Teacher Talk
February 2020 Newsletter / Kelly Harmon & Associates
Dear Friends,
We also have several seminars coming up this spring! Thank you for your continued readership and support. We are thankful to have you along for this learning journey.
- Kelly Harmon, Randi Anderson & Ashley Taplin
Black History Month Read Alouds
Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History
A wonderful collection of short biographies (literary nonfiction) of outstanding women throughout history. The book offers bios on lawyers, athletes, chemists, authors, activists, and many more. I love the variety of occupations and passions of the women in the book. Also be sure to check out Little Leaders Exceptional Men in Black History. Get it on Amazon
Hidden Figures Young Readers' Edition
This book is great for young readers to enjoy the story of the story of the amazing female mathematicians known as the "human computers" who worked to send rockets into space. The book is now a major motion picture featuring Octavia Spencer, Taraji P. Henson, Janelle Monea, Kirsten Dunst, and Kevin Costner. Get it on Amazon
Assessment Capable Learners
By Ashley Taplin
In the fall, I had the opportunity to attend a Visible Learning Institute in which John Hattie and Peter DeWitt dove into the topic of assessment capable learners. They explained that students need to be able to answer three questions: where am I going, how am I doing, and where to next? (download this classroom poster I created here). Furthermore, there are 6 key characteristics of assessment capable learners:
1. Knows their current level of understanding
2. Understands where they are going and have confidence to take on a challenge
3. Selects tools to guide their learning
4. Seeks feedback and recognizes errors are opportunities to learn
5. Monitors progress and adjusts their learning
6. Recognizes their learning and teaches others
Learning Target & Success Criteria Check Box
Favorite No
- Pose a problem on the board and ask students to write a wrong answer. Then have students turn and talk about their answer and why it is wrong. Ask a few pairs to share out in a class discussion.
Ask students to anonymously submit an answer to a problem you pose on a notecard. Then, pick one answer from the stack with an error in it, write it on the board, and discuss together why it is incorrect.
Use a test or homework problem you notice has consistently been answered wrong. Put the question and most common wrong answer on the board and have students explain why it is wrong.
Test Corrections & Extensions
Reading Assessment Practice Ideas
By Randi Anderson
Assessment season is right around the corner and we know you are working tirelessly, preparing lessons that pack lots of punch (instruction wise). It is important to remember that we must model the types of thinking processes that are essential for proficient reading and writing, as well as provide time for students to repeatedly practice those thinking processes for the majority of our classroom time. Here are few ideas to use in your classrooms.
Analysis Circles
Good readers should always go in and out of comprehension and analysis thinking. Proficient readers must draw conclusions and evaluate the author's purpose in order to get beyond surface-level comprehension. Analysis thinking involves readers making inferences, drawing conclusions, developing arguments, and using reasoning skills to determine author's purpose and how to apply the content.
Analysis circles are one way to keep students thinking at the analysis level. Just like a discussion circle, students form heterogeneous groups of 4-6 students.
After students read the text at least one time, the teacher or students share a claim or question about the text with the group. Students share their thinking and provide reasons and evidence from the text. Each student will need to have a copy of the text during the discussion to help locate evidence/support for their reasoning or argument. Get our free Analysis Circle Student Response Sheet!
Analysis Circle Student Response Sheet
For students to be assessment capable learner, they must be able to reflect and self-evaluate.
Analysis circles help students deepen their understanding of a text. This is a perfect collaborative learning opportunity that can be used to learn content in science, social studies or even math.
Informational Book-A-Day
Genre is important! Students must use knowledge of the genre they are reading as they process through a text. Historically, most students struggle with informational texts due to unfamiliar content and text structures. Maybe it is because we spend majority of our read aloud time reading mostly fiction texts. What if we intentionally read at least one informational text (or part of a text) to our students everyday?
Reading informational texts helps students build background knowledge. Marinate your students in informational texts, including literary nonfiction, procedural, persuasive and expository. While we are reading aloud ,we should also take the time to think aloud, as well. This shows students what proficient readers sound like in their head while reading.
Reader's Theater
There is no better way to get students practicing the art of reading than in a group setting like the one Reader's Theater provides. Give students 10-12 minutes per day to get into Reader's Theater groups to practice reading their selected scripts and parts. Students will be practicing reading (fluency) each day with their peers. The more times the students read their scripts, the better their understanding of the text and elements they will have. For more information on Reader's Theater, visit our blog post.
Reading Between the Lines: Making Inferences, Synthesizing, & Analyzing the Text
In this interactive training, educators will learn ways to get students engaged in critical thinking. Focus on strategies to get the students doing the thinking, which will result in the students doing the learning. Hear information on synthesizing, thinking of the author, and their use of structure, literary elements, and much more! Empower your students to be in productive discussions with peers and take in new, or different, perspectives. Challenge your students to write short answer responses that include elements from their favorite authors. Inspire students to read and write using favored authors!
Did You Miss Our Countdown to Reading STAAR Virtual?
Struggling Readers Conference 2020
Helping your struggling readers with strategies that work! Hear from three experts over two days in the area of reading on topics of vocabulary strategies, RTI, growth mindset, literacy centers, comprehension, teaching walls, and much more!
Bring a Training to Your Campus!
Kelly Harmon & Associates
Email: randi@kellyharmon.net
Website: www.kellyharmon.net
Phone: 817-583-1290
Twitter: @TexasLiteracy