RMP Berkeley Newsletter
Go Bees!
Message from the Principal
Dear parents, it has been a wonderful start to the new year! Thank you for sending your children so prepared to learn! I’ve been able to pop into classrooms, and all I see are engaged, smiling students and energized, enthusiastic teachers. I love the positive energy that a new school year brings. It's so rewarding to see students forming new friendships and reconnecting with old friends. These first days are essential for laying out expectations and building relationships. The table is set for a successful, challenging school year!
At RMP Berkeley, we believe that relationships matter! Whether it be greeting students in the morning or daily "morning meetings", building positive relationships with students is our priority! We also value the relationship with our parent community. As a parent, one of the most important things you can do for your child’s education is to develop relationships with the people in your child’s academic life. This includes teachers, principals, your child’s friends, and their parents.
If you have any questions please feel reach out to me; I'm always available to chat!
Jonas Dorsett
Email: jdorsett@rockymountainprep.org
Website: rockymountainprep.org
Location: Rocky Mountain Prep Berkeley Elementary Charter School, Tennyson Street, Denver, CO, USA
Phone: 720-316-7897
Facebook: facebook.com/rockymtnprepberkeley
Twitter: @rockymtnprep
- If you have not completed the lunch application and are planning to do so, please complete it as soon as possible!
- If your scholar will be missing school, you can report and excuse their absence on our website! In addition, if your family will be going on vacation, we encourage you to plan them around school holidays, so your scholar does not miss necessary academic instruction.
- Students will be able to check out books every other week from Denver Public Libraries.
We will be having a Scholastic Book Fair from September 19th - September 23rd
- Parents will be able to order books for their scholars
- Make sure to check out our flyers regarding the book fair below!
Parent Directory
Please visit our parent directory in order to reach out to other families for things such as carpools, parties, etc: https://tinyurl.com/mry2jxf7
If you need to sign up for the directory, you can do so at: https://forms.gle/TEJEBQixyR6AvqsU8