2021-22 LHS Update vol.1
August 2, 2021
Important Dates to Remember - 1st Semester
- Fall sports practices begin Monday, August 9th. Physicals must be completed after April 15, 2021. All required paperwork must be completed in Final Forms.
- August 10th - August 12th Testing Out
- August 16 - STUDENT ORIENTATION. ALL LHS students are expected to attend and have their required acknowledgment forms completed
- August 23 - 1st Day of School
- September 3rd-6th - NO SCHOOL
- October 13, 2021 -11th grade Fall PSAT/NMSQT
- October 19th - PT Conferences
- October 22nd - NO SCHOOL for students
- November 24th-28th - Thanksgiving Break
- December 23rd-January 3rd - Christmas Break
- January 14th - End of the 1st Semester
LHS Athletics Information
- ALL Fall sports will begin on Monday, August 9, 2021
- Participants MUST have a valid physical on file with the Athletic Department. The physical must have taken place after April 15, 2021 to be valid for the 2021-2022 season.
- All athletic forms must be completed through Final Forms. Please visit lindenathletics.org and click on the Sports Registration tab along the top for more information.
Testing Out Schedule
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
- World History
- Economics
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
- Physical Science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physical Education
Thursday, August 12, 2021
- Algebra I
- Geometry
- Algebra II
- Pre-Claculus
- Health
2021-2022 9th Grade Orientation
2021-2022 9th Grade Orientation format to be conducted in-person with small groups. On Monday, AUGUST 16, 2021. The time that students will spend at LHS for orientation will be approximately one hour, and cover the following:
- School Pictures. Students will be provided a form from HSP Photography to utilize for ordering purposes. ALL 9th grade students must have their picture taken for their student ID's.
- Chromebook check-out. ALL LHS students will have a Chromebook checked out in their names for use during the school year. Students will log into their StudentVue to access schedules, lockers, and acknowledgement forms if not already completed.
- Pick-up their textbooks.
- Locate their locker. Textbooks may be left in their lockers at this time.
- Introduction to the LHS S.O.A.R initiatives, and other high school expectations.
- Be given a tour of LHS to locate classrooms, restrooms, main office, and other areas of interest.
PLEASE USE THE LINK BELOW TO SIGN UP FOR A TIME. IT IS EXPECTED THAT ALL 9TH GRADE STUDENTS SIGN UP FOR A SESSION. Those that do not attend will experience delays on August 23, 2021.
2021-2022 10th - 12th Grade Orientation
2021-2022 10th-12th Grade Orientation format to be conducted on Monday, AUGUST 16, 2021 from 2:30-5:30 pm. The time that students will spend at LHS for orientation will be approximately one hour, and cover the following:
- School Pictures. ALL Students must have their photo taken for student ID's. Students will be provided a form from HSP Photography to utilize for ordering purposes.
- Chromebook check-out. ALL LHS students will have a Chromebook checked out in their names for use during the school year. Students will log into their StudentVue to access schedules, lockers, and acknowledgement forms if not already completed.
- Pick-up their textbooks.
- Student driving registration. Students that will be driving to school must purchase a parking tag for $25.00. In addition, students will be required to provide proof of insurance, vehicle registration, and a copy of their driver's license.
- Locate their locker. Textbooks may be left in their lockers at this time.
It is expected that ALL 10th-12th graders complete orientation on AUGUST 16, 2021. Those that do not attend will experience delays on August 23rd.
2021-2022 Online Registration & Acknowledgement Forms
2021-2022 Scheduling and Course Changes
Schedules will be available Thursday, August 12th in Studentvue only. Parents will be able to access on Friday, August 2oth.
The required student and parent acknowledgement forms remain accessible without access to student schedules. Please see the information included above.
The deadline to request a change to student schedules will be 11:00pm Wednesday, August 25th. A link to the course change request form will be provided in a separate communication.
Please review the schedule change policy prior to submitting a request.
FALL 2021 PSAT/NMSQT Testing
Linden High School will be offering the PSAT/NMSQT to interested 11th grade students. The PSAT/NMSQT is a standardized test that provides students an additional opportunity to practice for the SAT and serves as a qualifying test for the highly competitive National Merit Scholarship program. The test will be offered at Linden High School on Wednesday, October 13th. The cost to register is $18. The deadline to register for the test is Wednesday, September 8, 2021. Please contact your student's counselor if you have further questions.
A-L, Mrs. Armour, tarmour@lindenschools.org
M-Z, Ms. Mason, cmason@lindenschools.org
Link to registration form:
https://forms.gle/e6RJJfrQKxcSuH4782021-2022 LHS Staff Changes
New LHS Staff Members
- Ms. Makala Brown - English Department
- Mr. Matt Day - Linden Advancement Academy
- Mr. Jeff Nagy - Math Department
- Mrs. Kate Perez - Math Department
- Ms. Alyssa Nowak - Special Education Department
Internal Staff Changes:
- Ms. Cori Mason - M-Z Counselor
- Ms. Molly Plunkett - Linden Advancement Academy
- Mrs. Christina Vanchina - At-Risk Counselor/Post-Secondary Coordinator