Superintendent Update
A Message From Dr. Christina Hinds
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Dear Wayland Union Families and Staff,
Today, we share our deepest sympathy with the students, staff and families of the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District. We cannot begin to imagine the pain the community feels following yesterday’s active shooter situation causing multiple fatalities and additional injuries at Robb Elementary School. Our hearts are heavy with the weight of such a loss and our thoughts are with those who are grieving and injured.
While it is unknown what prompted the shooting, and not for us to speculate, we do wish to send our families and community members a reminder that there are ways to seek help if you are experiencing distress. Across our state, schools participate in the OK2Say program. Additionally, there are mental health resources designed to support a variety of challenges experienced by people of all ages. We encourage our students, families and community to use these resources when needed.
For families seeking a way to talk with their children about these events, you may find the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) website to be a helpful starting point. Non-specific safety conversations may be more appropriate for younger students and may begin with presentations such as these found on the Johns Hopkins site for K-2 grade and 3-5 grade safety in schools. Additionally, Sesame Street provides resources on violence and trauma for younger children.
Our thoughts and hearts are with the Uvalde community today and throughout their recovery.
In partnership,
Dr. Christina Hinds
Dr. Christina Hinds, Superintendent
Email: hindsc@waylandunion.org
Website: www.waylandunion.org
Phone: 269-792-2181