Royse City High School
Reminders for 2nd Semester
January 8-Welcome back, Students! 2nd Semester Begins!
January-11-Picture Retakes/All 9-11th grade students that have not taken their yearbook picture
January 15-Senior Cap & Gown Purchase Deadline
January 22-Bulldog Review-Uprising Freshman Class of 2028 Showcase of what RCHS has to offer
January 22-Last call for Senior Photos for Yearbook
- Don't forget your ID! RCISD Secondary Dress Code Policy: School Issued ID card is required to be worn around student's neck on a lanyard or left chest with ID clip at all times.
- RCISD dress code will be enforced. Please ensure you are complying with the dress code every day at school. (No pajama pants, please see dress code for details)
- Students, please check your Semester 2 Schedule in Qmaltiv Family Access (Skyward). Due to continued growth classes are balanced each semester causing some schedules to shift.
- THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE WITH TRAFFIC DUE TO ROAD CONSTRUCTION We appreciate your patience. Please allow extra time. Be safe and patient during arrival and dismissal. Drive carefully!
- Bus route information may be found on the transportation page at www.rcisd.org. Make sure you know your bus route information.
Bell Schedule
The building will open at 8:00am and students will be released to head towards their classes at 8:15am. The release bell to head to classes will ring at 8:15am and 1st period will begin at 8:25am. The school day will end at 3:52pm and tutorials will be each afternoon from 3:52pm-4:15pm.Click on Tutorial Schedule link to view tutorial opportunities with each teacher: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Mp6lR-4c6dhYHkS6Gd3b4g8u-Tn8eywKEQWAyTSRte4/edit?usp=sharing
Transportation, parking, student drop off/pick up information
PARKING PERMIT: Click on link for details!
We still have plenty of spots available for each grade level. Please make sure if you drive that you have purchased your parking permit. You may purchase online and report to security office located off of the cafeteria.
BUS ROUTE INFORMATION may be found on the transportation page at www.rcisd.org. Make sure your child knows his/her bus route information. Each student will be issued a bus id badge which will be scanned as they enter the bus. If you have questions or need to pick up your bus id badge, please see your house office.
Pick up and drop off for RCHS students takes place only on RCHS property. Please click on link to view current parent pick up and drop off route.
Union Square Neighborhood across from campus is not an approved parent pick up or drop off location or place to park for RCHS students.
RCHS students are to park on school property only. Please see Parking Information below for more details. Students if you have questions please report to the Security Office
As you are aware, traffic will be an ongoing challenge. We know from experience that construction may have daily challenges but the product is something that is worth it in the end!
Please be very cautious when traveling to school each day, we know lane changes and signage could change day to day. Transportation is working through navigating this as well adjusting where they can to ensure our students are on time to class. Please allow extra time in the mornings as you travel to school.
Check out our RCHS Newsletters
December Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/dpy5a2-royse-city-high-school
Fall Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/k14d6
First Day of School Newsletter-https://www.smore.com/scu0p
Back to School Newsletter-https://bit.ly/RCHSBTS23-24
(This includes information about RCHS lunch, parking, meals, classes, etc.)
Royse City Bulldogs
Website: www.rchsbulldogs.com
Location: Royse City High School, Farm to Market Road 2642, Royse City, TX, USA
Phone: 972-636-9991
Facebook: facebook.com/RoyseCityHS
Twitter: @RoyseCityHS