February ROAR Report
Strategies for De-escalating Student Behavior in the Classroom - Crisis Response
Crisis is the peak of dysregulation. A student in crisis is often unable to regulate their behavior independently and may need support to get out of the flight, fight or freeze response mode. For example, during a crisis, a student might engage in highly disruptive behaviors (e.g., yelling/screaming at teachers or peers) or present a safety concern (e.g., throwing classroom materials, attempting to harm themselves or others). While the signs and signals of escalation may have happened quickly and may seem to come out of nowhere, there are often triggering events that educators can identify, which led to the student being dysregulated. In this phase, the goal is to maintain the safety of all and prevent further escalation, while supporting the student until they are ready for recovery. When addressing a student in crisis it is critical for staff to have a well-rehearsed crisis support routine to maintain adult regulation and help ensure consistent implementation of the crisis plan. Your crisis support routine should prioritize district approved crisis responses (e.g., communication protocols, safety protocols), which may incorporate the strategies listed in Table 4, to maximize student safety.
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February Office Discipline Referrals
- Make sure to distribute Leader of the Pride tickets (paper or via PBIS Rewards App) to students throughout the day. Don’t forget to circle the expectation(s) and explain to the student why they are receiving the ticket (this applies to physical tickets).
- Take tickets/phone out to duty and during assemblies.
- Students are responsible for writing their name on the ticket and putting it in their class jar.
- See Ms. Graham if you need more tickets.
- Use the ROAR when you are redirecting AND reinforcing behaviors with students. Everything ties back to the ROAR.
Meet the PBIS Team
P.B.I.S. Tier I TEAM
Stephenette Graham, Principal
David Lines, Teacher
Jenny Barbosa, Teacher
Lauren Tachias, Teacher
Susana Cognetta, Intervention Counselor
Blanca Nelson, Parent
P.B.I.S. Tier II and III TEAM
Hillary Castillo, Assistant Principal
Amanda Gonzales, Intervention Teacher
Michelle Bauerly, Special Education
Julianna EuanAntillon, School Psychologist
Susana Cognetta, Intervention Counselor
Annie Steinbrink, Teacher
Gerald F. Litel Elementary School
Email: stephenette_graham@chino.k12.ca.us
Website: https://www.chino.k12.ca.us/Litel
Location: 3425 Eucalyptus Avenue, Chino Hills, CA, USA
Phone: (909) 591 - 1336
Twitter: @LitelCVUSD