Hometown School Newsletter
December 20, 2022
Bencik's Buzz
Hometown Families:
Please see my message below wishing everyone a great holiday season! See you all in the new year on January 9th.
Holiday Dress
We have had SNOW much fun this month dressing up with our winter countdown calendar. Check out some photos from some of our special days. Don't forget to wear your ugly sweater on Friday.
Green Day for the Grinch
Dr. Bencik and her kiddos. PJ day!
Holiday hat day
Read A thon
We will be conducting a read a thon. This will last until the week we come back from break. Who will get the most tape to tape Dr. Bencik to the wall?
We are in need of volunteers for multiple events. Please go to this page and click for more information. Please check sign up genius to sign up for an event.
ACCESS Testing
District 123 will begin ACCESS testing on January 11. This assessment is given yearly at Covington School and throughout Illinois to monitor the language development of students identified as English Learners. There are four ACCESS test sections that measure speaking, listening, reading and writing. Covington English Learners will participate on various dates between January 11 and mid-February. Please contact your child’s English Learning teacher for more information.
MAP Testing
MAP testing will take place when we return from winter break. Students will test January 19th and 24th. Please make sure students get a good breakfast and rest.
Encore News
Make a joyful noise in music
Our music classes are taught by Mrs. Rebecca Hemminger and children all meet with her once a week during their encore time. During this time, students participate in a variety of activities. Music class is more than just singing!! Students learn about rhythm and tempo, dancing, and musical instruments. During their music clsss time, students learn how to play the xylophone, drums, and in 4th grade… the recorder! (Always a fan favorite!). Students also have the opportunity to join the Hometown chorus when they are in 4th or 5th grade. These students meet during their lunch, and they perform in different assemblies such as the Veteran’s Day assembly and during our concerts. Mrs. Hemminger also works so very hard preparing our kids for concert time. K, 1, and 2 just performed their winter concert last week and grades 3, 4 and 5 will perform this spring. Thank you to Mrs. Hemminger for teaching our kids and inspiring them to love music!
Kindergarten sings about snow ⛄️
Musical instrument time
Second grade adds choreography to their performance
Fourth and Fifth grade Intramurals
The park district is hosting the intramurals. See the flyer for details.
A visit from Mr. Grinch
Last week, we had a visit from Mr. Grinch. He started out the day very grumpy.. but after spending some time with Hornets… his heart grew two sizes that day ♥️
Santa and Grinch
Santa checking to see if we are naughty or nice.
So excited to see the Grinch.
Save the Date
Please see the attached flyer for tacos and trivia.
We are looking to hire paraprofessionals. If you know someone or are interested, please reach out to the school for more information.
Congratulations Dr. Bencik
We would like to congratulate Dr. Bencik once again on receiving her doctorate degree. She had her graduation last weekend. Hometown school is so lucky to have you as our principal.
Principal Hometown School
Email: abencik@d123.org
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @AmandaBencik
Hometown Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hometown
Location: 8870 S Duffy Ave, Hometown, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-7360
Twitter: @d123hometown