SOL Testing Schedule
SOL Testing Begins May 20th
Standards of Learning Assessments
Students in Grades 3-5 will begin SOL Testing on May 20th. Students in Third Grade will take the Grade 3 Reading and a Math SOL Tests. Fourth Grade will take the Grade 4 Reading, Math and Virginia Studies SOL Tests. Our Fifth Grade Students will take the Grade 5 Reading, Math, and Science. Our students and teachers have been working very hard and we know they are going to do well.
Third Grade SOL Testing
Wednesday, May 22nd - Reading
Wednesday, May 29th - Math
Fourth Grade SOL Testing
Tuesday, May 21st - Reading
Tuesday, May 28th - VA Studies
Friday, May 31st - Math
Fifth Grade SOL Testing
Monday, May 20th - Science
Thursday, May 23rd - Reading
Thursday, May 30th - Math
Things to Remember About Testing
We would like to share a few reminders to assist our students with testing.
1. It is important that students get plenty of rest the night before the test.
2. Students are encouraged to eat breakfast.
3. Students need to arrive at school on time each morning.
4. Students may have as much time as they need to complete their tests.
5. Please encourage your child to do his or her very best.
Website: http://cople.wmlcps.org/
Location: 7114 Cople Highway, Hague, VA, USA
Phone: 804-472-2081
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/copleelementary
Fifth Grade Promotion Ceremony
Our Fifth Grade Promotion Ceremony will be held on June 11th at 9 AM. More information will be sent home by our Fifth Grade Team within the next few weeks.