Linn Lion's Roar
January 2024
- January 1-5
Winter Break - January 8 -
Staff Development Day - January 15 -
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- January 25 -
PTO Meeting
What's going on in the classroom?
I hope everyone has had a wonderful break! I can't believe the school year is already half over. Your children have been learning so much. Please continue to practice the alphabet and the sounds they make, sight words, and listen to them read the books we send home. We have been working hard learning how to make the sounds and blend the sound together to read new words. In math, we are beginning to learn about number bonds, adding, and subtracting. Teachers and parents are a team. The more you practice with them at home helps children learn that what we are doing at school is important and they should try their best. The more effort they have the more they learn!
Please send your child to school with a coat every day. As long as it is not raining/snowing and the wind chill is at least 20 degrees we will go outside for recess.
First Grade
Hello First Grade Families,
This month has been a really busy month for our students. We have finished up both our Reading and Math units. We have also finished our Social Studies topic. When we come back from Winter break we will be starting on our new units for Math and Reading. This module will connect into our plant unit that we will start for Science. Our students are getting better at reading. Please encourage your children to read at home at least 20 minutes. We hope you all enjoyed the Christmas break and have Happy Holidays!
First Grade Teachers,
Mrs. Adame, Ms. Huizar, Ms. Hernandez
Second Grade
Second Grade wants to welcome you back to school and wish you a Happy New Year! We hope this break gave you a chance to relax and make some wonderful memories with your loved ones.
As we start our third quarter these are some of the things we will be doing:
In Reading we will be focusing on point of view, determining the central message, and understanding that characters face challenges in stories. We will also be identifying multiple main topics within a text and learning how to develop a strong conclusion in our informational text.
In math, we will be practicing various strategies for adding and subtracting within 1,000 with word problems to 100. We still encourage students to practice their math facts at home for fluency.
In science, we will be starting our “Dealing with Changes to Earth” bundle. Students will explore how slow and fast changes to Earth affect the landscape. Students will also explore how engineering solutions can be designed to slow or prevent wind or water from changing the shape of the land.
Your support, in whatever form it takes, is truly appreciated and plays a crucial role in your child's educational journey.
Second Grade Teachers,
- Ms. Solis
- Miss Rosales
Third Grade
2024 is here! We look forward to spending this 3rd Quarter with you and your student. We have goals to strive towards!
Remember to make sure that students are getting back into the school routine. They need to be well-rested, healthy and prepared for each school day. They should continue to have a positive attitude and a growth mindset so we can move forward to conquer our learning goals!
We will begin new units in ELA and Social Studies. In ELA, we will read texts to understand that oral histories have transmitted explanations, and wisdom for generations. We will seek to understand the moral of stories. In Social Studies, we will begin with our focus on the United States as a Growing Nation in history. We will investigate how life changes throughout history for people coming to America.
Math continues with our Area and perimeter unit, so keep sharing examples at home using those skills.
Please keep in contact with us using Talking Points as we strengthen the rigor and responsibility heading into this new semester!
The 3rd-Grade Team
Ms. Hernandez
Mrs. Salmans
Mrs. Laskowsky
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
We hope you all had a Wonderful Winter Break!
ELA: We will be starting our Unit on Space and the Planets. This is a fun unit!
Math: We will be starting a new Module, Module 4. This module has us continuing to work with fractions, as well as measurement conversions.
Writing: We will be working on writing a Science Fiction narrative.
We hope to be going on a field trip to the Cosmosphere within the next couple of months. More information to come.
Reminders: Please make sure your student is reading 20-30 minutes every evening. They also should be practicing their multiplication facts every evening. Please make sure your student is getting to bed at a reasonable time, this allows their brains to rest and be prepared for learning. State Testing will be here before we know it, and all these things will help them excel in school and on the tests. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please message us on Talking Points or call the school to talk with us.
Mrs. Harlan
Mrs. Garcia
Ms. Sughroue
- Kinder is working on loud and soft and steady bear.
- First Grade is working on identifying so and mi on a staff as well as the four voice types as well as basic rhythm patterns.
- Third Grade is working on the program for February entitled "Movin' and Groovin'".
- Fifth Grade is learning about 6/8 meter and reviewing treble clef in preparation for recorders coming up in January