Coyote Connection
August 9, 2022
Welcome Back!
Welcome to the start of the 2022-2023 school year! We are looking forward to an exciting year of learning and problem solving in our classrooms, encores, physical education classes and in our clubs and activities!
Teacher Assignments and Schedules
Dates and Schedules
Parents will be able to access the Skyward system at noon on Wednesday, August 10, to obtain teacher, room, bus assignments, and bus schedules for the upcoming school year.
Upcoming dates for Kindergarten through Fifth Grade
· Tuesday, August 16: school supply drop-off (12:30-2:00 p.m. or 6:00-7:30 p.m.)
· Wednesday, August 17: first day of attendance for First-Fifth Grade with an 11:30 a.m. dismissal
· Wednesday, August 17 and Thursday, August 18: Kindergarten screenings - please contact the office at 708-422-1800 if you have questions about your child’s appointment.
· Thursday, August 18: first full day of attendance for First-Fifth Grade
· Friday, August 19: first full day of attendance for Kindergarten
· Friday, August 19: PTA Ice Cream Social (6:00-8:00 p.m.)
Supply Drop-off
Once again this year we are providing an opportunity for parents and students to visit their classrooms and drop-off supplies before school starts. Supply drop-off is scheduled for Tuesday, August 16 from 12:30-2:00 p.m. or 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Kolmar Attendance Line: 708-422-1800
Reporting Absences: When it is necessary for a child to be absent from school, the parent/guardian is required to call our school before 8:30 a.m. to report the absence.
Please have the following information ready when reporting an absence:
Name of the person leaving the message;
Your Relationship to the child;
Child’s name;
Teachers name;
Reason for the absence.
If the school does not receive a parent/guardian phone call regarding absence, the parent/guardian will receive a call from the school at 10am requesting information about the absence.
Please report all student absences. As a matter of safety for your student, an unreported absence can result in the child being considered truant.
Or school strongly discourages absences from school for vacations or trips during scheduled attendance days. However, if your child will be out of school for any extended length of time (two or more days), please call the school office with this information prior to the actual dates of absence.
School doors open each day at 8:10 a.m.
Classes begin promptly at 8:30 a.m.
Parents/guardians are required to have their child/children at school regularly and punctually.
Did you know…
You can view Attendance history inside Family Access. Simply click “Attendance” in the left hand menu to view all historical attendance information.
Absenteeism in the first month of school is a predictor of poor attendance throughout the school year. Half the students who miss 2-4 days in September go on to miss nearly a month of school.
By 6th grade, chronic absence becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.
Research shows that missing 10 percent of the school days, or about 18 days negatively affects a student’s academic performance.
from attendanceworks.org
Arrival and Dismissal
This year we will continue implementing the arrival and dismissal procedures that were put in place to limit congestion at our entrances and exits. Children will continue entering and exiting the building in the morning and afternoon at a designated door. Bus riders will continue to enter and exit using the main entrance.
Children who arrive at school after 8:30 a.m will need to be signed in at the main office. Parents who are picking up children in more than one grade level are asked to meet the youngest child first and walk to meet the older child.
Kolmar Arrival and Dismissal
Bus Information
Please remind you student that appropriate bus behavior includes:
Always ride only the bus assigned by the school district.
Always be at your assigned bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled pickup time.
Always allow other students to share your seat.
Always sit in the bus seat.
Always keep hands, arms, and all other objects inside the bus.
Always respect the rights and property of others.
Delays in bus routing both to and from school will sometime occur. We are always working with our bus company to minimize such delays. Please review the guidance below when the bus is late.
Please adhere to the following procedures for morning buses that are running late:
Students must wait at least 10 minutes past the scheduled pick-up time before leaving their assigned bus stop.
After 10 minutes please contact the school to report the delayed bus.
Students should never attempt to walk to school.
If a late bus has been identified by the school and confirmed by the bus company, the school will promptly notify families of those affected.
Items lost on the bus can be retrieved from the main office of the school.
Did you know…
You can access Bus information any time by logging into Skyward Family Access.
Click “Student Info”
Click “View Bus Schedule”
Click “View Pickup/Drop Off Bus Stops” to view Pick-up/Drop-Off locations and times.
Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast and lunch will be available to students for a charge of $1.50 for breakfast and $3.05 for lunch. Lunch orders are taken each morning by classroom teachers. Parents are asked to send their children to school with a lunch if they arrive after 9:00 a.m.
We are planning to be outside as much as possible this year, so please watch the weather and have your child dress appropriately. While students are outside, we will continue to monitor and remind them to maintain their distance, but they will be able to remove their facemasks if they choose to do so.
Technology Insurance
Technology insurance is available for purchase through Skyward Family Access or by contacting the main office. The policy has a $25 deductible and protects against accidental damage, theft, fire, floods, and natural disasters. Families are able to enroll until September 30.
Additional information about the student device insurance program and deductibles can be found at: https://d123.org/about/technology/student-device-insurance/
Preschool Information
The Oak Lawn Park District’s FLASH program is continuing to provide daycare for children before and after school.
Wellness Reminder
Please remember that we need your help in keeping our Kolmar Community safe and healthy. If your child is not feeling well or has a fever, aches, coughing, or other signs of illness, please keep them home!
Kolmar Avenue Elementary School
Website: d123.org/kolmar
Location: 10425 S Kolmar Ave, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Phone: 708-422-1800
Twitter: @d123kolmar
Mr. David Creech - Principal
Email: dreech@d123.org
Website: d123.org/kolmar
Phone: 708-422-1800
Twitter: @dtcreech