Crusader Connections
Father Andrew White S.J. School Newsletter
October 26, 2021
Growing in faith, wisdom, and love!
Important Dates
October 26: SMR Shadow Day
October 27: Book Fair Begins
October 28: Early Dismissal (12:30pm) - End of 1st Quarter & Trunk or Treat
October 29: No School - Professional Day
November 1: All Saint's Day Mass
November 4: School Picture Makeup Day
November 5: First Friday Mass (8:30am) & Book Fair Ends
November 8 - Whooo's Reading Ends
November 9: American Legion Flag Day Demonstration for Grades 1 & 2
November 10 - 11: Parent/Teacher Conferences (virtual)
November 11: No School - CALENDAR CHANGE
November 12: No School
November 15: Winter Uniforms Begin
November 24 - 26: Thanksgiving Break - No School
Schedule Reminder!
Early Dismissal Thursday & No School Friday
Trunk or Treat - This Thursday!
The Book Fair will be open (parents must accompany children into the Library for this) and used (winter) uniforms will be set up during the Trunk or Treat event.
Host a Trunk!
Only a few spaces remain so sign up to host a trunk ASAP!!
Bring your best decorated trunk with lots of treats to share.
Whooo's Reading... Log those minutes!
Father Andrew White will be running a 2021 Read-a-Thon until November 8, 2021. Please check your child’s folder for login instructions on how to activate your child’s account! Join the fun!
Kindly refer to the October 22nd email for all the details of this fun program that will directly benefit our students and school!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Annual Archdiocesan Financial Communication
Butter Braid Fundraiser
Locally Made Poinsettia and Wreath Sale
The holidays are coming FAW Families!
Get ready to deck your halls, house and office! Bring beauty and cheer to the Christmas season with fresh LOCALLY grown poinsettias and wreaths. These vibrant poinsettias and wreaths are the easiest way to get your home or business ready for the holiday season. They also make wonderful gifts! Red and white poinsettias are available in various sizes and gorgeous handmade 20-inch wreaths will include a mixture of traditional greenery, berries and pinecones.
Quantities are limited so be sure to purchase early! Online ordering makes it easy to order and pay. All orders are due on November 12, 2021 and will need to be picked up from FAW on December 1, 2021 between 5:30 - 7pm or Thursday, December 2, 2021 between 7:30 - 9am or 1:30 - 3:30pm.
Place your online order today:
Picture Make Up Day
Used Uniforms and Winter Uniforms
We are grateful to all those who so generously donate your used uniforms for other families to wear. Our winter uniforms are to be worn starting Monday, November 15th. Please check the uniform section in our School Handbook if you have questions about the proper winter uniform for all grade levels. If you have any uniforms that your children have outgrown, please consider dropping them off in the school lobby. A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Sheli Laney for organizing the used uniforms.
The New-to-(U)niform stand will be set up with *winter* gear only during the Trunk or Treat event. We are looking for middle school students to volunteer and earn credit for service learning hours. If your child is interested in helping, please contact Sheli Laney at
ADW Tuition Assistance Program Open
2022-2023 ADW Tuition Assistance Program: Applications for next year’s Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance Program are now available. The deadline date for returning families to apply is Friday, December 3rd. Families may apply online by logging onto
On the top toolbar, hover over “TUITION ASSISTANCE” and then click on the “ARCHDIOCESAN TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM” link at the top of the menu. Any families who think they will need tuition assistance for the 2022-2023 school year MUST APPLY THROUGH THIS ADW PROGRAM FIRST, before asking for aid from FAW.
White House Ornaments
Nominated as Best Private School!
We are honored to find out we have been nominated as the 2021 Best Private School!
Thank you! Vote HERE!
SCRIP Program
SCRIP Gift Card Fundraiser: Are you starting to think about Christmas shopping? We carry Amazon gift cards that can be loaded right into your Amazon account at any time and are available anytime you place an Amazon order.
Remember to start your Amazon purchases at also!
Do you like to shop on!
Remember to start your Amazon shopping at The first time you shop, select Father Andrew White SJ School as your charity of choice and Amazon will send our school a small percentage of your purchase! There's no cost to you and all of your Amazon benefits continue to apply. To date, FAW has received $4,037.12 just by families beginning their shopping at instead of Thank you for considering supporting the school in this simple way.
Fishin' for Tuition Rockfish Tournament
12th Annual White Mass – Sunday, October 31 – 11:00 a.m.
The Mass has the designation, “White” because of that color’s connection to our baptismal promises and it has now become a tradition that all the participants at the liturgy wear white, to symbolize the bonds of community we all share through this sacrament of initiation. In fact, the Catholic Bishops in 2017 based their Sacramental Guidelines for Persons with Disabilities on this primary foundation: By reason of their baptism, all Catholics are equal in dignity in the sight of God and have the same divine calling. (#1)
Cathedral of Saint Matthew the Apostle
1725 Rhode Island Ave NW
Washington, DC 20036
Book Fair Volunteers Wanted!
Our Book Fair will be set up in our library again this year. The Book Fair will be held from October 27th - November 5th. We are looking for volunteers to help each day between the hours of 9:15 and noon AND during our big Trunk or Treat event. This is a great way to earn volunteer hours and to be able to see the great selection of Scholastic books that will be available to our students and families. If you are able to help or have any questions, please contact Mrs. Pietsch at
Playground Volunteers
We have open time slots available for recess monitors during the second quarter. If you are available, please consider signing up. Your child will love to have you here!! Access the sign-up here.
NEW Archdiocese Requirement for ALL Volunteers
Log your volunteer hours!
Weekly Reminders:
❏ Vote FAW Best Private School (every day)
❏ Sign up to Host a Trunk
❏ Attend the Book Fair & Trunk or Treat (Thursday)
❏ Log your Whooo's Reading Minutes & Get Sponsors
❏ Order Butter Braids, White House Ornaments, and Poinsettia and Wreaths
❏ Try on winter uniforms and donate ones that are too small
❏ Apply for Financial Aid through the ADW
❏ Check the Status of your Volunteering Requirements (Fingerprinting)
❏ Volunteer for Book Fair or Recess Monitor
❏ Complete SCRIP Rebate Form
❏ Order SCRIP
❏ Sign up to compete in our Rockfish Tournament
About FAW
Location: 22850 Washington Street, Leonardtown, MD, USA
Phone: (301) 475-9795
Twitter: @FAWcrusaders