Cedar Reader: PTC Edition
March 22, 2019
Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre nuestra hoja informativa y necesita la traducción en español, por favor contacte a Erica Sánchez al 503 356 2560 opción 2 para español.
All current parents and guardians of CPMS students are automatically members of the PTC. Our events, programs, school support, and enthusiasm make up this vibrant volunteer community and are indeed, POWERED BY YOU. So let's keep Cedar Park awesome!
CPMS One Act Festival Supports New Lighting & Food Bank
Bravo to the cast and crew of Cedar Park Onstage's One Act Festival. Last Friday, students performed Oz and The Firecracker Incident, both by Don Zolidis.
The final production of the year will be Getting to Know: Footloose, the Musical, a youth adaptation of the 80s hit. Save the date for June 7th & 8th.
**Photo credit to Ernesto Fonseca
Spring Break Spirit Week Invades Cedar Park
Cedar Park Brings Home MATHCOUNTS State Title
Cedar Park's MATHCOUNTS team upended the competition to snag the state title this month. Bravo to these students for proving once again that Cedar Park is awesome!
MATHCOUNTS is a national program that provides students the opportunity to compete in live, in-person math contests against and alongside their peers and open to all 6th, 7th and 8th graders. At Cedar Park, MATHCOUNTS met weekly to practice and collaborate solving challenging math problems in preparation for a Regional and State competition. Cedar Park's team was mentored by math teacher, Sandra Miller.
A school round contest decided who would comprise the Cedar Park team with the top four members to compete in the team portion of a competition. This year, Suyash P., Yusuf A., Sohan C., Noah U., Roger L., Aneeq C. and Yuji R., competed at Regionals on February 23rd at Stoller Middle School, earning second place.
The team then went on to win first place at the State Competition on March 9th, defeating 7-time champion, Stoller Middle School. In addition, Suyash P. placed second and Yusif A. placed fifth in their individual rounds.
Looking ahead, Suyash will be one of four team members heading to MATHCOUNTS Nationals on May 11th - 14th in Orlando, Florida to represent Oregon MATHCOUNTS program. This will be his second time attending Nationals on the state team and it will be Ms. Miller's first time going as Oregon's coach.
Staff Appreciation Celebrates Pi Day
CPMS OBOB Team Places Fourth at Regionals
Cedar Park’s OBOB program is supported through PTC funds and parent volunteers. Huge thanks to Debbie Hernandez, Cedar Park’s LMA, for organizing this important enrichment event.
Looking for a good book recommendation for your middle schooler? OBOB's 2019-20 lists are already available.
8th Grade Students Organize Two Community Service Drives this April
Food Drive
We are collecting any canned or non perishable food donations, but the following are most wanted: peanut butter, tuna, rice, beans, and cooking oil. All of the food donations will go to the Oregon Food Bank who supports those in need throughout Oregon. Please visit their website at: https://www.oregonfoodbank.org
Socks & Art Supply Drive
We are collecting brand new socks and any art supplies. This includes colored pencils, paint, paint brushes, etc. All donations will go to P:ear, an organization that helps homeless youth feel loved and safe. Visit their website at https://www.pearmentor.org/
All donations can be dropped off in donation bins by the office and the exit of B-hall (by the buses). Any donations are well appreciated, and go to a great cause. Thank you for your time and consideration.
YOUR MONEY AT WORK– Art Literacy Returns to CPMS
Like last fall, students will first meet in the Library/Media Center for the lesson & slide show. The art project will then be done in each Humanities classroom.
All volunteers must have completed an mVP background check and log-in to the main computer when entering the building.
- Art Lit: 7th Grade (Wed, 4/10)
- Art Lit: 6th Grade (Wed, 4/17)
- Art Lit: 8th Grade (Wed, 4/24)
There will be a one hour training on Wednesday, April 3rd, at 7:00pm in the Cedar Park Library/Media Center. During the training, the lesson and project are reviewed, so that volunteers are familiar with what will be done on the big day! Volunteers are not required to attend this training but it is a nice way to learn about the subject before hand, make your own piece of art and chat with other volunteers.
Questions can be directed to cpms.art.lit@gmail.com.
Dr. A's February Principal Coffee Recap: The Legend Continues
- PSAT Math Tests Soar
- Next Year's 6th Grade Elective Wheel
- Budget Cuts Dim 2019-20
- Cedar Park Swimming in Successful BEF Grants
- Cell Phone Policy Actually Working
- Other Interesting Nuggets of Information You'd Have Learned If You'd Been There
Dr. A's next coffee date is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, 4/23.
March PTC Community Meeting Recap
Your Cedar Park PTC held its March meeting on 3/11/19, with special guest, Beaverton HS principal, Anne Erwin.
Topics included:
Principal updates, including upcoming dates
Approval of Bettina Jeszensky as PTC treasurer for the remainder of the year
Approval of $6253 for library furniture upgrades, hopefully the first of several phases
Upcoming volunteer needs, including 8th grade field trip and art lit
Upcoming Beaverton HS fundraising events, including Shoshana Bean concert & Inspirit Auction
Our final PTC community meeting of the year will be Monday, 5/20 at 7pm. Questions can be sent to Jana Drotzmann, PTC President.
Pulsera Project Coming to Cedar Park this April
This April, Cedar Park will be hosting a a cultural charity event for the Pulsera Project, a nonprofit organization that educates, empowers, and connects Central American artists with students in more than 2,500 U.S. schools through the sale of colorful handwoven bracelets, or "pulseras" in Spanish.
Pulseras will be sold for $5 here at CPMS, and the proceeds will be invested in a wide range of social impact programs in Nicaragua & Guatemala, including:
- Sustained employment for nearly 200 artists
- Legal and medical aid for those impacted by the crisis in Nicaragua
- Secondary education programs
- University scholarships for artisans and their families
- Healthcare for artisans and their families
- A housing program for artisans and their families
- Environmental initiatives
- Support for other social enterprises doing impactful work in these countries
Students will be familiarized with this Nicaraguan and Guatemalan project in their Spanish classes, as Cedar Park’s Spanish teachers tie these lessons into our MYP values and units. This school-wide event begins April 15th.
Volunteers will be needed to help man the booth and sell these bracelets. Be on the lookout for more volunteer info soon.
Learn more about the Pulsera Project at www.pulseraproject.org.
Questions can be directed to Tammie Catherall (Tammie_catherall@beaverton.k12.or.us).
Final PTC Community Meeting Scheduled for Monday, 5/20
Come say one last thank you to our outgoing PTC leaders– Jana Drotzmann, Karen DiPietro, and Jennifer Kveton– and chat what worked, what didn't, and brainstorm next year's goals. See you then!
2019-2020 PTC Leadership Openings
Open positions include:
- 5K Co-chairs: Oversee & organize Cedar Park's fundraiser next fall
- Clothes Closet: Connect with BSD's Clothes Closet to set-up volunteer shifts for Cedar Park's day
- PACK store: Work with school admins to purchase and organize this positive behavior incentive
- Volunteer Co-coordinator: Work as liaison between staff and parents to schedule and communicate volunteer needs
- PTC Treasurer: Responsible for overseeing reimbursement of PTC funds & communicating balance sheet with Board and community
Email Karen DiPietro (kdip325@yahoo.com) if you are interested in keeping Cedar Park awesome.
SAVE THE DATE– Spring Musical Scheduled for 6/7 & 6/8
All opportunities are scheduled through the mVP system.
Hit the "Opportunities" tab and filter by "Cedar Park Middle School" to easily see sign-ups.
Ongoing Opportunities:
- Student Store (M-F, 8:45-9:15am)
- Wolf Pack Partners (Every Thursday, 11:30am-1:30pm)
- AVID tutors (Tues/Thurs) Email Richard_feely@beaverton.k12.or.us.
- PACK Store (Every other Thursday, 11am-1:30pm)
- Wolf Work Days (Every third Thursday, 2-4pm)
Event Opportunities:
- 8th Grade Band Field Trip (Thursday, 4/4) Email Jennifer_stenehjem@beaverton.k12.or.us
- Art Lit: 7th Grade (Wed, 4/10)
- Art Lit: 6th Grade (Wed, 4/17)
- Art Lit: 8th Grade (Wed, 4/24)
Upcoming (look for sign-up soon):
- Pulsera Project
- Staff Appreciation (Thursday, 4/18)
- 8th Grade Field Trip to OSU (Tuesday, 6/4 & Thursday, 6/6)
- 8th Grade Honors Breakfast (Tuesday, 6/11)
- Student Socials (last day of school, Friday, 6/14)
All parent and community volunteers are required to have an mVP profile.
Head to www.cedarparkptc.org/volunteering for more details.
Cedar Park's Emergency Supply Needs, Donations Welcome
Dr. A's February Principal Coffee Recap: The Legend Continues
Team LUX Science Works on Habitat Restoration Project
YOUR MONEY AT WORK-- Winter Student Socials
February 2019 Cedar Reader: PTC Edition
Cedar Park Begins New Cell Phone Policy on Tuesday, 1/29
Advice from the Trenches: Veteran Parents Offer Insight
NEVER MISS A THING. Community members can subscribe to the PTC blog at www.cedarparkptc.org/news to receive the latest news on the day it posts.
Prefer social media? Find us on Facebook.
NO SCHOOL (Spring Break), 3/25-3/29
Art Lit Training, Wed, 4/3 @ 7pm
NO SCHOOL (Grading Day), Friday, 4/5
CPMS Talent Show, Friday, 4/12, time TBD
Coffee with Dr. Anderson, Tuesday, 4/23 (tentative)
Final PTC Community Meeting, Monday, 5/20 @ 7pm
NO SCHOOL (Memorial Day), Monday, 5/27
8th Grade Field Trip to OSU
Tuesday, 6/4 & Thursday, 6/6
Cedar Park Onstage Spring Musical (Getting to Know: Footloose),
Friday, 6/7 & Saturday, 6/8
Honors Breakfast (8th grade), Tuesday, 6/11
Last Day of School, Friday, 6/14
Cedar Park Parent-Teacher Club (PTC)
Email: cedarparkptc.contact@gmail.com
Website: www.cedarparkptc.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CPMSPTC/?ref=bookmarks