Daniel Wright Junior High School

Extracurricular Activities Begin Next Week
Daniel Wright offers students the opportunity to participate in sports and clubs after school. The activities are open to all Daniel Wright students. Fee payments are not due until after students join the team or club. Prior to trying out for any sport or prior to the start of any practice season, students must have a physical on file and a Permission to Participate form turned in. Extracurricular fees have been adjusted this year. Parent pick up is required August 22-26.
Girls Basketball: Students in Grades 6-8 are invited to tryout. Tryouts for girls basketball will run 3:35 p.m. August 22-24. For those players who make the team, practice will begin Thursday, August 25. Players will participate in a full season of Patriot Middle School Conference games that will conclude with a conference tournament. Team practices will be held Mondays through Fridays from 3:35 to 5:00 p.m. See the DW Basketball Sign-Up flyer for more information.
Cross Country: Cross Country is open to all students who enjoy running. The season will start Monday, August 22, at 3:45 p.m. Practices/meets will be held Mondays through Thursdays.
Boys Soccer: Boys soccer is open to sixth- through eighth-graders. Tryouts for soccer will begin 3:45 p.m. August 22-24. For those players who make the team, practice will begin Thursday, August 25. Practices/meets will be held Mondays through Thursdays.
Girls Soccer: Girls soccer is open to sixth- through eighth-graders. Tryouts for soccer will begin 3:45 p.m. August 22-24. For those players who make the team, practice will begin Thursday, August 25. Practices/meets will be held Mondays through Thursdays. For more information, please read the Girls Soccer Flyer.
Clubs and Activities
Show Choir: Show Choir is an auditioned vocal ensemble that performs at school concerts, community events, and contests. Show Choir focuses on learning advanced repertoire including a cappella pop, jazz, swing, and musical theatre featuring intricately harmonized vocals with choreography.
Debate Team: The Debate Team is open to all DW students who like to analyze, formulate, and present persuasive arguments. Read this debate team flyer for more information.
Free to Be: Free to Be is for LGBTQAI+ and straight allies to promote respect and inclusion within our school community. Please read the Free to Be flyer for details of the club.
Jazz Band: Jazz Band is open to all DW students with prior experience playing an instrument. Please fill out this Jazz Band Interest Form to participate.
Science Olympiad: Science Olympiad is open to students in grades 6-8. It is intended to improve the quality of science education, increase student interest in science, and create a technologically literate workforce while providing recognition for outstanding achievement by students. Please read the Science Olympiad flyer for details about the club.
Science Bowl: National Science Bowl® (NSB) is a highly competitive science education and academic event among teams of middle school students grades 6-8 who compete in a fast-paced verbal forum to solve technical problems and answer questions in all branches of science and math. The team is selected through a tryout. We will offer an informational meeting in late August.
Wright Way Club: Wright Way Club (WWC) is a peer leadership program. Wright Way Club members promote tolerance and acceptance for all students. WWC members organize local and global fundraisers, providing students an opportunity to develop leadership skills. Please review the flyer for detailed information.
Summer Reading Requirements
Over the summer, all students entering sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade are required to read specific grade-level novels. Please refer to the Daniel Wright Summer Reading Lists to access each grade level's specific summer reading letter and any corresponding assignment(s). Students should bring all summer reading materials to school on their first day.
Daniel Wright Information
- Principal Michelle Blackley
- Assistant Principal Nina Nusbaum
- Assistant Principal Melody Littlefair