Health and Safety Weekly Update
Week of Tuesday, September 29th - Friday, October 2nd
Dear South Brunswick Community....
Welcome to our Weekly Report featuring health and other safety updates as we continue to navigate school in COVID times. Before I get into the health related topics, please join us for a Family Forum tomorrow night, Wednesday, October 7th at 7:00 p.m. (Click here for information on how to register). This forum will allow Jen Diszler and I to share upcoming plans as we prepare for returning to in-person learning.
Last week, I am unfortunately reporting that we had our first and second confirmed COVID cases. While there was minor impact and to our knowledge no one is sick, the same rules and protocols apply. One thing to make sure that you are aware is that at no time will names or specific identifying characteristics ever be provided regarding medical issues with regard to COVID. However, we will notify impacted schools when appropriate and determined by guidelines. Here is what I can say about these two cases:
The first case was a student, however, that student had already been out of school due to traveling out of state. At no time was the student present in school surrounding the COVID testing and/or results. In other words, due to the timing of the matter, no further action other than excluding the student from school was warranted.
The second case was a staff member that was in the district. This required the district to follow its policies and the result was that some staff and students were quarantined. While again no one has reported being ill at this time, it does not change our approach of contact tracing, cleaning and unfortunately quarantining and excluding individuals from the schools for the designated time.
As these are our first cases, I know that this may put some folks on edge. The reality and what we have been told by every health related professional is that cases will happen. Our best defense is to maintain strong protocols for prevention and then strong protocols for reacting to a case or symptomatic individuals. I confidently share that we are doing those things and will continue to improve through experience.
On a happier note, we have completed a week of outdoor athletic events at the HS including games between other schools and we remain COVID free in all athletics. Our Middle Schools are involved in intramural athletics and also continue to remain COVID free. Great news for our students and coaches! Congrats to our teams!
A few updates to the information provided below from previous weeks as things continue to evolve in the state. For example, we are removing the South Brunswick Health Department Rating from our report as this is no longer given to South Brunswick by the Health Department. In addition, the state now reports on Statewide School Outbreaks by County. We will be including that information in future updates.
Thank you and stay safe everyone!
Regional Rating
(Latest Published Results)
Yellow - Moderate
South Brunswick Health Dept. Rating
Township ratings are not given anymore so this will be removed from future updates.
Number of cases (last 7 days) in South Brunswick
Number of Students and Staff in Buildings (Daily Average)
Number of COVID confirmed cases
- One staff member tested positive (as explained in above highlights)
- There was one student who tested positive, but the good news is that the child was not present in school to expose others. The proper protocol was followed by the parent for a child traveling outside of NJ and was kept out of school.
Athletics Reporting Over a 6 day period (HS & MS)
Athletics Reporting (Daily Average)
514 athletes/33 coaches (daily average)
Number of athletes/coaches sent home during the day with symptoms
9 athletes/0 coaches
*All 9 students were sent home before they got out of the car and none were found to be COVID positive.
STATE (most current reporting)
State Transmission Rate
Regional Positivity Rate (Central East)
Regional Case Rate (Central East)/100,000 residents
Statewide School Outbreaks/Middlesex County
11statewide/0 Middlesex County
What guidance exists at this time.
- Indoor dining allowed 25% capacity, Capacity limits still in place, Fall athletics in operation, all mask and social distancing requirements still in effect
- COVID Alert NJ is NJ's free and secure mobile app that anonymously alerts users if they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive.
- Governor Murphy gave rules and guidance regarding Halloweeen. (Click here)
Other local district progress with cases and quarantine
- Mahwah High School, Ramapo Ridge Middle School and Joyce Kilmer School all moved to remote learning after positive cases last week.
Self-reflection effectiveness rating (1-4)
While our protocols continue to work, we still need fewer students showing up to the schools with symptoms. Having worked through our first positive case, we have identified areas regarding communication that can be strengthened.