Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ May 22, 2017
Equipment Turn-In
Dear Oak Grove families,
The end of the school year is approaching and the Tech department would like to help make equipment turn-in easy and seamless for parents, students and teachers.
Equipment turn-in for students participating in the take home program is Friday, May 26. Please turn in the travel bag with pouch, charger (duck head in place), and cord extender to your homeroom teacher. Please make sure that the name is still legible and visible in the front pocket of the bag.
The final day for iPad take home is May 31st. Please return the charger, cable and black take home pouch that were issued with the iPad.
If any equipment is missing or damaged, charges may be assessed. If you have any questions, please email Patti Jacobs, jacobs@ogschool.org
Eagle Breakfast
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
On April 20th, students in grades 4 and 5 participated in the Illinois Mathematics League Contest. This year, we have over forty student participate. Congratulations to all students who participated!
Fourth Grade Participants
Saira Abraham
Prem Acharya
Ahanaditya Dey
Rinav Dugar
Nivas Durgam
Gabriella Earth
Bruna Ferreira
Brian Furlong
Lyn George
Jessica Hedlund
Gati Jain
Janis Sefina John Peter
Molly Lyon
Vitoria Martins Da Costa
Deacon Obourn
Jackson Obourn
Shan Pfister
Shishir Rajendran
Ankita Ramachandran
Mirabella Shridharani
Eshhan Singapori
Shreyas Srirama Chandra Moorthy
Hasan Suglatwala
James Whittaker
Fifth Grade Participants
Katherine Anderson
Shrawani Datar
Mustafa Ehsan
Emma Erisman
Sophia Frecking
Liz George
Adithya Jyothish Gopal
Cameron Huang
Amal Khan
Naomi Linde
Razi Mohammed
Soren Sethi
William Sims
Sashwatha Senthilkumar
Marisa Tarica
Lilly Treutelaar
Sujaan Virk
Eric Vu
Vanessa Zhang
Top Five Scorers, Fourth Grade
Ahanaditya Dey
Brian Furlong
Gati Jain
Janis Sefina John Peter
Shan Pfister
Shishir Rajendran
James Whittaker
Top Five Scorers, Fifth Grade
Mustafa Ehsan
Liz George
Cameron Huang
Naomi Linde
Soren Sethi
William Sims
Eric Vu
Vanessa Zhang
Congratulations to Ahan Dey for his top score in fourth grade and Eric Vu for his top score in fifth grade!
Attention Parents with Current 6th and/or 7th Grade Students
Students in grades 6th and 7th will be completing a survey this week during study hall in order to rank their preferences for rotations for the 2017-2018 school year. During 6th and 7th grade, students will have 4 rotations, one for each quarter of the school year. Please see the descriptors below for rotations choices and additional information.
Art - Drawing & Painting
Students will learn a variety of techniques using various art media to create multiple 2D pieces of art. Exploration into watercolor painting, shading, still life drawing, and acrylic painting will be covered.
Art - Digital Arts
Students will learn how to use iPad and iMac software to create digitally manipulated photographs and drawings. Students will learn tips to be a stronger photographer and students will also learn graphic design basics and create non-computer designed artwork.
Art - Multimedia Art & Sculpture
Students will explore using multiple art mediums on individual projects. Students will create 3D art using various sculpture materials and techniques.
Art – Ceramics
Students will learn a variety of clay hand building techniques such as coils, slabs, and pinch pots. Students will finish their ceramics by learning various glazing and painting techniques. Students will also get a chance to try out a pottery wheel.
Students will write and perform. Students will take part in the entire process of putting on a show including, but not limited to going through the rehearsal process, incorporating design elements (set, sound, lighting, costume) and performing for peers and / or parents.
Science by Design
Contains project-based activities that challenge and engage the curiosity and imagination of middle school students. Students will envision, design, and test their ideas with various tools. Possible Concepts: automation/robotics, designing and creating three dimensional objects, and architecture
Technology – Multimedia
This class will explore production techniques and tools used in graphic arts, web, photography, and videography. Students will work in groups and individually to create a portfolio of products that demonstrate their creativity and their understanding of the tools used.
Technology – Web Programming
This course will introduce students to computer programming by using tools such as HTML, Java Script, Scratch, and other platforms. A focus will be on creating interactive games.
Public Speaking
Speaking to a crowd, giving a speech, making a presentation to your class -these are all things you are going to have to do, and in Public Speaking you will learn how to do these things effectively. Students will learn to prepare and present speeches in a variety of settings.
Introduction to Personal Finance
Students will begin to develop knowledge and skills for personal financial management. The goals of this course center on: (1) financial responsibility and decision making; (2) the relationship of education, income, and careers; (3) money management; credit and debt as they are introduced to personal financial concepts such as income and taxes, checking and savings accounts, and comparison-shopping.
8th Grade, 2017-2018 school year:
*The 8th grade musical is not included in the ranked choices. If a student chooses to participate in the musical, for quarter 2 and quarter 3, they will be placed in 'musical theater' for rotation, following auditions in the fall.
Art - Drawing & Painting Advanced
Students will learn a variety of techniques using various art media to create multiple 2D pieces of art. Exploration into watercolor painting, shading, still life drawing, and acrylic painting will be covered.
Art - Digital Arts Advanced
Students will learn how to use iPad and iMac software to create digitally manipulated photographs and drawings. Students will learn tips to be a stronger photographer and students will also learn graphic design basics and create non-computer designed artwork.
Art- Multimedia Art & Sculpture Advanced
Students will explore using multiple art mediums on individual projects. Students will create 3D art using various sculpture materials and
Art– Ceramics Advanced
Students will learn a variety of clay hand building techniques such
as coils, slabs, and pinch pots. Students will finish their ceramics by learning various glazing and painting techniques. Students will also get a chance to try out a pottery wheel.
Music– Vocal
This class offers students the opportunity to explore vocal music without the pressure of performance. Focusing primarily on good vocal pedagogy, the students will be exposed to a variety of musical genres and styles.
Peer Assisted Learning (PALS)
Offers students the exciting chance to be active part of Oak Grove, through tutoring, recycling, playground monitoring, which are just a few service activities students perform.
The Robotics rotation is a curriculum module designed to teach core computer programming logic and reasoning skills using the NXT or EV3 robots. The class contains a sequence of challenge fields the students progress through to gain skills using various sensors and add-ons in order to complete the tasks on the field. The students will gain skills in problem solving with their robots, how to build simple programs that progress toward the challenge task, and explore activities that expose additional uses for programming the robot behaviors.
Technology– Broadcasting
This class will explore video production with an emphasis on video technology, video composition, basic lighting and audio production techniques, and video storytelling. Students will work in groups to create video projects utilizing post-production editing.
Technology– Filmmaking
Students will learn all the basics of making a strong, visually-driven films with an emphasis on narrative storytelling. This course focuses on the basics of video production, essential film grammar, story development, script, music, and sound.
Student Council
Oak Grove School Education Foundation Soaring Eagle Scholarship Winners
We are excited to announce the winners of the 2017 OGSEF Soaring Eagle Scholarship tonight at the LHS Awards Ceremony! Keep an eye on the OGSEF Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ogsfoundation) to see who our very deserving alumni awardees are!
PTO News
PTO Meeting
Our last PTO meeting for this year will be held this Wednesday at 9am in the junior high teacher's lounge. All are welcome! It's always nice to see new faces.
K-1 Social
Thanks to all who attended the K-1 social! It was a lot of fun at the Libertyville Sports Complex! Thanks to Kirstin Willis for organizing and a special thanks to: Cathie DeMoon, Beth Zender, Jamie Cotts, Leah Parr, Becky Sims, Kathleen DuClos, Kristin Golumbeck, Jen Hanson, Erich Reutzel, Brad Rubash, and Becky Jones for all of your help!
If anyone accidentally took a grey and orange Nike wind jacket home by mistake, can you please return to Elementary Office?
6-7 Social
A huge thank you to Dana Huennekens for organizing this year's social that was held at Glacier Ice Arena on Friday, May 19th. Thank you to Monica Goldberg, Christine Merrild, & Becky Rynes for helping out!
PTO Receipts
If you have any outstanding receipts from PTO events that you need to be reimbursed for, please submit them along with the reimbursement form to Liz Howard (she has a PTO Treasurer mailbox in both the junior high and elementary offices) by May 24th. Below is the link to the reimbursement form.
Committee Report
Just a reminder to all PTO Committee Chairs - please turn in your completed end of the year committee report to Mia Hughes by May 24th. A copy of the form can be found at:
"Hot Ground Gym" Assembly
Thank you Oak Grove PTO, Michelle Jackson & Hot Ground Gym. Last week’s final assembly for the school year did not disappoint. Both students & teachers alike were challenged, strengthened & inspired last week when Hot Ground Gym put OGS to the test!
They brought a militant attitude & the best weather we’ve seen yet! Our students were definitely paying attention to our tough & serious fitness instructors as they hit the challenging fitness course. There were many a red face to be seen matched by many a broad smile. It was fun to see our fearless teachers get into the action as well. Here's hoping your children came home energized & tired!
Thanks again to Hot Ground Gym for bringing it; their business is now located in Vernon Hills.
Track and Field
Congratulations to the nine athletes who competed in the State Track and Field Meet in East Peoria on Friday and Saturday.
7th Graders: Andrew Brooks, Reagan Kuypers, Christian Roberts, Joshua Sears, and Shane Wimmer
And 8th Graders: Claire Arnold, Jane Arnold, Faith Roberts, Lyann Tam, Samantha Skarbek
Two of our athletes earned medals in their individual events:
Christian Roberts earned 4th place overall in the Hurdles.
Andrew Brooks earned 2nd place overall in the 800 Meter Run.
All track and field athletes need to return their uniforms by the end of the week.
Thank you for a great season! Go Eagles!
Yearbook Contest Winners
• Paige Vang, 8th grade (main cover)
• Allison Chung, 6th grade (back cover)
• Gabriella Earth, 4th grade (inside front cover)
• Will Maag, 1st grade (inside back cover)
Congratulations to our talented students! Each student is asked to see Mrs. Vance for help with the colorization process. Thank you!
Retirement Party
Please join us as we celebrate Kathy Mackinnon's 35 years of dedication to teaching at OGS.
Thursday, May 25
2-3 pm Open House
Elementary Cafeteria
All former students and families are welcome. Please make sure to check in at the Elementary Office when you arrive.
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120