Wolves Newsletter

January 2, 2024
Forms to Complete in Early January
- PreK - 5th Grades: Conference Form
- 5th Grade: Field Trip Permission Slip - Jan. 9 - Science Program at the University of Minnesota
- 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade: Field Trip Permission Slip - Jan.10 - Cross-Country Skiing in Wirth Park
- Parents/Guardians welcome to come and enjoy watching the kids ski!
- 4th & 5th Grade: Field Trip Permission Slip - Jan. 11 - Physics Force at University of Minnesota
- 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade: Next Generation Ski Race and Luminary Loppet - Saturday, February 3 - Space is limited - $5 Commitment Fee Required - MUST be turned in by Monday, January 22 at 9:00 a.m.
A note from the principal
Happy 2024!
January is the time when students take the standardized mid-year assessments so that we can monitor their academic growth. While we monitor academic growth throughout the year, the standardized tests that we use gives us an objective view of growth compared to the national norm. Teachers review scores, I review scores, and we adjust programming to increase academic growth. Teachers will share assessment results at conferences in February.
I differ from many on my viewpoint of standardized tests. I do not enjoy the tests, but I do enjoy having our academic growth above the state and national norm. The tests help me to ensure that we are actually above the norms, not just my opinion.
When your life revolves around school, the new year begins in September. However, New Years Day is a time when we think of making personal resolutions. I mention mid-year assessments and resolutions, because I am committed to creating an environment at Park Brook where students thrive and make exceptional academic growth.
As this new year begins, my own personal resolutions would be similar to what I desire for my students: reading for personal enjoyment, and being more active. Tom Brokaw wrote a book, A Lucky Life Interrupted, about his journey with Multiple Myeloma, the same cancer my dad had; the book has sat on my table at home for months. While my intentions to read are good, and I enjoy reading, I need to do so just as I ask the students; as we begin this year I need to be committed to sitting down and reading for enjoyment. I also can be an advocate for Focus on Fitness and know the benefits for my students, yet I also benefit if I increase my movement as well.
I mention my above goals as I know all-too-well how easy it is for life to get busy, and 'things' that I desire to do I simply don't do. There was a time when I read most days simply because I enjoyed it. There was a time when I either went to the gym on my way to school or could run six miles before teaching; when life became more busy, unfortunately it was easy for this to fall away. I want the best for my students, and I also want to be bold enough to share that I work on some of the things that I encourage students to work on as well.
As we welcome 2024, I would like to suggest a few New Year Resolutions to consider:
- Commit to or recommit to ensuring there is a time to read each day, just as I need to do.
- Commit to or recommit encouraging your child to be physically active. This might be through joining a class offered at Park Brook, working several evenings a week on sit-ups or push-ups, or getting outside for walks as a family.
- Commit or recommit, just as I need to do, to be more physically active.
- Commit to or recommit to bedtimes that allow your child to be to school on time every day.
- Commit to or recommit to enjoying meals together without the television or cell phones, simply enjoying time together as a family.
As we enter 2024, as a school we will assess and adjust to meet your child's academic needs, create opportunities for your child to be active as well as participate in activities. However, the strongest academic growth comes when we work in partnership.
I remain committed to providing not only a school with strong academic growth, but a school with additional opportunities for my students.
Thankful to be at Park Brook,
Mr. Scott Taylor
Conferences will be held between 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on the following days:
- Wednesday, February 7, 2024
- Tuesday, February 13, 2024
- Thursday, February 15, 2024
In early January you will receive a flyer where you can indicate ALL of the times that work for you. I kindly ask that you return the flyer as soon as possible after we send it home so we can find a time that works for your family.
We attempted to do online registration for conferences, but it did not work as we hoped. The paper forms work much better for us.
All-School Picture
Thank you to an idea at the PTO meeting in November!
Ms. Linzy Gutman, mom of Mackenzie and Audrey, kindly took an all-school picture on Thursday, November 16! The PTO decided that an all-school picture is important for the school yearbook that all students will receive at the end of the school year.
The All - School Picture, seen here, will be displayed in the hallway outside of the cafeteria for all to enjoy for years to come!
Students Connecting Through International Service - School Supply Drive
Emily in 5th grade is Park Brook's representative for Students Connecting Through International Service. Students serving on SCTIS raise funds to provide school supplies for a school in Sasabe, Sonora, Mexico. The School Supply Drive will be held the week of January 22, 2024. (The students only collect money and purchase the school supplies in Arizona to eliminate shipping charges.)
In April the representatives will travel to Tucson, Arizona to deliver the school supplies. While staying in Arizona, the students will visit the Desert Museum, tour the University of Arizona, and participate in other learning opportunities. The students all have a pen pal at Sopori Elementary in Amado, Arizona.
Emily will share with all students on January 22, and information will be sent home.
Emily is living the district mission to 'Contribute to Community' by contributing to the world community.
Click on the picture to learn more about Students Connecting Through International Service.
District 279 Department of Excellence and Equity
The Department of Excellence and Equity is offering a class at Park Brook Elementary beginning on Monday, January 22 for students in grades 4 and 5, Black Joy. This class will be facilitated by Mr. Cybrean Hubert, Equity Specialist, with the Department of Excellence and Equity.
This class is limited to ten students. Permission slips will be distributed in early January.
Concert, Cookies & Cocoa
The Park Brook Choir performed for a full audience and then enjoyed cookies and cocoa on Wednesday, December 13.
Emily and Serenity, two girls not in choir, came to the concert. "We need to support our friends." Amazing - what a great attitude, and a tremendous way to be a friend.
Elpis Enterprises
Elpis Enterprises worked with 4th grade students to build birdhouses, part of their project to build 10,000 bird houses. Elpis Enterprises brought a crew to work with the students, and provided all of the materials.
Math Fact Awards - December 13 Assembly
Math Fact Tests are given once a month. The purpose of increasing speed is so students can think mathematically and have discussions regarding math concepts without having to think about each fact.
Students are recognized each month for being in the top 10% of the grade-level with their speed and accuracy, and for their individual growth. Students in 1st and 2nd grades need to increase by 5 each month on the three-minute test to receive an award. Students in 3rd - 5th grades need to increase by 10 problems on the three-minute test to receive an award.
- 1st grade took the addition test this past month for the first time, and therefore only the top 10% is shown in the picture.
- 2nd grade is working on speed with subtraction facts.
- 3rd grade is working on addition/subtraction facts at the beginning of the year to work on speed while switching back-and-forth between addition and subtraction. Third grade students will take the multiplication test beginning in January.
- 4th and 5th grades are working on multiplication.
Awards for 3-minute timed tests taken in November
2nd Grade - 5 more subtraction problems
4th & 5th Grade - 10 more multiplication problems
top 10% of first graders -- addition problems
top 10% of second graders -- subtraction problems
top 10% of third graders -- addition/subtraction problems
4th & 5th Grade - top 10% of each grade - multiplication
New Award- students moving to division - past three tests over 100 problems correct on three-minute multiplication test.
Wolf Way Awards - November - Presented on December 13
Students are recognized each month for following the Wolf Way.
- W - We Will Respect Other and Ourselves
- O - Own our Actions
- L - Listen and Learn
- F - Follow Directions
January Field Trips - During the School Day
- 5th Grade - January 9 - University of Minnesota
- 3rd, 4th and 5th Grades - January 10 - Cross-Country Skiing at Wirth Park. Parents and guardians welcome and encouraged to come and watch!
- 3rd and 4th Grades - Physics Force at Northrup Auditorium
Coming events
Cross - Country Skiing at Wirth Park - Wednesday, January 10 - 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
While students have been skiing outside, snow or no snow, on January 10, 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will enjoy skiing on snow at Wirth Park. Parents welcome to come along and watch the student ski! Details coming soon!
Black History Month Planning Meeting - Thursday, January 11 - 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
This time is set-aside to discuss Black History Month. While Mr. Taylor already has ideas, he wants to hear from parents and guardians regarding an assembly, display case, and so on. The voice of the parents is important.
Asynchronous (AT- HOME) Learning Day - Friday, January 12
Students will have lessons to complete online. Students will not come into school on this day. Every teacher will have two hours for office-hours to assist students, but there is no instruction online, or set time that students must be online.
Teachers will post their lessons on their websites, which can be found by clicking here.
Students click on the picture of the house on the websites for at-home learning days.
No School in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Monday, January 15
There is no school on Monday, January 15, 2024 in honor of the work of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
While Dr. King worked tirelessly for this worthy cause, there is still much work to be accomplished. We have yet to realize the fulfillment of his dream.
PTO - Tuesday, January 16 - 6:00 p.m.
Parents and guardians are welcome to come and learn more about Park Brook Elementary. This month, Ms. Pelton, 3rd grade teacher, will be sharing with PTO. Parents/guardians who come enjoy time visiting, asking questions, sharing ideas, and learning more about Park Brook.
Students are welcome to come with their parents/guardians. The students always have a good time with coloring, scooters in the hallway, Legos, and so on.
An interpreter for any language is easily accessible. Families with a language other than English and welcome and encouraged to come. Your voice is important.
Coffee, Tea & Conversation with Mr. Taylor - Friday, January 19
Parents and guardians are welcome to come and visit with Mr. Taylor on January 19, 2024. There is no agenda. These are simply times for you to share ideas, share concerns, ask questions, or simply visit. Refreshments will be served.
Access to an interpreter for any language will be available.
8:00 a.m. - All parents/guardians welcome, but specifically planned when parents drop-off students for Game Club and Ukulele Class.
9:00 a.m.
2:30 p.m.
January 23 - Input from Parents/Guardians Needed
7:45 - 8:30 a.m. -- Wellness Committee -- Media Center. Parents/guardians are welcomed and encouraged to come and share their thoughts about what is needed with the Focus on Fitness Initiative at Park Brook. The staff at Park Brook Elementary see the benefits of this initiative, and, for the program to grow and meet the needs of the students, parent/guardian input is needed. Students are welcome to come with their parents/guardians.
3:40 - 4:40 p.m. - Equity Committee - Staff Lounge. The Equity Committee consists of Park Brook Staff and members from the District 279 Equity Department. Staff need to hear from parents/guardians about what is needed at Park Brook to ensure that Park Brook is a welcoming environment for all, and that the needs of the students are met.
January 30 - Middle School Registration
Students in 5th grade will learn about and complete forms for middle school. Forms will be going home for parent input. There are not a lot of choices for 6th grade, however, there are a few choices. For example, students can choose to continue with band and/or orchestra, and then there are two other music choices as well. This takes place during the school day.
Our current attendance zones have approximately 25% of our students slated for North View Middle School, and 75% slated for Osseo Middle School. Our current attendance zones have 100% of our students going to Osseo Senior High. If you are interested opting for a different school than you are assigned to, you are encouraged to complete open enrollment paperwork as soon as you can.
Loppet Events - Saturday, February 3, 2024
Students in grades 3, 4 and 5 are welcome and encouraged to join the fun of the Next Gen Ski Race and then the Luminary Loppet. Students will meet at Park Brook, ride a bus to Wirth Park for the ski race, enjoy dinner together, and then ride a bus to Lake of the Isles to take in the magical Luminary Loppet. The Luminary Loppet has fire dancers, hot chocolate, a band with instruments all made out of ice, and thousands of luminaries made out of ice. Parents are welcome! Watch for details. Space is limited.
A $5 commitment fee is required for every student as we must have an accurate count for registration and busses. Students will receive their $5 commitment fee back if they come or let the office know by noon on Friday, February 2 that they are not able to participate. Students who do not show up without letting the office know will not have their commitment fee returned.
Monday, February 5, 2024 - NO SCHOOL
There is no school, and no online school for students. This is a staff workshop day.
Kidarod - Saturday, February 17
Students in grades 1 - 5 are welcome to join the fun! This is an outdoor obstacle course. Students have had a great time in years past, and a fun time can be expected.
There is no cost for Park Brook students to attend this thanks to a generous donation.
A $5 commitment fee is required for every student as we must have an accurate count for registration and busses. Students will receive their $5 commitment fee back if they come or let the office know by noon on Friday, February 16 that they are not able to participate. Students who do not show up without letting the office know will not have their commitment fee returned.
President's Day - Monday, February 19 - Events at Wirth Park - FREE
The Loppet Foundation will be hosting a free family day on Monday, February 19, President's Day. This is the day after the World Cup at Wirth Park. There will be events inside the warming tent, outside events, warm drinks, and so on. It should be a great time!
Winter Funland - Friday, February 23
Students in grades Pre-K - 5th grade are welcome to come and enjoy the fun. There are a number of activities for students to enjoy. Details coming soon!
- Please call the school by 2:30 p.m. if you are changing the way your child goes home that afternoon.
- The parking lot, especially on snowy and colder days, is packed at 3:20 p.m. It greatly helps us if you come BETWEEN 3:21 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.
- Students are not allowed to use cell phones, smart watches, or other devices to make phone calls or access social media during the school day.
- Parents/guardians are encouraged to monitor technology at home. Students are accessing social media, TikTok, and other media platforms. You can take away peer pressure by monitoring, which easily gives your child an 'out' from some of the drama that takes place outside of the school day on social media. Research is indicating an increase in depression and loneliness with kids and teenagers who spend more time on social media. It is a part of our lives, but we can help kids/teenagers navigate social media.