π The Weekly Buzz π
From Palmer River Elementary School
April 28, 2023
Dear Families,
We returned from spring break on Monday, and entered into the home stretch of the 2022-23 school year! With just under 40 days left, there are so many fun events planned in the coming weeks! Be sure to check out the list below for more information. Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Kristine Kefor, Principal
email: kkefor@drregional.org
Dr. Cheryl Leandro, Assistant Principal
email: cleandro@drregional.org
phone: 508-252-5100
Upcoming Calendar Dates for PRES
There are so many fun events coming up before we reach the last day of school. We will update this list weekly.
- The Ooch Experience Show (Anti-bullying): May 1st
- Second Grade Program: Storytelling with Len Cabral: May 2nd
- Grade 3 Math MCAS: May 9th and 10th
- First Grade Roger Williams Zoo Field Trip: May 10th
- Kindergarten Barn Babies Visit: May 15th
- Grade 4 Math MCAS: May 16th and 17th
- Second Grade Field Trip to NRT: May 16th, 17th, and 19th
- WBZ/CBS Boston Meteorologist Jacob Wycoff Visits Grade 3: May 18th
- Think First! Helmet Safety Program for 1st and 2nd Grade: May 22nd
- Fourth Grade Palmer River Invertebrate Project: May 22nd to May 26th
- PRES School Council: May 23rd
- Third Grade Field Trips to the Carpenter Museum: May 23rd, 25th, 30th, and June 1st, 6th, 8th
- No School-Memorial Day: May 29th
- Third Grade Field Trip to Plimoth Pawtuxet Museum: May 26th
- Kindergarten Pumpernickel Puppets Show: June 1st
- DRRHS Senior Farewell Tour: June 6th
- Fourth Grade Art and Music Festival: June 8th
- Fourth Grade Field Trip to NRT: June 13th and 14th
- Third Grade Wax Museum: June 15th from 5:30-6:30pm
- Field Day ALL DAY for the ENTIRE SCHOOL: June 16th (with a rain date of June 20th)
- Fourth Grade Step Up Day to BMS and PTSA Cookout: DATE TBD
- Fourth Grade Escape Elementary School: June 14th from 3:35-6:00pm
- Fourth Grade Clap Out Ceremony: June 22nd at 10am (All families welcome!)
- Last Day of School: June 22nd with dismissal at 12:20pm
Dighton-Rehoboth Regional Schools 2023-2024 Calendar
Please click the link below to access the 2023-2024 School Year Calendar.
Upcoming Parent Presentation
Palmer River Courtyard Fundraiser (Plant Sale) UPDATE:πΏπΉπ»π·
A HUGE thank you to all who purchased, donated, and promoted the Living Color fundraiser that goes towards the improvement of our school's courtyard! We have been able to raise enough money to jump-start our project! You will be able to pick up your plants on Wednesday May 24th. More information about timing and where to go--is coming soon! Thank you again! If you have any questions concerns please reach out to Emily Sullivan at at esullivan@drregional.org
Mystery Hatch 2023
The Mystery Hatch is back and students are already starting to formulate predictions! Want to follow along? Mrs. Sullivan encourages home participation--feel free to research with your child what you think could be developing inside Mrs. Sullivan's Mystery eggs. Click HERE to learn more about the hatch, follow along with the clues, and how you can participate! If you have any questions--please reach out to Mrs. Sullivan herself at esullivan@drregional.org
Click Below to Watch A Presentation By Mrs. Gates
Take a Peek at Our Week!
The Trait of the Month for May is Cooperation
A Note From Our School Nurse, Mrs. Bellora
Seasonal Reminders from the Health Office
Dear Palmer River Friends and Families:
Please fill your childβs water bottle daily as we have outdoor learning time. Hydration is essential for wellness and learning.
Send in a comfortable change of clothes for any sort of mishap.
Apply sunscreen before school and send a hat with your childβs name on it.
Update any student allergies or medications with the Health Office.
Make sure your child has his/her emergency medication in school.
Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!
Nurse Alyson Bellora BSN RN NCSN abellora@drregional.org
This Month's Lunch Menu
Community News
Extra SNAP Benefits are Available this Spring
CTE Summer Camp For Incoming 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders
Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week
Thank A Teacher!
If you want to share recognition for any of the amazing teachers and staff members at Beckwith and Palmer River, please send us an email at RehobothStaffAppreciation@gmail.com. We will print and deliver them to the staff during Teacher Appreciation Week May 8-12, 2023. Let's recognize the amazing teachers, specialists, OT's, custodians, cafeteria staff, administration, coaches, recess monitors, bus drivers, special educators, paraprofessionals, teacher aides, guidance counselors, nurses, and all the amazing staff that touch the lives of our children.
Thank A Teacher!
The PTSA will be hosting a variety of fun events for our school communities including a catered lunch and breakfast to recognize our amazing staff at Palmer River and Beckwith.
How can I help?
A donation of $10 will cover the cost of a catered lunch and breakfast. Additional funds will be used for the fun we are planning! Donations can be made here: https://rehobothptsa.square.site/product/teachers/315
SEPAC Information
Palmer River Elementary School
The Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District
Website: https://pres.drregional.org/
Location: 326 Winthrop Street, Rehoboth, MA 02769
Phone: 508-252-5100/Fax: 508-252-5110
Dighton Rehoboth Regional School District does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, veteran status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other legally protected group.