August 9 , 2023
Please keep in mind teachers will be hard at work preparing their classrooms on their first two days back so not all classrooms will be open during the walk arounds and teacher attendance is optional.
You will have a chance to see classrooms and meet teachers on:
- Tuesday, August 22 - 6th Grade Meet the Teacher Night from 5:00 - 7:00
Wednesday, August 23 - 7th and 8th Grade Meet the Teacher Night from 5:00 - 7:00
Schedules Available on Skyward at 4:00
At 4:00 PM this afternoon, student schedules will be available to view on Skyward.
At the scheduled Walk Arounds Thursday and Monday, we will not have printed schedules for students. We ask that you electronically view your schedule ahead of time and utilize the digital version during your visit (or write it down).
If you are having trouble accessing your child's schedule, we will be happy to assist you at the Walk Arounds.
To access your child's schedule on Skyward:
- Please download the Skyward App or use the QR code to access the Skyward website
- To log in to Skyward for the first time, please follow these steps
- Open Skyward Family Access using the QR Code or by going to https://skyward.phmschools.org/
Click the link "Forgot your UsernamePassword?"
● A new page should appear where you can put in your email
address and press submit.
● You will receive an email with a link to set
your password.
● You are in! You now have access to your
student's profile information
Yearbook Pickup
Families will be able to pick up ordered yearbooks from the 2022- 2023 school year during the Walk Around in the Main Office. (grades 6-8)
Information for ordering a yearbook for the 2023-2024 school year will be available in our back to school packets that will come home with students the first week of school.
Parent Info Night - Aug. 30
Join us to learn tips & tricks for navigating and utilizing Canvas and Skyward to help support your child and increase communication with our teachers and staff.
Principal, Grissom Middle School