District Student Achievement Team
January 2021
Welcome 2021!
This time of year we look around us for signs of compassion and generosity in the world. Acts of kindness, innovation, and resilience that we can take into the New Year. You, along with your colleagues and broader WWPS Learning Community demonstrate those qualities every day in your dedication to our students.
In these time of constant change, it’s more important than ever that we celebrate the things that are going right, the ways in which teachers, despite many obstacles and challenges, are helping students. Educators everywhere have spent the past few months developing everyday innovations and tackling tough challenges with persistence and creativity. Celebrating these bright spots can help us to restore our efficacy, and in so doing, recharge our batteries and light the way to new possibilities for students in 2021.
We hope you continue to do your best to notice the light and hope around you, and the hope that comes from individuals and communities rising to the challenges that affect us all.
This new year represents hope. We’re excited about positive changes ahead, and look forward to sharing them as a team for the remainder of the year.
Instructional Technology Update
There has been a lot of work happening in the area of Instructional Technology and Technology in general. To get started, here are a few statistics. As of January 12th, the district has loaned out 1532 laptops to students for use at home; buildings and the district still have some laptops available if a student needs one as we transition to 2nd semester. Over the course of the last 90-days there has been just over 40,000 meetings held in Microsoft Teams. The technology team has completed over 1400 tickets since the start of the school year. Based on the increased demand for technology support, we welcomed Tyler Stewart to our technology team just before Thanksgiving. Prior to his arrival, our team’s average response time for a ticket was 6 hours and 24 minutes. Our average response time is now down to 4 hours and 16 minutes.
In the last update provided in November, DSAT was made aware that our Instructional Technology Team was collecting input for the vision of classroom technology, specifically AV (audio visual). This is necessary so that we can begin rolling out technology enhancements over the course of the coming summers thanks to the 2020 bond program. That information was synthesized at our December 8th meeting and a survey was created by our team to give our entire teaching community a voice. The survey was released January 4th following the two-week break. Our team met again January 12th to unpack the K-12 results as well as break into groups to review the data disaggregated by level and identify the key priorities.
The bond team will be reviewing the key priorities identified to determine how to best proceed with putting out an RFP (request for proposal) to have work completed at the elementary and middle school this summer 2021 and the work for the high school will be done the summer of 2022. More information will be shared at the next DSAT meeting. Our next and final virtual Instructional Technology Team meeting for the 2020-2021 school year is scheduled for Tuesday, March 30th. We will continue to invite the entire teaching community as well as our administrative team to the meetings so that we have representation from all areas of those who are interested.
If you have any interest in exploring the survey results, you’ll can explore the overall K-12 results as well as PDF files for the graphs broken down by level all linked below.
About Us
Email: kbeal@mywwps.org
Website: http://www.warrenwoods.misd.net/
Location: 12900 Frazho Road, Warren, MI, USA
Phone: 586.439.4469
Facebook: facebook.com/Warren-Woods-Public-Schools
Twitter: @WarrenWoodsPS