March 2022
Provided by your School Counselors:
Stacey Endicott - BHS
Joe Bavlnka - BHS
Christina Olson - JYMS
Laurie Kowalke - JYMS
John Davies - East and West
Rylee McCarthy - GLW and NF
Brianna Capesius - ABE
Compassion Fatigue: Connection to Trauma, Stages and Assessments
Staff that work with students who experience traumatic events are often deeply affected. Some staff may suffer from secondary trauma. Secondary trauma can happen to us when we come to know the traumatic events that the students we serve have experienced. While it is uncommon, some helpers experience some of the same symptoms of trauma as if the experience had happened to them.
Secondary trauma is one aspect of compassion fatigue. Ross Greene, clinical child psychologist and respected author and trainer in the education field, refers to compassion fatigue quite simply as a decrease in a person’s capacity to empathize with those who are suffering. Adding the concept of burnout creates a more inclusive understanding of why some educators may experience compassion fatigue.
Burnout can be the outcome when educators face unrealistic job expectations or do not know how to successfully meet typical expectations. Very few staff come to a job in a school setting knowing fully how to address multiple academic expectations as well as all of the behavioral challenges that are presented to them by their students. These expectations can be overwhelming and can lead to burnout if measures are not taken to build skills, support resilience and alleviate the symptoms.
What does compassion fatigue look like? What are the symptoms to look for early on to be able to minimize its impact and create (or return to) a path of resilience? Eric Gentry, PhD, offers a way to understand compassion fatigue in his staged model. Cat pictures were added to Gentry’s work by some of the authors of this toolkit to add some fun and assist with memory.
Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue Quality of Life Scale
The ProQOL is a 30 question, self-administered, self-scored, free assessment.
When you help people you have direct contact with their lives. As you may have found, your compassion for those you help can affect you in positive and negative ways. Discover your personal levels of compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress by taking the assessment linked above.