March Newsletter
Ballenger Creek Middle School Community Newsletter
Message from Mr. Schill
Dear Ballenger Creek Middle Families,
I hope that you and all of your loved ones are well. Much has changed since our last newsletter in terms of COVID-19 and the mitigation strategies that we are utilizing in schools:
The positivity rate for Frederick County last month at this time was around 13%; it’s now under 4%.
Frederick Health had 67 beds occupied (including 11 in the intensive care unit) by COVID-19 patients last month at this time; now 11 total beds are occupied by COVID-19 patients with one patient in intensive care.
Contact tracing has been lifted in schools
Mask wearing is now optional in schools
Since the school board’s decision to ease mitigation measures last week, we have seen a significant number of students opt to not wear masks, while (as of this writing) a majority have decided to continue to wear masks. We welcome both practices and want to ensure that everyone is civil and respectful to each other’s personal choices to mask or not mask.
The only circumstances in which students are required to mask at this writing is if they are visiting our health room or if they are coming back from a five day quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19 (there is an additional five day mask requirement). I shared an announcement about civility and respect related to mask choice last Thursday, the day before the schools lifted the universal mask mandate; I again shared similar announcements last Friday and this Monday. Below is part of that message:
Masks are now optional in all Frederick County Public School buildings. It is important as we move forward in this new stage of pandemic recovery to maintain a school environment where mask choice is respected. School staff will be vigilant in ensuring that students feel safe and comfortable regardless of their choice in whether or not to wear a facial covering. To this end, students are reminded that making unwanted comments or gestures to a student based on whether or not they are wearing a mask is inappropriate and grounds for disciplinary action.
We are confident that you will demonstrate respect for those who make a different choice about mask wearing than you do. Thank you for treating everyone with dignity and respect.
I have maintained throughout the pandemic that making history is nearly always messy. None of us asked to be in this situation, but I’m thankful that we are part of such a supportive community in the Ballenger Creek area to negotiate this unfamiliar territory together.
If you need assistance from us to help work through a situation related to masking or some other challenging scenario related to your student, we’re ready and more than willing to partner with you. You and your students are very worth our time.
Take care, everyone--and please stay well.
Jay Schill
Principal, BCMS
Announcements from the Grade Levels
This year is going fast and it is hard to believe we only have a term and a half remaining. A few reminders:
Students need to bring fully charged Chromebook/Laptop and charger to school everyday.
Cell phones & earbuds are to be silent and away from 7:30 am - 3:00 pm.
Students can request to be signed up for ELT, they just need to ask their teacher(s).
Frequently check grades & assignments in Schoology.
Encourage your child to message their teacher(s) through Schoology or speak to them in class if they have any questions about grades and/or assignments.
ELA Department
In 6th grade ELA, students are analyzing informational texts and asking, “What’s fair in the workplace?” The texts we will be reading and analyzing will be based on children’s and worker’s rights during the industrial revolution. We will be looking at the author's craft, imagery and tone as well as situational impacts, author’s purpose, and point of view. In addition, students are working on a small research project for Black African American History Month, using resources from our media center and learning how to use our online databases. Students are preparing an oral presentation based on their research and have learned several strategies for giving a presentation, such as eye contact, speech volume, and how to set up a slide deck for presentations. Looking forward to the 4th term, we will begin the term with stories rooted in Greek Mythology.
In 7th Grade ELA, we are now well into cycle 6 and our study of texts related to the Titanic. We have already read about a new theory that might explain possible communication and navigation failures on the ship.
Last week, we read a text from the perspective of the ship's assistant wireless operator. Next week, we will read another text from the perspective of someone who was on the Titanic, a passenger. Students will then complete a writing assignment where they compare these two perspectives of the sinking.
Students in Mrs. Weller’s 8th Grade ELA classes have been researching individuals in order to address the Cycle 6 Essential Question, “How do people overcome adversity?”. Through research students are learning how events, ideas, and individuals are connected and impact each other. Students will finish their research by creating a poster that showcases the most impactful aspects of their individual. After the culmination of their research, students will participate in a mini-novel unit, reading Refugee by Alan Gratz. This multi-perspective novel focuses on a literary retelling of three characters who are searching for safety and refuge. If parents have any questions in reference to the novel selection, please contact Mrs. Weller at lyndsey.weller@fcps.org
Students in Ms. Jackson’s class are answering standards based questions on the text “Who was Anne Frank?”. Students will continue their analysis of historical individuals in order to answer the Cycle 6 Essential Question, “How do people overcome adversity?”.
Pyramid Program
We are excited to announce that we are hosting the Pets on Wheels Program. Pets on Wheels brings the joy of friendly pet therapy to people all over the state of Maryland west of the Chesapeake Bay. Regularly visiting nursing homes and hospitals to assisted living facilities, homeless and domestic violence shelters, veterans’ hospitals, libraries, schools, colleges, corporate campuses and more, Pets on Wheels volunteers fight stress and help lick loneliness one visit at a time. Each year over 175,000 people enjoy a visit from one of our teams, and our volunteers give a total of more than 12,000 hours of their time visiting nearly 400 facilities and special events.For additional information please refer to their website: https://www.petsonwheels.org/about/
We also continue to celebrate our collaboration with the Go Team Therapy Dog Organization.The Go Team brings elite therapy dogs to provide comfort anywhere people could use love from a four-legged friend. The mission of GO TEAM is to train handler-dog teams to offer relief, caring, and assistance to those in need. The GO TEAM handler/dog teams are dedicated to placing well-trained, certified therapy dog teams in programs that provide comfort and caring through a canine-human bond. Special volunteers serve in a wide variety of settings including assisted living homes, libraries, schools, airports and hospitals. Teams also provide help to victims in distress and work with our servicemen, first responders, and anywhere a therapy/comfort dog is needed. Go Team is a nonprofit with hundreds of volunteer therapy dog teams nationwide and overseas. But what every dog who wears the red vest has in common is rigorous training. Every dog must pass an AKC-approved Good Canine Citizenship test and undergo a two-day training. Please refer to the Go Team Therapy Dog website for additional information https://goteamdogs.org/support-us/
Behavioral Incentives:
Pyramid is currently accepting donations to reinforce students’ positive behaviors. If you are willing to donate items such as pre-packaged snacks or drinks, gift cards, tickets to community events and/or new tangible items we would greatly appreciate it!
For more information about any of these collaborations or programs, please reach out to Jackie Mahalchick: jacqueline.mahalchick@fcps.org or Karen Hess: karen.hess@fcps.org
The Drama Club is looking for donations to help build sets, props, and purchase costumes. Any amount can help. You can use the donation link: https://FrederickCounty.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/27577/82/False/True
Yearbook Sale!!
Yearbook order forms will be heading home shortly! With starting prices of $20 for a soft cover and $25 for a hard cover, these books will be filled with great memories. A Find out First will be sent when the paper flyers come home.
Special Note: There will not be a chance to buy yearbooks after the delivery date. So please place the orders before the deadline. BCMS will not be given any extra copies this year.
Upcoming Concerts
March 3rd BCMS Chorus Adjudications at UHS 10AM
March 9th BCMS 7th/8th Band Adjudications at WHS 10:30 AM
March 9th Instrumental Feeder Concert Dress Rehearsal @ THS 5:30pm
March 10th Tuscarora Instrumental Feeder Concert at 7pm @ THS
March 15th BCMS Orchestra Adjudications @ MMS 10:30 am
March 15th Tuscarora Vocal Feeder Concert @ THS 7 pm
Special Education
Special Education is highlighting Karen Hess ( coordinator for Pyramid program)
I am currently the Specialized Program Coordinator here at BCMS supporting the Pyramid Program. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified School Administrator. I have been in practice since 1998 and have been employed by FCPS for 22 years. I began my career as a therapist in a Residential Treatment Center in Littlestown PA. In 2000, I transferred to FCPS to work in what was then named The SET Program at Lewistown Elementary. The SET Program was originally a partnership between FCPS and the Frederick County Mental Health Department. Over time the partnership ended and it became an FCPS Program that was eventually renamed Pyramid. In 2012, I became the first Behavior Intervention Specialist for the County. I supported all schools, including non-public and private schools for 5 years. In 2017, I became a Specialized Program Coordinator and supported the middle school Learning for Life Programs at 5 locations. In 2019, I transferred to Walkersville High School in the Specialized Program Coordinator role, to support the Pyramid and Learning for Life Programs. In 2020, I transferred back into the central office as part of the Elementary Special Education Team.
Working for FCPS runs in the family. Both of my parents were educators. My father, Steve Hess, worked for FCPS for 30 years. He was a special education teacher who eventually became the Director of System Accountability and School Administration. People who worked with my father still refer to him as the “Data Guy” and remember schools being put on “Hess alerts.” My mother was a kindergarten teacher and eventually home school instructor. She left the school system to raise my brother and I.
In addition to my work, I am the proud mother of 3 teenage children; boy and girl twins and a son. We are a very active family. We are frequently running from one activity to the other. I have and will continue to spend countless hours on the sidelines cheering them on. Our family enjoys the companionship of our dog “Willy” and our horse “Kip.” I am an avid music lover, as I was raised and surrounded by musicians my whole life.
Science Department
6th Grade: Students have just started our weather standard and will learn about air pressure and fronts. Our classes will collect data to forecast changes in the atmosphere..
7th Grade: Students are exploring magnetic and electric fields.
8th Grade: Students are learning about the relationship between mass and distance on gravitational force.
History Department
As March approaches, so does the Ancient China Unit in Sixth Grade History of Ancient Worlds. Students will begin to look at the different geographic characteristics of China and how these differences played a role in early Chinese Civilization. Students will examine some of the colorful Emperors of Early China and how their ideas shaped thinking and life in China. Students will also take a look at the impact of Chinese Culture and ideas that changed how life and trade occurred from China to Europe and beyond! Together these different concepts and topics will help students to explore and understand the ancient world of China!
In 7th grade medieval world history, students are in the midst of our 6th unit, which examines life in medieval Europe. In addition to learning about the governmental system of Feudalism, students are learning about major events that happened during that time period, such as the Crusades, Reconquista, Bubonic Plague, and the Hundred Years War. Moving forward, students will examine a variety of sources to determine what ultimately caused the end of the feudal system in Europe. Afterwards, students will move onto Unit 7, which continues to focus on Europe as they transition from the medieval time period to the Renaissance.
In 8th grade history, we are finishing up Unit 5: Causes of the Civil War and will be working on a summative project next week. Then we will be moving onto Unit 6: The Civil War, Reconstruction, and Closing of the West. This unit focuses on the military conflict between the Union and Confederacy and the impact it had on the United States. The unit also focuses on society's efforts to resolve deep political, economic, and social divisions and efforts to rebuild society after conflict are met with both acceptance and resistance. As we move through the unit, hopefully students will be able to find local connections to Maryland and Frederick.
Math Department
Students have weekly ALEKS topic goals in Math. Students should be checking their Math schoology pages to see what their specific weekly goal is. Students can monitor their own progress by checking their topic reports in ALEKS, a step-by-step how to for this can be found here. Students can make up missed topics by completing extra in the next week. ALEKS topic goals have the same mid-term/end of term due date as other class assignments. For questions about ALEKS topic goals - please reach out to your grade level Math teacher; our school Math specialist, Ms. Boyer (Laura.Boyer@fcps.org); or our school Math department chair, Ms. Dickson (Ashley.Dickson@fcps.org).
Students should be checking their grade reports on schoology weekly to see updates regarding missing/re-do work. If there are any questions regarding student grades, please reach out to your grade level Math teacher.
Enrichment Opportunities
The Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS) program at Fort Detrick brings local students to the cutting-edge world of science for the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC). The program is designed for current 4th through 12th grade students of all academic abilities in the 2021-2022 school calendar. GEMS promises a hands-on experience that will excite. The applications for students opens March 1, 2022.
For complete program information visit: https://www.usaeop.com/program/frederick/Registration is now open for the 41st Annual Frederick County Secondary Science and Engineering Fair. This is an International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) regional event, which will be virtual again this year. Registration closes March 13 at 11:59 p.m. The event is open to all (middle and high) students who live or go to school in Frederick County. FCPS hosts two divisions, one for middle school and one for high school students.
The fair will be held April 2; high school students will participate in virtual interviews from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. All awards will be announced the following week. FCPS winners will advance to national and international competitions. All registered projects must be submitted by March 27.
For more information on this year’s FCPS Secondary Science and Engineering Fair, please contact Secondary Science Curriculum Specialist Colleen Beall at (301) 644-5259, e-mail colleen.beall@fcps.org or visit the event website: https://sites.google.com/fcps.org/fcsef/home
Smart Start Kits - available at the Frederick County Public Library - www.fcps.org
Educational enrichment kits for pre-k through 5th grade offer a hands-on approach for at-home enrichment in early literacy, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) and social/emotional wellbeing. These kits are made to spark excitement and learning through play, giving children and caretakers all the necessary tools for an afternoon of activities.
Virtual Adventures through FCPL
https://www.fcpl.org/programs-events/virtual-programming/virtual-adventuresFor the full FCPL Calendar of Events visit: https://frederick.librarycalendar.com/events/month
If you have any questions about enrichment programming, please contact:
Advanced Academics Specialist
Ballenger Creek Middle School
English Language Learners
We are finally wrapping up our WIDA ACCESS testing window. Thank you to all of the families who have supported their child in doing their best on the tests. Students have been working hard to show all the English they know and I have been very impressed with their dedication and perseverance.
EL English classes have just finished writing their first narrative. This was a challenging task. Students worked hard to create characters, a plot map, and finally write their narrative. It was amazing how each story showed each child’s unique personality and English ability.
We are now once again learning vocabulary and grammar to prepare for our next large writing task - compare and contrast.
If you have any questions about our EL Program, please contact Mariah Beaucage at mariah.beaucage@fcps.org.
Clothing Giveaway
Hope to see you all at our upcoming “CLOTHING GIVEAWAY”
Hello families. I would like to say thank you to all those who participated as a part of the Winter community clothing drive (GIVEAWAY). Due to the success of the event, Ballenger Creek Middle School will be holding another event on Monday, April 11, 2022 for summer items. Time 5:30pm to 7:30 pm.
I am asking for gently used, clean clothing items that could be someone else’s treasure. I know we start shopping for our summer outfits as soon as the sun starts sticking around a little longer. So, let’s put the old items to good use, bring them neatly folded to me in a box (preferably) and in good condition.
There are a lot of needs out there and YOU can make a difference to someone who needs help.
I will start receiving clothing items on February 7th and will receive clothing until March 25th, as I need time to sort.
If you are interested in helping in any way, from donations, to sorting clothing items, to helping the night of the event, please contact me at 240-236-5773.
On the evening of the CLOTHING GIVEAWAY”, I am holding a raffle drawing, 10 families will be the recipient of a ham for the holiday weekend and a gift card to accommodate the ham. Who knows, one of those families could be yours! I hope to see you here.
Thank you
Ms. Rogers
Community Liaison
Ballenger Creek Middle School
Media Center & Technology
Wondering What is Happening in the Media Center?
We have many new things taking shape in the Media Center!
Students in Project Lit have helped to design and create new book displays
We are getting started on some inspirational wall designs on the long hallway that connect the main hall and the Media Center.
Scar, the Library Dragon has joined us and sparked a lot of conversation about reptiles, bearded dragons, and animal husbandry.
Find out More By Following Us on Social Media:
Schoology: See Mrs. Lungociu for the code.
Instagram: BCMSMediaFCPS
Twitter: @BCMSMediaFCPS
Facebook: Coming Soon
Overdue Books: Attention students and families, we have a large number of overdue books out at this time. Please locate and return overdue books as soon as possible. If you have any questions please email Mrs. Lungociu at jennifer.lungociu@fcps.org.
Book Checkout:
Students in each grade level have the opportunity to come to the Media Center to check out books on their assigned days during ELA.
Monday - 8th Grade
Wednesday - 6th Grade
Friday - 7th Grade
Books are checked out for 3 weeks at a time and can be returned to the blue bins in the ELA classrooms.
Technology Reminders:
Students are responsible for their assigned devices and chargers.
Students are required to keep their devices in their case at all times.
Damage to an FCPS device or charger will incur fees for repair.
Lost devices, cases, and chargers will result in a fee.
Any fees for repairs will be issued and paid through School Cash Online.
Technology Tips:
Do not slam lids closed as this will break the screen!
Do not store items in your Chromebook or case.
Close your Chromebook while charging to ensure a full charger.
Hello BCMS Community!
The Ballenger Creek Middle School PTSA is seeking volunteers to fill the following vacancies on the PTSA’s Board of Directors for the 2022-2023 school year.
Executive Board
· Vice President – Act as aide to President
· Treasurer – Have custody of all PTSA funds, manage accurate accounts, maintain state and federal filings
· Secretary – Record and disseminate meeting minutes
Committee Chairs
· Membership – Generate and manages PTSA memberships
· Fundraising – Oversees and manages fundraising events
Officers will be elected this May and their terms will take effect July 1st. Parents and staff alike are welcome to serve on the Board. The only stipulation is that you must be a PTSA member during the 2022-2023 school year to serve on the Board of Directors.
Volunteering on the PTSA is a great way to be involved in your child’s education!
Please contact the BCMS PTSA at ballengercreekms.ptsa@gmail.com for more information.
Spring is right around the corner! Show your BCMS Bulldogs school spirit! Get your customized BCMS Spirit Wear now!
FREE SHIPPING SALE 2/28/22 – 3/7/22
Click BCMS SPIRIT or Go online to www.ballengercreekspiritwear.com
To download and print form - Click BCMS Spirit Wear
For more information visit the PTSA
Follow us on Facebook
Thank You!
GIRLS ON THE RUN program for grades 3-8 to see more, go to Girlsontherun.org.
Girls on the Run is launching their spring season next month. Girls will receive: a program shirt, water bottle, running shoes, snack every practice, activity sheets, 5K entry, medal and more. If you would like to talk more about programming, let me know and I'd be happy to discuss further. Here is a current list of our sites: https://gotrmidmd.org/Our-Locations.OUT OF DISTRICT TRANSFERS
Out of District Transfers - K-12th Grades ONLY (For Pre-K contact 240-236-8835)
Parents or guardians who want their child to attend a school outside their assigned attendance area should review the 2022-23 Closed Schools List and Regulation 400-15, Assignment and Transfer of Students.
Pursuant to these regulations, the Out of District Transfer process is available for all applicants from February 1 - March 1 each year for the following school year. You can complete your request using the Out of District Transfer Request Form, available in English and Spanish through March 1.
Please Note: Your Out of District Application Form MUST be signed, either electronically or printed, signed and scanned, prior to returning to outofdistrict@fcps.org. Please email applications in PDF Format ONLY, no photos/pictures. You can also send the application via fax to 240-236-2480 or via US mail to Department of Student Services, Orchard Grove Elementary School, 5898 Hannover Drive, Frederick, MD 21703.
Please contact MaryAnn Gomez for Out of District Transfers only at (240) 236-2493 or maryann.gomez@fcps.org if you have any questions regarding Out of District Transfers.
Out of District Process and Form: https://www.fcps.org/student-services/forms
FEEDING FREDERICK can help with food insecurities. Visit www.FeedingFrederick.com to locate the closest distribution site to you. Click “Find Free Food”.
Community Resources
FCPS Meals to Go
Please use this link with up-to-date information : https://www.fcpsnutrition.com/
Frederick Community Action Agency, George L. Shields Foodbank
Phone: 301-600-1506
14 E. All Saints St. Frederick, MD 21701
Food Bank: Mon thru Friday 2:00 - 4:00 pm Call for Appointment
Soup Kitchen: daily 5:30 - 6:30 pm.
Carry-out only. Can deliver food to family if a family member has Covid-19.
Frederick Rescue Mission
Phone: 301-695-6633
419 South St. Frederick, MD 21701
Food Pantry: Bring Photo ID Tue and Wed 1:30 - 3:30 pm and Thu 2:00 - 6:00 pm.
Food Pantry Closed Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Mental Health Association of Frederick County
Phone: 301-663-0011
226 South Jefferson St. Frederick, MD
Crisis walk in Mental health services.
Local Resource Guide-https://sites.google.com/view/covid19frederick/home
Student Homelessness Initiative Program (SHIP)Phone: 240-415-8971
Email: info@shipfrederick.comProvides hygiene, clothing, shoes, youth activities and experiences, and emergency shelter for Homeless Students in Frederick County. Please email info@shipfrederick.com
Frederick Community Action Agency
Phone: 301-600-1506 or 301-600-3955
Frederick County Department of Social Services
Phone: 301-600-4555
Homeless Prevention Program - if eleigible could help pay rent to prevent eviction
Call 301-909-6362
Religious Coalition for Emergency Human Needs
Phone: 301-631-2670
Phone: 240-446-9649
https://www.thereligiouscoalition.org/Help with eviction assistance not due to Covid-19, Security Deposits, Energy Assistance Program, Emergency Family Shelter
Crisis Services
Dial 211