Timber Ridge News and Notes!
February 3, 2022
Upcoming Dates!!
Friday, January 28 - Day 6
Monday, January 31 - Day 1
Tuesday, February 1 - Day 2
Wednesday, February 2 - Day 3 - school dismisses at 2:30 pm
Thursday, February 3 - Day 4
Friday, February 4 - Day 5
Monday, February 7 - Day 6
Tuesday, February 8, Day 1
Wednesday, February 9 - Day 2 - school dismisses at 2:30 pm
Thursday, February 10 - Day 3
Friday, February 11 - Day 4
Monday, February 14 - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, February 15 - Day 5
Wednesday, February 16 - Day 6 - school dismisses at 2:30 pm
Thursday, February 17 - Day 1
Friday, February 18 - Day 2
Monday, February 21 - Day 3
Tuesday, February 22 - Day 4
Wednesday, February 23 - Day 5 - school dismisses at 2:30 pm
Thursday, February 24 - Day 6 - 3 hour early dismissal, school dismisses at 12:35
Thursday, February 24 - Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00 -8:00 pm
Friday, February 25 - Day 1
Monday, February 28 - Day 2
Kindness Week
From the Nurse
It’s that time of year when we see an increase in illnesses at school. This is a direct reflection of the increase in illnesses that are circulating in our community.
If your child is ill or not feeling well, please keep them home. Parents should not send their child to school if he or she:
- has a fever of 100.4 degrees or more. The student should stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal (98.6 degrees F) without fever-reducing medication;
- has vomited or had diarrhea or unexplained abdominal pain. The student should stay home until 24 hours after the last episode;
- has a rash that may be disease-related or from an unknown cause;
- has swelling, redness, tenderness, or discharge from eyes;
- has a severe cold and/or persistent cough;
- has tested positive for a communicable disease (i.e. Covid-19, influenza, etc.)
Parents are asked to call the school in the morning before 9:00 a.m. when their child is going to be tardy or absent. If your child has tested positive for a communicable disease, please contact your school nurse to determine when your child may return to school.
Good handwashing, eating healthy foods, staying hydrated, getting plenty of rest, getting daily exercise, and staying up to date on immunizations will help to keep your family and our community healthy!
Upcoming PTO Events!
Upcoming PTO Events!
Ongoing – Winter Coat Drive
-Keep sending in any extra winter gear you have – they are getting used! *
Feb 4 – Thank you Cards after lunch in the atrium
-Encourage your kids to stop by and make a thank you card!
Feb 10 – Chocolate Feast for teachers
-See the sign-up and donate some goodies for our amazing TR teachers!
Feb 10 - ARL Craft after lunch in the atrium
-Encourage your kids to stop by and make a craft for the animals at the ARL! *
Feb 16 – Family Tech Talk Night
-Parents join virtually to learn more about teaching our kids online safety! *
Feb 18 - Spring Book Fair setup
-Spring Book Fair is coming!
We always need volunteers to make this a great experience for our kids. Check your schedules and volunteer if you can!
Feb 18 – Buccaneers Night
-Join other TR families in cheering on the Bucs! *
Feb 26 – Winter Games
-Families are invited for a fun afternoon of games and snacks! *
March 6 – Wolves Night
-Enjoy a basketball game with other TR families! *
March 7 – Grant Committee Meeting
-See the link if you’d like to join the committee!
* See the attached pdf for more info.
5th grade tweets
Personal Items Policy
Please note the section on "Personal Items" in the Elementary Handbook. This policy is in regard to cell phones, smart phones, smart watches and other personal items.
G. Personal Items
Video games, toys, baseball cards, radios, headphones, cell phones, smart phones, smart watches, IPods/MP3 players, electronic devices such as e-readers, itouch/ipad and other personal items are not appropriate in school as they frequently interrupt the learning environment. Personal property should be left at home unless specifically requested by the classroom teacher. If a parent has given permission for a student to have a phone at school, it is to remain in the student’s backpack in silent mode or off until the child is off school grounds. Electronic devices may be taken from a student for inappropriate use. (Board Policy 502.10R). The school is not responsible for loss of or damage to personal items.
In addition to personal items, the sending of balloons, flowers, or other gifts to students while at school is not allowed due to the disruption in the learning environment. These items will be held in the office until the end of the school day for pickup and these items will not be allowed on school buses.