Schmucker PTO Newsletter
September 2021
From the PTO President
It feels SO good to be back into the swing of things at Schmucker Middle School! We enjoyed seeing so many familiar and new faces at the Walk Around last month and we're so grateful for those of you who stopped by the PTO table to pay your dues, grab a magnet, or just say hello! We truly love all of our Schmucker students and families, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to be back in school safely, with in-person learning.
In this newsletter, we are including information in regards to the dues and direct donations. Please support us and SHARE this information with other SMS families to do the same. This year - more than any other - we will depend on the support of our members to get our budget back in shape after a year of virtual learning.
If you're looking to get more involved at Schmucker, please consider joining the PTO. We are in need of the following positions/chairs:
- 8th Grade Party
- Staff Appreciation
- Future Board positions
We are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the SMS community and would be honored for you to join us. Please do so at the next General Meeting on Thursday, September 16 at 4:15pm in the SMS library. Email us at schmuckerpto@phm.k12.in.us if you're interested.
Claudia Mager
PTO President
This year, we have had about 40 families pay their PTO dues, but our goal is to have 200! Schmucker PTO plays a vital role in supplementing the educational experiences of our students. The funds and services the PTO provides allow for opportunities not possible as part of the traditional school budget. Some of the items and activities the PTO plans to fund this year:
Staff/Teacher Appreciation Events
Grant teacher classroom requests not covered by the school
5 Star Program
Educational Events
8th grade end of year party
PTO Dues: The above opportunities are not possible without the support of our Schumucker families through PTO Dues and donations. This year we are asking for $15 per Schmucker Family to be a part of PTO and help to fund these activities. The MORE dues and donations we receive, then the LESS fundraising we will have to do this year.
Additional Contributions: In the past, the PTO has spent $35 PER STUDENT in enhancements and supplemental programs. Please help us to meet or exceed this amount for the 2021-22 academic year. Every donation, of any amount, helps us to reach this goal. Thank you in advance for your generous support of our students, our schools, and our PTO.
The PTO is a 501(c)3 organization; any financial donation you make is tax-deductible. 100% of your contribution directly funds programs to enrich our school and make our kids proud to be SMS Spartans!
Please use one of the two options to pay for your PTO Dues:
1) You may pay electronically by clicking the link below, which will direct you to our electronic PTO dues site. This is very convenient and can be done so very quickly and easily.
If you pay via the link above, you will be entered into a drawing to win a FREE $25 gift card to Chick-Fil-A! Easy peasy!
2) Send a check in with your student. Please make checks payable to “Schmucker PTO.” A gift receipt for direct donations will be mailed to you.
We’ve been so incredibly thankful for the outpouring of generosity and contributions from our SMS community. We ask for your continued support as we move forward to make this an amazing school year for all of our Schmucker Spartans.
Thank you!
FLASH SALE: Spirit Wear & PE Clothes 9/1-9/7
FLASH SALE! SMS PTO and Graphie Tees will re-open the online store one more time from September 1-7. This is another opportunity for you to order the optional PE clothes and/or Spirit Wear. The delivery will be to the school about 2 weeks after the store closes or you can pay a shipping fee to have items delivered directly to your home.
Click on the link below to shop:
Box Tops, Spartan Labels, and Amazon Smile
You can also look for Schmucker Middle School in Amazon Smile. With all of our online holiday shopping, it's an effective way to easily give back to our SMS PTO.
Email: schmuckerpto@phm.k12.in.us
Website: schmucker.phmschools.org/pto-information
Location: 56045 Bittersweet Road, Mishawaka, IN, USA
Phone: 574-258-5661
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SCHMUCKERPTO