Linn Lion's Roar
March 2023
2/27/2023 to 3/3/2023
Monday 2/27
Reading Gives Us a Positive Message!
Wear a shirt with words on it.
Tuesday 2/28
Reading Lets Us Explore!
Dress up like an explorer.
Wednesday 3/1
Reading Lets Us Celebrate Diversity!
Bring something from your culture to show your friends and classmates.
Thursday 3/2
Reading Gives Us Superpowers!
Dress up like a superhero.
Friday 3/3
Favorite Book Character Day!
Dress up as your favorite book character.
Dates to Remember:
TITLE 1 State Testing Night
March 3 -
Dr. Seuss Day
TITLE 1 Read Across America Day
March 12 -
Daylight Saving Times Begins
March 13 to 17 -
Spring Break
March 20 to 21 -
Staff Development Day
March 23 -
PTO Meeting
March 28 -
Site Council Meeting
March 30 -
Music Program
Kinder and 1st Grade
March 13 to 21
Kinder News
We’ve got lots going on in the month of March!
In ELA, we are continuing to practice letter names and sounds, specifically focusing on the letters Ee, Jj, Ww, Xx, and Uu. For sight words this month we will learn: yellow, green, blue, what, said, was, where, come. We will keep working on blending sounds to read a word and being able to identify each sound in a word.
In Math, we will be continuing our addition/subtraction unit with number bonds and number sentences. We hope you can partner with us using the materials from conferences to help your child practice these skills.
Thanks so much! We appreciate all you do to work with us to help your child learn and grow.
First Grade News
Hello first grade families,
We are continuing the hard work in first grade. First grade has begun unit five in our reading curriculum, students will learn and read about space and the solar system. We are working on retelling stories with details about characters, settings, and events. We are also writing our own stories where we create our own characters and settings. In math we are learning about two digit numbers. We are learning how many tens and ones make up a number, how to compare numbers, and adding two digit number. Keep reading at home and counting with your students. Count your shoes, shirts, any objects in your home, or as you are driving. You can even have them add number they count. 5 cars and 2 shoes is 7. In Social Studies, we learned about groundhog day, President’s Day, and Valentine’s day. We are now moving on to a Social Studies thanksgiving unit. We will be comparing thanksgiving then and now. Have a safe holiday season and keep up the hard work!
Please let us know if you have any questions or need anything from us. We are very proud of our students and the hard work they do everyday.
Second Grade News
This month in second grade, we will be starting a new unit in Math that will allow us to learn about the foundations of multiplication and division through studying equal groups and repeated addition. We will be using manipulatives, arranging objects into arrays, and practicing more of our skip-counting skills, by 5’s, to prepare us for the upcoming unit on telling time with an analogue clock.
In Reading, we will be learning about the foundational skill called the final syllable _le. We will learn how to find the main topic of a nonfiction story, as well as a historical fiction story. We will focus mainly on finding supporting details in what we read to find a main topic and write about it! We will be learning and using adjectives and adverbs in a sentence with a noun and a verb in Grammar.
In Social Studies, we will be studying Memorials and Monuments that symbolize and represent the United States. In Science, we will be continuing with learning about plants, and how water changes the Earth’s surface.
We have a lot of fun planned this month in second grade and we are so excited!
Third Grade News
For this month, we are creating a timeline to learn about history of Dodge City in Social Studies. This is all about the Wild Wild West. Be sure to ask your child about what they have learned. What does your family timeline look like in Dodge City?
Fractions is the focus in math. We are splitting rectangles and circles, or partitioning these shapes. We are also learning about what fractions are equal, or equivalent. Having your student help in the kitchen with a recipe is a great way to reinforce fractions.
In reading we have been concentrating on finding the central message or moral to a story. We are also currently finishing up our opinion writing where your student decided which central message or lesson of the story was best after comparing two texts. Please work with your student on what their opinion is about different subjects, and have them list three reasons of supporting evidence.
Just a reminder to have your student reading at least 20 minutes a night, and working on multiplication facts for 15 minutes. We want to celebrate all our 3rd graders increasing in their Ice Cream Math Challenge! Plus, we added the multiplication chart that is given to students on Monday and is due on Friday. Practice makes progress.
Thank you for supporting your student in having a homework routine and practicing much needed skills for success.
The 3rd Grade Team
Mrs. Cuellar
Mrs. Salmans
Mrs. Laskowsky
Fourth Grade News
Hello Fourth Grade Families,
We hope everyone has had a great start to the new year.
Students have been loving our new reading unit. The new reading unit is all about natural disasters. So far we have covered earthquakes and currently on volcanoes. It has been fun seeing the students be so engaged during this unit. Be sure to ask them all about it. This is also preparing students to be able to continue writing informational text.
We are excited to see our students continuing to make progress on their fluency. We have started a new popcorn challenge so be sure to ask students about it. For our students to be growing please be sure to have students read out loud to you or anyone in the home. We can’t wait to see how much more they grow.
In math we have just finished up Module 5 which was all about fractions. Students are currently on Module 6 focusing on decimals. If you would like to help your student at home, you could count money with them to help them practice those decimals. Also be sure to keep up on practicing multiplication.
Students are still continuing to work hard on their wax museums. They will be presenting them on March 2nd. Parents are invited to come down and watch all their hard work.
As always, please contact us teachers through TalkingPoints if you have questions or concerns.
Fifth Grade News
Math: We are working on multiplying fractions.
ELA: We are continuing to read stories about Space. Ask your student what they have learned, it has been very interesting.
Writing: We just finished writing a Science Fiction story and will be moving on to doing a Planet presentation.
Science: We are also learning about Space in science.
Social Studies: We have begun to learn about the Revolutionary War and the Declaration of Independence.
As Always, students should be reading 15-20 minutes every day and working on Multiplication Facts.
Counselor's Corner
Students in this final unit have their skills ready enough to begin determining a problem between two people and being able to state the problem, come up with a solution using a problem-solving model in the upper grades, and being able to organize ways to find the solution, utilizing other people’s point of view and keeping all stakeholders in mind. Even in the younger grades, I hear them using the tools they have learned. I love the way it asks them to consider other points of view and get to know someone asking questions. With differences of opinion running so high in this world, it is exciting to see them learn that their way is not the only way to solve a problem.
The coat program is running out of coats, however, keep in mind that if you have a size 7-8-year-old boy I have plenty of gently used coats in my room. I have a few for girls also. As the weather gets warmer, remember this is still Kansas and it can change at any moment. Please make sure they have a backup jacket.
We have a career unit in April. If you have a career that you would like to share with your child’s grade level, please let me know. I will begin to schedule now.
Thank you again for sharing your children with us. We truly do love them at Linn and try to do our best in helping them feel loved.