Linn Lion's Roar
March 2022
Linn Elementary
Email: linn@443mail.org
Website: https://usd443.org/index.php?pageID=543274_3
Location: 1900 Linn Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: (620) 471-2114
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linnlions95/
Dates to Remember:
- March 4 -
Read Across America Day - March 7 -
4th Grade Wax Museum
2:00-3:00pm - March 10-11 -
Staff Development Day - March 14 - 18
Spring Break - March 24 -
PTO Meeting
5:30pm - March 28 -
8:00am - March 29 -
Coffee and Conversations
7:30am - March 30 -
9:30am - March 31 -
Music Program
Kinder 6:00pm
1st Grade 7:00pm
March 14 - 18 NO SCHOOL
We enjoyed seeing everyone for Parent Teacher Conferences.
Our students have been making great progress!
Please continue to work on letters and sounds and reading sight words. Continuing to practice will help them be better readers and writers. In math, we will continue to work on addition and subtraction. Playing the math games we sent home with the students is a fun way for them to practice.
Remember, if you ever have questions or comments about what we are teaching or anything else, please give us a call or message us on Talking Points. We will be glad to discuss it with you.
First Grade
We are working hard here in first grade as there is a lot to learn!
The weather is changing rapidly so please ensure your student is dressed appropriately for the weather. We go outside every day (weather permitting) so your student will need a coat/hat/gloves. As we mentioned, we have a lot to accomplish so attendance is critical. Please have your student here every day and on time. We understand there will be times your student is ill or there are family emergencies. Please follow through with what was discussed at your conference regarding your student. Also make sure you practice math facts at home with the Title I activity that was given out and read at home every day! Once again we appreciate you and let us know if we can help in any way!
You can always contact us on TalkingPoints.
Second Grade
Third Grade
Hello 3rd Grade Family,
This math module we are learning about fractions. You can talk about fractions at home with cooking, splitting cookies, pizza or candy or even using money. For reading we are learning about text features and supporting your idea with text.
For social studies, we are learning about the history of Dodge City. We are filling out a timeline and will be comparing the past to students lives present day.
We ask you to please continue to encourage and help your child study their multiplication facts at home. They need to be practicing the facts due to math getting more complex and faster. Your child should also still be reading 15-20 minutes every night and filling out their reading log. It’s very important that your child is going to bed early and getting plenty of sleep so they are well rested and ready to learn in the morning! Thank you for all your support and for all that you do!
The 3rd Grade Team (Mrs.Rodriguez, Mrs.Castro, Ms.Engle)
Fourth Grade
Dear Families,
Thank you all so much for coming to conferences! We had a great turnout and enjoyed talking to all of you!
Coming up in math, we are going to start decimals. Please keep reviewing multiplication facts with your student. Zearn is also a great resource to practice what we are doing in class. If you would like your student’s log in, let your teacher know.
We will be starting to read informational text during reading time. Make sure to ask your student all about volcanoes. Reading out loud with your student is great for their fluency so please make sure this is happening at home. Raz-Kids is a good place to start if they need books on their level. Again, if you would like your students log-in, let your teacher know.
In Social Studies we are studying a famous Kansan. We have done a lot of research and will soon be preparing for our Wax Museum. (More information will be coming out about that.) Ask your student all about their famous Kansan and why they’re famous!
Please feel free to reach out with any questions anytime via TalkingPoints!
Thank you,
4th Grade Teachers
Fifth Grade
Greetings 5th grade Family & Friends,
A HUGE Thank You to all who participated in Conferences and our State Testing Parent Night! Students must understand that they have a support team throughout their educational experiences. Communication and consistency are vital to assist students in focusing their efforts as rigor and responsibility increase.
Soon we will communicate the 5th grade State Testing dates to you. Please make sure to have your student in school those days to avoid make-up sessions. Also, make sure to follow the expectations for being well-rested and on time for school.
As Spring Break approaches, we want to extend our wishes for a safe and relaxing time! As you plan for fun and memorable times with your students, do not forget that they should still be reading and practicing math facts daily.
Thank you for your continued support.
The 5th Grade Team-
Ms. Blanco blanco.monica@usd443.org
Ms. Figueroa figueroa.gabriela@usd443.org
Mrs. Laskowsky laskowsky.allison@usd443.org