Talley Street Update
May 10, 2021
An Update from the Principal
Dear Talley Community,
Dear Talley Street Community,
I hope everyone had a nice weekend. Today was the first day of the Georgia Milestones testing. The students worked very hard. I want to thank Talley Street’s assistant principal and testing coordinator, Arlethea Williams, for her hard work in preparing for this week!
The crosswalk from Talley Street to Shadowmoor Drive has become an issue. We have had two incidences in the past week where a student could have been hurt. The recommended route to Shadowmoor Drive is to cross Talley Street and to then cross S. Columbia Drive. Two cross guards are there to assist the students. Any student that is not walking with a parent will be asked and expected to follow this route. I would appreciate everyone’s support. If your child walks home this way, please discuss this with him or her. Our number one priority is to make sure that all of our students get home safely.
We will have our rising 3rd grade virtual orientation on May 20, 2021 at 6:30. The week of May 24th, we will be opening Talley Street for in-person tours. This first round of tours is for all rising third graders. We will have separate in person tours for our current 3rd grade students and any new student to Talley Street through the summer before the students return in August. We are keeping groups very small to ensure we follow social distancing guidelines. Below is a link to a SignUpGenius for the tours. If you have any questions, please email me at bheaton@csdecatur.net.
As we near the end of the school year, please remember the importance of being on time to school. Students are expected to be in their classroom by 7:45. Our school day is 7:45 to 11:15. Our morning instructional time is very tight. Every minute counts. We only have fourteen more days of school! We can do this!! #TalleyTigerStrong!
Have a great week!
CSD Updates
CSD and DEF Extra Mile Award
Hey students! Do you know a teacher or other employee who has gone the extra mile this year? Nominate them for the Extra Mile Award! The Extra Mile Award is an annual award that allows students to show their appreciation for the teachers or staff they feel go above and beyond what is expected of them. Students (not parents) at any grade level can write an essay describing how their teacher (or staff member) goes the extra mile (parents can help younger children write the essay). The essays should be detailed and describe how the teacher or staff member goes above and beyond.
Submit your nominations using this link: https://forms.gle/SehMw6njfL9we3MZ9. The deadline for submissions is May 26.
Thank you to Decatur Education Foundation for sponsoring this award!
Talley Updates
5th Grade Moving Forth Ceremony and Exhibition
Attention 5th Grade Parents - Please save the date to join us on Talley's back lawn for your child's 5th Grade Moving Forth Ceremony and Exhibition.
Last Day for Library Book Return: May 14
Title Programs Parent Input Meeting
Please come and join us for our upcoming Title Programs Parent Input Meeting!
Title Programs Parent Input Meeting
Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 10:00 a.m and 6:00 p.m.
Virtual Zoom Meeting
Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/96455593611?pwd=eWQySkwraEFRMzUzbW5raVRsU3JaQT09
Yearbook Orders
PTO Updates
Black History Trivia Rescheduled
The Black History Trivia event originally scheduled for 5/12 has been postponed and a new date is coming ASAP!
ISO: DEI Committee Co-Chairs
What a year, huh? In spite of an overwhelming 9 months and very few opportunities to come together, we had some fun and meaningful events to keep diversity and inclusion as part of our school's culture.
But there’s so much left to do, so much to celebrate and explore, so much anti-racist education to impart and community to build. But our current co-chairs are moving on.
We are asking for your help: we have someone interested in chairing this committee, but would you be interested in co-chairing the Talley PTO DEI Committee next school year? The current chairs will of course help with the transition.
We are barrelling toward the end of the year, and while we all have a million things to do, can we count on you to keep the fires of diversity, equity, and inclusion burning at Talley Elementary in the years to come?
Please email talleydeicommittee@gmail.com if you can help or would like to discuss.
Many thanks,
Ayanna, Becky, and Okera
Talley School Supplies 2021-22
The Talley PTO is partnering with 1st Day School Supplies to offer an online shopping option for purchasing your school supplies. You can buy everything on the lists with just a few clicks and the supplies will be delivered to your home over the summer. Visit 1st Day and order through June 15. You will also have the option to donate a kit to make sure each student has access to individual supplies.
The 2021-22 Talley School Supply Lists can be found here for your reference.
Community Updates
Decatur Education Foundation
Step Up for Teachers!
Take a break from the mayhem of May and show your teachers how much you appreciate their hard work with a Step Up for Teachers tribute. Just go to www.stepupforteachers.com, make a $25 donation and leave your tribute. We'll notify the honored teacher or CSD staff member and deliver a "We Step Up for Teachers" yard sign to your door in the coming weeks. The Step Up campaign supports our teachers in the classroom through Teacher Innovation Grants. Let's show them some love! If you’d like to leave a tribute but can’t give a gift at this time, you can send your tributes to info@decatureducationfoundation.org.
We Stepped Up for Our Seniors!
As a special gift from DEF to our DHS seniors, we are giving every member of the senior class of 2021 a “Congratulations Class of 2021” yard sign. The signs have been assembled by Wilson Support Center Staff (Thank You!) and are available for pick up anytime at the DHS Attendance Office.
Clarence Strickland Make a Difference Award
Our schools have been closed for most of the school year, but our CSD teachers and staff have continued to work tirelessly to support our students. Have you witnessed a teacher or staff person who has shown compassion for a student during a time of great need or crisis? Every year, DEF recognizes a CSD employee who has shown extraordinary compassion to help a student in crisis through The Clarence Strickland Make a Difference Award. Nominations for this award are accepted from community members or CSD staff and can be completed by filling out this form: https://forms.gle/YiF1pANPKnMfm26b6. Nominations must be received by May 26, 2021, and award(s) will be presented at the teacher’s Opening Day event in July.
Talley Street Passive Fundraising
We're now on Amazon Smile! Log into www.smile.amazon.com and log into your Amazon
account, then select Talley Street Upper Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization, then save and the PTO will start getting quarterly deposits!
One important tip - you MUST be logged in via smile.amazon.com while shopping for us to
receive any funds.
Kroger Community Rewards
We are set up to receive funds from Kroger. From your account screens, select Community
Rewards and search for “Talley Street Upper Elementary School PTO." Select it and then you
should be all set. Every time you use your Kroger card, the PTO will benefit!
Box Tops
Box Tops have gone digital! Download the app, Box Tops for Education. Enter your
information, select Talley St., scan receipts and done! We will no longer be collecting paper box
tops. If you have any issues using the app, you can submit (via the app) the item not being
recognized on your receipt for credit.
Publix Partners
Looking for an easy way to support Talley Street PTO?
Who knew Passive Fundraising could be SO easy!! You don' need the key chain card anymore.
Follow the easy instructions on the link:
We’re set up as: Talley Street Upper Elementary School – Decatur, GA
Go to www.minted.com to purchase cards, gifts, and more! Use code FUNDRAISETALLEY at checkout to get 20% off (some exclusions apply) and 15% of sales will be donated to the Talley Street PTO. Happy shopping!
Helpful Links
www.csdecatur.net/opening - a repository for all documents, announcements, and communications about how CSD is handling the 2020-2021 school year.
www.csdecatur.net/nutrition - How to order meals
www.csdecatur.net/bustracker - How to sign up for the new Predictable Ryde Bus tracking app used for meal delivery, soon for the Fly-brary, mobile book delivery and when in-person learning resumes to track students on their buses
https://virtual.csdecatur.net/tech-help (how parents and staff can put in a tech support request)
https://virtual.csdecatur.net/students - classroom login information
https://virtual.csdecatur.net/parents - Virtual Learning Handbooks
Social Media and Contact Information
Talley Street Upper Elementary School PTO
Talley Street Upper Elementary School Parents
For news in the Media Center and from our school counselors, check out their websites:
For more about the Talley Street PTO, visit their website here: https://talleypto.org/