Intermediate News
Community Newsletter October 2, 2022
Friday, October 7th
Friday, October 7th is a Half Day for Students and Staff, dismissal will be at 11:49.
Monday, October 10th
We do not have school on Monday, October 10th. Our staff will be participation in a full day training.
Join the PTO
Walk A Thon
Don't Forget! The Coloma PTO has organized the annual Walk a Thon. It will be held on October 7th from 9-10 at the Coloma Track.
Interested in being part of the PTO?
The PTO will be meeting at Coloma Elementary on the following dates. A virtual option will be available to attend the meetings.
Homecoming Highlights from the Intermediate
Our Staff
Social Work with Ms. Nimtz
GOAL SETTING! We have started our weekly classroom lessons! The first unit is focused on growth mindset and goal-setting. Students are learning how to write goals and make plans to achieve them.
LORY'S PLACE To better meet the needs of our students, our school is pleased to offer a grief support group for students who have experienced the death of a loved one. Our Lory’s Place representative comes in during school to facilitate age-appropriate grief support and education. The group will meet once a month in Ms. Nimtz’s office to explore feelings and experiences of grief. If you’d like you child to join our Lory’s Place support group, please reach out to Ms. Nimtz, CIS School Social Worker at or (269) 468-2415.
PE with Mr. Veine
Dear Parents,
Welcome! During the first month of school we have been building relationships, and practicing our procedures and routines for physical education. We will cover our building CARE expectations. Our focus will be stretching our body, performing warm-up activities, and practicing locomotor skills (skipping, and galloping). We will play some tag games along with class building activities. In September, students learned the proper steps to throw and catch a frisbee. In October, we will focus on the overhand throw and catch. Students will be challenged with different types and sized balls. These skills will then be applied to game settings in the gym. Each student is expected to wear athletic shoes for class. Students are allowed a water bottle in the gym. Water bottles must have a lid or top that closes. Our schedule rotates on an (A,B,C,) schedule. If you have any questions, please email me.
Thank you,
Mr. Veine
Intermediate Schedule
School begins at 8:10 a.m. and dismisses at 3:12 pm. Dismissal is 11:49 am on half days. There is no supervision before 7:45 a.m; therefore, students are not allowed in the building or on the playground before that time for safety reasons. Parents of children who walk to school should have a plan in place so that their children will not arrive more than fifteen (15) minutes before the start of the school day.
All students should be out of the building and on their way home no later than ten (10) minutes after school is out. Parents need to encourage their children to leave the school grounds at the end of the day and go directly home.
Breakfast and Lunch
Coloma Intermediate participates in the Community Eligibility Option. This program is available to Coloma Community Schools by our participation in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. All enrolled students of Coloma Intermediate are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no charge to your household. This program is reviewed yearly and could be subject to change. Our menus can be viewed here.
5 - Count Day
6- Picture Day
7 - Half Day
10 - No School
12- Late Start
21- End of First MP
26 - Late Start
28- Half Day
9 - Late Start
11- Veterans Day
24 - No School
25 - No School
28 - Picture Retakes
30 - Late Start
YDC Starts October 10th
Coloma YDC After-School Program
We are partnering with the Youth Development Company to provide after school programming for K-5 students. The YDC program is located within the Intermediate building and runs from 3:12pm until 5:30pm.
Health Policy
Parents are not to send children to school who are ill per PO 8450 - Control of Casual Contact Communicable Diseases. Students exhibiting the following symptoms shall remain home or excluded from school until the student is symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of medication.
Fever (temp over 100.4) or feeling feverish/chills
sore throat
runny or stuffy nose (congestion)
muscle or body aches
fatigue (tiredness)
vomiting and diarrhea
Coloma C.A.R.E. Pledge
CCS 22-23 Calendar
Michigan Immunization Requirements
Contact Information
Coloma Intermediate Principal
District Special Education Director
Location: 274 South West Street, Coloma, MI, USA
Phone: 269-468-2415