Archer Update #21
January 12, 2024
SHINE into 2024
Reminder: Monday, January 15th - NO SCHOOL for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
The second quarter officially ends January 11th. Report Cards will be posted in Skyward on Family Access on Friday, January 19th, 2024.
This week teachers who have a classroom library have shared a catalog of their collection, either through their parent newsletters or through Canvas. Parents have access to the catalog of each class their student attends. We value this opportunity for partnership and transparency as we create a literacy rich environment.
A friendly reminder from the IMC:
We'll be sending letters home soon with invoices regarding overdue library book replacement costs. We kindly ask that you remind your student(s) to return or renew their books within the next week. We appreciate your help in getting our books back on the shelves!
In this edition of the Archer Update you will find the following information:
- Washington D.C. Trip Registration for Current 8th Graders
- Penn High School's Summer P.E. for Incoming 9th Graders
- In Case of Inclement Weather - School Closing E-Learning Information
- Teacher Job Fair for PHM
- Reporting Student Absences
Friendly Reminders:
- Drop-off begins at 8:50 am and students will be marked tardy if they aren't in their seats by 9:05 am. Dismissal begins at 4:00 pm for car riders and buses depart by 4:08 pm.
- Unless approved by the building principal, no visitors or guests are allowed in the building.
Discovery Middle School is ranked #2 in the State of Indiana for top performing middle schools (this is out of about 300). Our teachers continue to be prepared to provide the most targeted, engaging lessons to help all our students reach their fullest learning potential. Our students are some of the best in Indiana and possibly the world! Thank you for sending us your finest!
Washington D.C. Trip Registration for Current 8th Graders!
Parents of 8th grade students,
One last reminder that the deadline for registering your child for our wonderful 8th grade Washington, D.C. trip is this week. The due date for registering is Friday, January 12, 2024. On the website it will say the due date is Jan. 11th, but the company will accept registrations through Friday.
If your son/daughter is planning to go on this trip you can find the link to register here. The trip promises to be an enriching and educational experience for our students, and we wouldn't want any of them to miss out.
Please have your registration and deposit payment submitted on or before this Friday to make sure your child can participate in this opportunity. If you have any questions or need further assistance with the registration process, please don't hesitate to reach out to Mr. Bontrager or Mr. Hedrick.
We look forward to an exciting and memorable trip to Washington, D.C. with your child.
Penn High School's Summer P.E. for Incoming 9th Graders
Summer School 2024 Dates/Times (Tentative)
Semester 1 - June 10-28 (Mon-Fri, 8:40 AM-12:40 PM)Semester 2 - July 8-26 (Mon-Fri, 8:40 AM-12:40 PM)
Cost: No Fee
Here is the registration form for Summer PE 2024 at Penn
The form will be accepting responses from 01/08/24 - 01/18/24
Important to Know Before Registering:
- PE is a two-semester course.
Students planning on playing a sport at Penn High School should consult with the coach before signing up for summer PE; the Physical Conditioning class will count towards the PE requirement.
Absences for vacations, sports, school trips, camps, etc. cannot not be permitted.
Summer PE transportation is provided for students residing within the P-H-M District.
Summer PE spots will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
Students in Summer PE will be required to participate in the following: daily kinetics, activities that promote physical fitness, cardiovascular activities, strength and endurance development, swimming, team sports
In Case of Inclement Weather - School Closing E-Learning Information
PHM Teacher Job Fair
Reporting Student Absences
Another option is to go to your Skyward Family Access Account and follow these steps:
- Click on the Attendance Tile for the child who will be absent.
- Click on the Absence Requests Tab
- Click Add Absence Request on the right side of the screen
- Enter Start and End Date
- Check All Day if the absence will be the entire school day
- Attendance Reason - Choose from the drop down menu
- Comment - Add any information regarding the absence reason
- Click SAVE in the upper right hand corner
Discovery Middle School
Website: https://discovery.phmschools.org/
Location: 10050 Brummitt Road, Granger, IN, USA
Phone: 574-674-6010