance fund and rewrites rules on coverage denials and attorney fees, in a move to stabilize rising costs and insurer losses, according to U.S. News & World Report. [link:
https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/florida/articles/2022-05-26/florida-gov-desantis-signs-property-insurance-legislation] The new legislation was characterized as a “meaningful first step in repairing a market plagued by insurer insolvencies, policy cancelations and rising insurance costs,” although the article also noted that “the signings mark an end to a special legislative session on insurance where lawmakers in the GOP-controlled statehouse approved the broad measures in three days, with little public input or expert analysis.” So, that makes us pause and wonder if any real respite is in sight.
However, the bills allow for more state oversight so regulators can spot trends, analyze reasons, and try to prevent the future failure of insurers. The main point of criticism from Democrats, the minority party in the state legislature, was that the legislation does not do enough to grant immediate financial relief to homeowners whose premiums have increased. According to the article, “Republicans acknowledged it would take 12 to 18 months before prices may drop.” We can only hope! If that is true, perhaps this time next year—or the year after that—we can plan Bermuda Bay’s annual budget with a proposed REDUCTION in the amount spent on insurance!
contributing editor, Peg Daisley
Meet Your Neighbors - Victor (Doc) & Cynthia Vena – 68D
When I asked Doc and Cindy to be the subjects of the December issue, they responded with enthusiasm and grace. Their humor, empathy, and love of the community is infectious as I am sure you will gather from the following article. Vic jokingly added, “Do I have to tell the truth?” But as you will read their “truth” is as interesting as they come.
Cindy was born in Bradford, PA (home of the famous Zippo Lighters), the youngest of five children; “Spoiled Rotten” to this day. She endured eight years of piano lessons at the Convent, and 12 years of Catholic School. Cindy graduated from Edinboro State College near Erie PA with a BS in Geology. She enjoyed a two-part career path, first as a Petroleum Geologist working for British American Petroleum where she supervised a 250 well drill site in Northwestern Pennsylvania. After about two years she opened her own office and continued work as an Independent Consulting Geologist for approximately 18 years. She was hired by many different oil and gas companies, investment, and financial institutions to formulate reserve estimates of natural gas and oil on various properties in Northwest PA and Western NY. One of her many clients was Terry Pegula, a (now) well known American billionaire businessman who owns both the Buffalo Bills and the Buffalo Sabres.
A nationwide oil glut forced her to switch careers as she began working in the chemical manufacturing industry at Henkel Corporation (a German-owned company with approximately 50,000 employees). Cindy began in the mailroom during the Anthrax scare and worked her way up in the Marketing Department to become a Product Line Manager for ten years. She also enjoyed five years as the Sales and Marketing Manager for Meritool LLC, a design and manufacturer of cordless caulking dispensers.
Throughout her life she has always enjoyed travelling and the great outdoors. While in College, Cindy helped to found the Kinzua Valley Cross Country Ski Association. This volunteer work helped create many miles of ski trails that still expand throughout northwestern PA today.
Cindy realized during her college years that her passion to be an actress was not to be. She force herself onto the community theatre scene as a producer, director, set design, and actress in many stage performances. Cindy shared her talents and expertise with Bermuda Bay, as she directed our Roaring Twenty’s Mystery Theatre night last year. For many years she was active in volunteering in her church community as festival director, Christmas meal deliveries, catechism, fund raisers and was a Eucharistic Minister. The Partners in Education program was especially near and dear to her heart during her Henkel career years. While working with North Hill Elementary School in a reading and science program which benefitted children of low-income families, Cindy also helped raise the funds to send the entire school to a Broadway play and dinner. Most of these kids never saw a tablecloth on a table, let alone the historic and gorgeous Shea’s Theatre in Buffalo NY.
Vic was born in Olean NY, just 18 miles from where Cindy was born. It’s 70 miles south of Buffalo NY and home to St. Bonaventure University. He was one of four children. Both of his parents were second generation Americans. His Dad’s folks were Italian, and his moms were from Czechoslovakia. The family was rich, but not with money. Vic grew up in a family, a neighborhood, and a city that was rich in love, religion, culture, and food. “I wish that I could have each of you readers feel the love filled aura, listen to the songs of my elders as they did their chores on farms and in factories, smell the aroma of the foods that wafted through our neighborhoods.”
Vic also attended Catholic grade school and high school, all under the direction of Franciscan nuns and Friars. Yes, some were tough, but all were wonderful. In my high school sophomore year, he began work as a stock boy and cashier at a local pharmacy. When it came time to choose a career, he chose what was right under his nose…pharmacy!
Vic attended Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Michigan, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy. It was fantastic! There he met students who would become lifelong friends that he now considers family. There are about 20 of them who still stay closely in touch. Upon college graduation, he moved back home to Olean NY. His career consisted of jobs including four years with CVS, five with St. Francis Hospital and thirty-five years owning and operating Vic Vena Pharmacy and Wellness Store. All these jobs were within a seven-block radius and spanned 52 years.
During his early career at CVS, Vic met and married his first wife. They were blessed with four amazing children, and now have five super grandchildren. Vic has also had the pleasure of developing several businesses such as Allen’s Wine & Liquor, BelleRuche Bridal Boutique, and Bouch’s Automotive as well as the Olean Wellness Store. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Greater Olean Area Chamber of Commerce (2 years as President), and Quality Care Pharmacies. (Doc) was twice chosen Western New York Pharmacist of the year, and was the recipient of the Annual L.O.U.I.E. Award in Olean NY, bestowed upon an individual who symbolizes the enterprising spirit for the greater Olean community.
Cindy retired in 2018, Vic in 2020. They knew they wanted to escape the bitter snows of the north so they looked for a one-month rental in Florida. They found a condo on the beach at Bermuda Bay. The couple instantly fell in love with the mature trees, beautiful grounds, and the proximity to St. Petersburg with all its diverse culture, museums, sporting and educational events, restaurants, and beaches. As they started meeting the residents here, they knew this place was for them. They purchased a townhouse in May of 2021, and have since, had so much fun designing the renovations and upgrades. They sold their 26-acre farm and homes near Olean last year and have downsized from 5,00 square feet to just 1,280 – “we felt it was time to really enjoy our life, rather than having to spend all our time maintaining property. We love to bike ride into Clam Bayou and the Pinellas Trail system. We often ride to Gulfport and St. Petersburg.” Vic enjoys golfing twice a week with the County Golf Association as a member of the Fagowees. Cindy enjoys golfing, painting, crafts, cards, and Yoga weekly.
“As members of this Bermuda Bay community, we acknowledge the pain of long overdue repairs and renovations, and are committed to supporting these efforts to better our surroundings." Vic is on the Environmental, Tree, and Beach Committees. Cindy is on the Social Committee and has plans to join the Landscape Committee.
They both enjoy travelling and have been all over the US, many Caribbean Islands, Hawaii, Canada, Italy, France, Germany, Croatia, and plan travel to Europe, Ireland, Scotland, and who knows where God will lead them! Their Florida family also includes their twenty-year-old baby, Precious the cat! You won’t see her out and about, but if you drop in to 68D, and they hope you do, she will warmly greet you!
A Word From Our Property Manager
Community Update-
- The cracking in the tennis courts has been addressed by the Stewarts Tennis Courts & Fencing.
- Maintenance will start blowing off the Tennis courts in the morning again.
- Both Clout and the association have agreed to the terms of the Balcony contract, and this should be finalized this week.
- Management has begun reinterviewing applicants for the 3rd part time maintenance personnel.
- Pavement repairs will start on December 15, 2022.
- CAMs will be addressing the Fire Violations that were found during the 3 year fire inspections. CAMs is a community maintenance company that works with CA which does affordable work on a sped-up timeline because of their relationship with Condominium Associates.
- Owner’s gate or West Gate is still waiting for on a part that was ordered early Nov. Once installed the gate will be fully operational.
- If a parking pass was issued for one car that parking pass does not transfer to another car without updating the office. Please be sure to communicate these changes with the office.
- Reminder that 727- 573-9300 is the after-hours phone number to reach management should there be an issue that is urgent. This number calls an answering service company that will reach out to management.
- Please continue to lock your car doors in the evening as it seems that during the holiday season there is an uptick in people entering vehicles and looting.
- Reminder that any modification to your unit that involves Plumbing, Electrical, or HVAC (this includes changing out toilets, remodeling showers, adding an outline, etc.) all need to have an ARC formed filled out and approved by the board prior to starting the project. If you have any questions as to if your project needs an ARC please reach out to the office.
- Clout has agreed to a finalized contract
This is the required notification to all owners that have enrolled in receiving electronic regarding Code - Smoke Alarms in sleeping areas. This function is the owners responsibly to check, monitor, and replace the smoke alarms in their units as needed. Below are the requirements outline by the Fire Marshal.
OUTSIDE SLEEPING ROOM: Provide a Hardwired or a minimum of a 10 year non-removable, non-replaceable lithium battery smoke alarm outside every sleeping area (common area). Place smoke alarm a minimum of 3 feet from ceiling fans or ac vents either on ceiling or on wall between 4 and 12 inches from ceiling.
SLEEPING ROOM: Provide a 10 year non-removable, non-replaceable lithium battery smoke alarm in all sleeping room(s) per Code. Place smoke alarm a minimum of 3 feet from ceiling fans or ac vents either on ceiling or on wall between 4 and 12 inches from ceiling. Existing smoke alarms are ok as long as they are still functional.
Thank you,
Joshua McCollum, LCAM
As we REFLECT this Holiday Season...
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Email: bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Website: https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/cinc/home/
Location: Bermuda Bay Beach and Racquet Club, 4201 38th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711, USA
Phone: 727-864-0735
Twitter: @BermudaBayStP