Principal Update
Mills Elementary, Nov 7, 2022 - November 11, 2022
APEX Fun Run Success!
THANK YOU for your support of our school-wide fundraiser this year! Students, staff, and families had a blast participating in our Fun Run last Thursday. Our students ran over 28,000 laps and raised close to $39k for our campus. Wow!!!
Reminders About the Book Fair
Book Fair is here! We are thrilled to host an "Out of this World" themed Book Fair on Nov. 7th-11th.
1) In an effort to make this fair as secure and easy as possible for all our students, staff members, and parents, this will be a NO CASH book fair. We're asking parents to please set up a Scholastic eWallet account for their children HERE. It's easy to create an eWallet for your student. Simply add funds or invite family and friends to contribute. It provides a safe, cashless way for students to shop for their own books in person and provides a secure contactless check-out. Scholastic recommends using Chrome as your browser and creating the eWallet using a computer instead of your phone.
2) We'll be open Monday (11/7), Tuesday (11/8) and Thursday (11/10), from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Even though Tuesday, November 8th is a school holiday (election day), the Book Fair will be open all day! Families may enter via the library doors and do their shopping together. Parents may purchase books using credit cards, debit cards, or eWallet accounts. Also, on Wednesday, November 9th we'll close at 3:00pm, but then re-open from 5:00-7:00pm for our family night event. PTA will also have a hands-on math event that same night in the cafeteria. Kona Ice and Top Taco food trucks will be at Mills that evening as well. It should be a fun night for our Mills community!
3) All students will be coming to the Book Fair with their classes at a scheduled time during the week of November 7th-11th. We ask that if your child plans to purchase books at school, their eWallet account is set up by Monday, November 7th. To make shopping easier for your child, you can determine which items you'd like to purchase ahead of time by browsing the interactive book flyer HERE or looking at this LIST of books that will be included at the Book Fair.
Mills Veteran's Day Assembly, Friday Nov 11
On Friday, November 11, our students will be participating in a school-wide assembly, recognizing Veterans Day and those who have served to protect our country.
Students have been learning songs in their music classes and our 5th graders are writing beautiful essays. A few of these will be read.
We invite Mountain Lion families who have current or former service members to join us. Please plan to attend if you're able so that we may recognize and thank you for your service. The program will run from 9:00-9:45.
Kindness & Compassion Month in November- Book Exploration
Don't forget that parents are able to create library accounts with our Mills library!
Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson (4th & 5th)
The Kindness Book by Todd Parr (Great for PreK/Kinder)
All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold
Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller
Kindness is Cooler, Mrs. Ruler by Margery Cuyler
The Kindness Quilt by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace
The Big Umbrella by Amy June Bates
A Small Kindness by Stacy McAnulty
Do Unto Otters by Laurie Keller
Cara's Kindness by Kristi Yamaguchi
The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig
This Week & Looking Ahead
November 7-November 11 Book Fair
Nov 7- Dec 2 Coats for Kids! Drop off your gently used jackets/coats in the marked bin in front parking lot.
November 8- ELECTION DAY-Student Holiday- Staff Professional Development Day (Book Fair Open)
November 9- Mills Family Math Night & Book Fair
November 11- Veteran's Day Assembly
November 13- World Kindness Day
November 14- November CAC Meeting
November 15- 4th Grade Spanish Performance
November 16- Educational Support Professionals Day
November 16- Pre-K Thanksgiving Performance 8am
November 16- UIL Campus Meet, 3:30pm-4:30pm (3rd-5th)
November 17- Thanksgiving Lunch
November 21- November 25- Fall (Thanksgiving) Break