UUCSJS Midweek Message
March 3, 2021
- Minister's Midweek Meditation
- This Sunday
- Stewardship Campaign
- Events This Week
- Announcements
- Connect to Our Faith
Minister's Midweek Meditation
Rev. Dawn shares a reading from "Spilling the Light," written by one of our summer guest speakers, Rev. Theresa I. Soto for this week's Midweek Meditation.
Rev. Dawn is available for pastoral care appointments Wednesday through Friday 10am to 3pm. Please email minister@uucsjs.org to schedule an appointment.
This Sunday
Are You Committed?
-Rev. Dawn Fortune
Join us this Sunday for our Stewardship kickoff as we begin our month of asking "What does it mean to be a people of commitment?"
Join us to explore what it means to move beyond the warm and fuzzy, Sunday at 10 am at www.tinyurl.com/uucsjszoom or call in to (929)436-2866 then enter: 2246776604#, 0#, 306591#. Make sure to update your Zoom software before Sunday morning so you aren't late to church!
Information on upcoming services can be found HERE.
For those hearing-impaired, pdf copies of Rev. Dawn's sermons are available on our website at the link above. Also, entire services are uploaded to our YouTube channel each Sunday afternoon where Closed Captioning is available.
Keep the Faith: Annual Stewardship Campaign 2021 -2022 March 7 to April 11, 2021
The programs and services we are able to provide each year are made possible through the generous financial support of our members and friends. So each year we have a season of stewardship to receive advance pledges of support from members and friends to help us to plan our programming budget in advance (planning for July 2021 to June 2022).
We will host the first small group Zoom gathering this Sunday following service. Come share what you value about the congregation and what you envision for the future!
It is the collective generosity from our community that makes UUCSJS possible! More information about signing up for the small groups will be coming soon.
~ Karen York, Stewardship Chair
Events This Week
Margaret Circle
Margaret Circle will meet on Thursday, March 4, at 1:00 pm on zoom.
MaryLou DeMaria Berhang will be leading the discussion. Here are her words about it:
"Cabin Fever: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Let's have a conversation focusing on how we are getting through the pandemic. Besides discovering good movies and zoom meetings, what was a bad choice? Desperately searching for Pepcid after munching on too much popcorn in the middle of the night? An ugly scene when ransacking the house trying to find where your husband hid the chocolate again! Has your heart opened more to others? That's a good thing."
For more information contact Betsy Searight or email admin@uucsjs.org.
Lenten Vespers
Tune in for a contemplative half-hour service! Visit uucsjs.org to learn more about the Friday Evening Vespers.
Paul Lyons Memorial Lecture at Stockton University
Connect to Our Larger Faith
Click on the images for more information.
UU Faith Action studies issues, proposes legislation, and lobbies for causes such as criminal justice and immigration. It is our faith at work.
You can support this important work by attending the UU Justice Gala to benefit UU Faith Action New Jersey March 5, 2021, from 7 PM to 8:30 PM. Details and registration at uufaithaction.org.
Click on the image above for the link to the live online auction happening right now! We have submitted a beautiful basket designed by Colby Tippins for bidding on.
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Jersey Shore
Email: uucsjsadmin@gmail.com
Website: www.uucsjs.org
Location: 75 S Pomona Rd, Egg Harbor City, NJ, USA
Phone: (609) 965-9400
Facebook: facebook.com/uucsjs
Twitter: @UUCSJS