Collier Elementary School
October 2022 Newsletter
Message From Principal Lisa Langford
Collier is an Awesome School!
Congratulations, Collier students, staff, parents and community! Today is an awesome day to share that Collier has almost completed the first quarter and students have done a wonderful job! We are so proud of the hard work you have put into your child’s education. We worked together to make sure students were in school and on time, that they were ready to work, do their homework and read at home. Congratulations on your accomplishment! Education is not like filling a pail but lighting a fire. Explore! Discover! And Do Your Best!
Congratulations to our preschool students for earning an awesome attendance award 3 weeks in a row. Way to go and continue to come to school on time.
Thank you for a wonderful first quarter. Enjoy a fun and relaxing Fall Break! If you are traveling, I hope your journeys are safe.
We will see you on October 17th!
Upcoming Events
- Oct. 6- Ronald McDonald pull tabs due
- Oct. 7- Grading Day- No School
- Oct. 10-14- Fall Break No School
- Oct. 17 Students return to school
- Oct. 17- Stories that Soar Introduction Assembly- cafeteria 9:00
- Oct. 17-Dec 16 GATE testing window for all 1st graders and 2nd/3rd by parent request
- Oct 18 Parent can view progress reports on ParentVue
- Oct 19 Cougar Miles club starts
- Oct. 20 PTA meeting 6:00 Library
- Oct. 25 Site Council and Family Engagement meetings 3:30 pm Collier Library
- Oct. 27 Sabino High School Science Night 6:30pm Sabino High School
- Oct. 29 PTA Monster Mash Fundraising Carnival 4-8pm
- Oct. 31 Halloween Parade 8:45am Students may wear costumes and then change their clothing after the parade
Family Engagement School Survey
Cougar Miles Club!
Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays
October 19th until December 14th
all students are welcome to walk, skip, or jog laps
before school from 7:45am or at their lunch time.
For every eight laps (1 mile) they will earn a shoe charm!
Let's see how many miles we can complete as a school!!
Monster Mash Collier Things Edition
OMA Gold News October
We have been working hard in the OMA classroom! As a whole school, we started off the month learning about realism in art, creating art in the realism style, and choosing an art piece to hang in our classrooms for the month of October.
· Preschool will continue to focus on various themes such as numbers, animals, actions and body parts.
· Kindergarten is writing and choreographing their own story.
· First grade is using movement to reinforce addition and subtraction.
· Second grade is using movement to work on number sense.
· Third grade is summarizing I Have an Olive Tree by Eve Bunting and writing a musical score that can tell the story without words.
· Fourth and fifth grade is using research and movement to explore numbers in the millions, billions, and above.
~ms. wendy
Social Emotional Learning October
Ben's Bells shares the Science of Kindness with this quote, "Helping children to focus on acts of kindness leads them to want to help, share, and comfort each others, even those who may be different from them. These are important keys to inclusion and building positive communities."
-Greater Good in Action University of California, Berkeley, 2021
Student Council
Thank you to all the students who ran for student council officers! The speeches were well written and spoken. We appreciate all the students who participated in this opportunity. Everyone did a fantastic job! Our new officers for this school year are:
President: Gabriel B.
Vice President: Alexis N.
Secretary: Stella B.
Treasurer: Atticus S.
Thank you again for participating!
Mrs. McAllister
Ms. Hehn
About Us
Email: collier@tusd1.org
Website: https://collieres.tusd1.org/
Location: 3900 North Bear Canyon Road, Tucson, AZ, USA
Phone: (520) 584-4800