Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ January 25, 2021
Inclement Weather
Greetings, Oak Grove families!
As you know, the forecast may bring lots of snow. With the approval of our e-Learning plan this past November by the Board of Education, we are able to transition into an e-Learning day due to inclement weather and continue learning rather than calling a snow day, should the need arise.
- You will receive a phone call tomorrow morning on or before 6 a.m. indicating that we will be engaging in an e-Learning day because of inclement weather. We will also post this information on the website on or before 6 a.m.
- The start time for students to login for their E-Learning day is 9:30 am, and students will follow the same schedule they used during the remote pause. Schedules for each grade level are included here.
- Your student(s) will be bringing home their devices and chargers today along with a minimal number of other materials (like their independent reading book) in the event an e-Learning day is called for Tuesday, January 26, 2021.
- The building will not be accessible for retrieving supplies.
Please stay safe and keep learning!
Please contact Liz Web, Lilli Melamed, or Ryan Murray with questions
Curriculum Corner
As we anticipate more cold days for the next several weeks, it’s always nice to have some back-up indoor activities to pull from. Here is a link to 45 Kid Friendly Snow Day Activities. Most of the suggestions have linked to specific directions or pictures of the activities to give you an idea of what it looks like. Some of these activity ideas include:
Create snowman stationary and write letters to family and friends
Freeze some ice sun catches, gather some great artifacts from outside to make it unique
Craft a plastic bag parachute and do experiments to see which model works best
Build your own snow globe, it could be a great tool to help bring you back into the green zone
PTO News
In lieu of the mother-son and daddy-daughter events this year, the PTO will be hosting a school-wide family night. Our first ever Virtual Scavenger Hunt! Look for more details in the coming weeks.
If you want to participate, please take a moment to fill out a very short survey so we can find out how many interested families we have. TAKE PARTICIPATION SURVEY
We will need a few volunteers to help make this event a success. If you are interested in helping, please contact Keli Likosar at tiggrr68@gmail.com.
We would like to welcome our incoming class of 2025. As expected, 8th grade orientation is different this year and is being presented in a series of webinars. Since the 8th graders and their families will not be in the school, the Spirit Store is offering the class t-shirt and many other items in a webstore. If you have an 8th grader or know of a family that does, please visit or share the link, https://libertyvillehs.itemorder.com/sale to get your class t-shirt and other wildcat gear! If you do not have an 8th grader and missed our earlier webstore, please feel free to place an order as well. All Wildcats are welcome! Order deadline is January 31st.
Picture Retakes
Picture Retake Day is coming up!
WHEN: February 11th, 2021
WHERE: Small gym, Room 114
WHO: Anyone who needs their picture taken or retaken for yearbook
Eagles@school will be pulled during the day. Eagles@home should plan on coming over when you pick up your monthly supplies. (between 3:00-5:00)
If you would like your child's picture retaken, you must return the last photo packet to the photographer that day.
Please contact Karen Draths at Draths@ogschool.org so we can know you are planning on participating in picture retake day.
Kindergarten Class of 2021-22
Oak Grove School is in the process of determining kindergarten enrollment for the fall of 2021. Having correct enrollment numbers is important to us as it impacts the number of sections, teachers and classrooms. If you have a child who is 5 years old on or before September 1, 2021, and is planning to attend kindergarten in the fall, simply go to www.ogschool.org/kindy to pre-register your child. You will be asked to enter the following information:
· Your child’s name, birthdate and gender
· Parent names and address, phone number and email address
· Names of siblings attending Oak Grove School
If you have neighbors who do not have children at Oak Grove and do not receive the Oak Grove News, please share this information with them.
We would also like to hear from you if you have a child that will be attending 1st grade at Oak Grove next year and is not currently attending kindergarten at Oak Grove this year.
Save the Date - Monday, March 15th @ 6:30 pm
Virtual Kindergarten Parent Information Night
· Information about the Kindergarten program for 2021/22
· Kindergarten curriculum presentation
· Parent Q & A
If you have any additional questions, please contact us at (847) 367-4120.
Save the Dates - Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR)
The Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) is the “in person” state assessment and accountability measure for Illinois students enrolled in a public school district. IAR assesses the New Illinois Learning Standards Incorporating the Common Core and will be administered in English Language Arts and Mathematics for students in grades 3-8. While the IAR assessment was waived last year due to COVID-19, that waiver is not in place for this school year and all students in grades 3-8 will need to complete the assessment within the school building. It is extremely important that we have all of our students participate in this assessment since this data is crucial to our district academic program evaluations and it is part of the state accountability system for all schools.
In order to support the safety of our Eagles@Home who will be coming into the building for these assessments, we have begun planning our assessment window as follows:
Week of March 29th
Eagles@Home will come to Oak Grove to take the assessment (physically distanced and following all of our mitigation strategies)
Eagles@School will remote learn (to limit the number of people in the building)
Week of April 5th
Eagles@School will return to the school and take the IAR within the building
Eagles@Home will return to their regular remote learning schedule
We understand the Eagles@Home will have to make a shift to come into the building but please be advised that we will be making significant steps to share the mitigation steps we take and will include video of the testing locations for you to review. In addition, we will be facilitating SEL activities to make sure students feel safe and included. We will also be sending a survey in a few weeks to determine your need for bussing during that week.
Please contact Liz Webb at webb@ogschool.org or (847) 367-4120 ext. 2005 with any questions.
Virtual Backpack
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120